*conquers america*

>*conquers america*

Attached: 123542.png (1101x365, 827.91K)

100 years later:
>conquers Europe

amish are based

Now this I want to see.

oops wrong pic

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I guess you're the kind of guy that wants to live in pastor Anderson's Humanzee Theocracy

kek, wonder if euros even understand this

>Give my your strongest potion, potion seller.

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As of 2000, over 165,000 Old Order Amish lived in the United States and about 1,500 lived in Canada. A 2008 study suggested their numbers had increased to 227,000, and in 2010, a study suggested their population had grown by 10 percent in the past two years to 249,000, with increasing movement to the West. Most of the Amish continue to have six or seven children, while benefiting from the major decrease in infant and maternal mortality in the 20th century. Between 1992 and 2017, the Amish population increased by 149 percent, while the U.S. population increased by 23 percent.

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your whole country is a gypo zoo. sorry bro

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the % of mexicans increased more, dumbass

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and in raw numbers it isn't even comparable
You stupid fantasy of amish growing like a cancer to repopulate America is nothing but a fantasy

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you asked for this mutt :D

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OH say can you see

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no one cares about gypos. romanians are light skinned pajeets with an IQ to match. still saying mutt in 2020 is just gay as shit. sorry nonwhite bro

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ok shitskin

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Why do they all look like vilagers from shrek?

And it's all for nothing apparently

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they've never eaten food laced with female hormones.


why are they all so....ugly?

race alone doesnt matter
ideology alone doesnt matter

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You too were offered the free gift of salvation.


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Mormons... fine, I'll give you that. The Amish exist solely by the permission of the modern world though. Their survival strategy completely relies on the continued approval and permission of another group in order to continue. When they group decides enough is enough they can be completely destroyed in a very short time. They are like a group of cavemen in the Iron age who refuse to use anything but stone. They can only still exist because a tribe with Iron weapons hasn't shown up yet to kill them all and take all their (admittedly worthless) stuff.

Got to give them credit for making lots of white babies.

Aesthetics are meaningless. Health is all that matters.
Stop falling for faggot/female propaganda.

>Guys, trump hasnt gassed all the jews yet that means you should vote for this candidate with no chance to win who no one ever hear of.
Your tactic of trying to make trump lose votes is painfully obvious, you kikerat shills. On the other hand, trump is a neocon fudd so he is extremely far from perfect like migatards think. Don’t fall for these shills, newfags reading this

What's there to understand?
Horse carriages are poor tools of conquest.

Please stop don't :D

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Medieval G*rmanic Phenotype

they are all built for the B B C

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This has to be the most agonizing map in existence

He doesn’t know about the Amish Mafia.

Fuck that race mixing faggot.
I like the Amish. I really hope they turn this country around. Truly good folk.

Freedom is, indeed, best.

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That image is incorrect. Republicans are red, democrats are blue.
Way to out yourself as an uneducated retard

What have I done to deserve this hell?


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This is 10/10 in bongland

11/10 more like

they're not?

No processed food just raw meat and veg

i went to an amish home last month, good people. they know they're going to inherit the earth.

I would take an America with a top 20% Mormon ruling class with a majority 80% Amish working class over whatever the fuck we have now any day.

ITT euroshits SEETHING that they have no based white population growth, no one on their entire continent living traditional lifestyles with entire massive communities living off the land.

It makes no difference, they're the same party.
Just like labour and the cons over here.

>In a perfect world, men like we would not exist

>Genetics is a lie
Your Dunning Kruger is amazing.

Average Stormfag nazi who mocks Christians.

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Imagine living with more than one wife, sometimes three or four. Imagine living with 7 kids from each one.
I'd much rather just go to hell already than to put up with bullshit from more than 1 woman at a time.

Get this: in America, straight teeth are actually considered beautiful.

Good to know, Satan. Good to know.
Now for real, there's no "inherit the earth". Real shit goes down like a nuke or a huge meteor, no one lives to tell the tale, I don't care how much canned food and tactical caps they have, they be dead.

>straight and white
they dont like that stuff in bongland

Top map is not real lumps Mexicans in with White as Hispanic wasn’t a category until 1970.
America hate boner because of photos he went looking for
>believes left wing think tank using guesstimates
Yes Trump voters believe the exact same things as left wing women because Twitter

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Lmao I go to this fair every other year. Its honestly some pretty quality entertainment surprisingly devoid of furshit and trannies