If you're over 25 you should kill yourself. We don't want you loser manchildren here. This is not a board that welcomes boomer scum.
If you're over 25 you should kill yourself. We don't want you loser manchildren here...
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thanks for the image OP, i have literally been looking for this same image for like, 3 months
Ah, youth. I remember when I was that angry about everything.
You'll get over it.
Why are all zoomers so fucking gay?
you're not only a zoomie, you're also a faggot. /hm/ is that way you disgusting sodomite
We where here first faggot
Based twunks
>doesn't realise the average age here is like 38 by now
Run while you can, fool.
you're the skoomah bum
r-rough me up zoomerchan
based retard
>these people are like 30 and still fucking browsing Yas Forums, spending their days masturbating and being absolute fucking manchild losers
You must be new here kiddo...Better to be a man-child than a boy-child imo. Why are all zoomers such whiny faggots?
what a weird image
backstory? is it porn?
>toothpick arms
Someone's gonna ruin that pretty face for you.
i would beat the hell out of my dad if I found out he browses Yas Forums, it would be the most embarrassing thing ever
40 yo. Been redpilling people for 25 years. Before Yas Forums there was other forums/IRC/Newsgroups/BBSes etc. You whippersnappers aint shit.
get a life loser
they didn't have any resemblance of a normal childhood, we had nintendo or whatever but we still went outside and threw rocks at each other unlike these faggots
really why do snowniggers look so much femalish
Source the OP image right now. Or else!
post your twink ass already you little attention whore
It’ll be you one day too, faggot
I'm 36 and exactly what the fuck are you going to do about it zoomer? Fite me faggot.
I have a life redpilling faggots like you for the greater good of humanity.
>he hasn't started a family yet
>over 25
>boomer scum
sure thing, Lil Sheckelstein
Gimme your full name n address.
its because of their high estrogen, which also makes them emotional and prone to niggerish behavior
Fucking kid doesn’t even know what a boomer is.
no it wont, i barely come here anymore im 20 and i was only an active Yas Forumstard when i was 16, 17
you dont have a life boomer
if you have a family and you still come here you should kill yourself you massive embarrassment
coping loser
I have a job nigger. Why the fuck else would I be awake right now. I shitlost in the morning, lunch hour and after my wife gives me my nightly handy
i'm here since 2006 and no one will stop me (well... except my government)
Look, pencil-neck, Yas Forums grew out of /new/, which means if you were browsing Yas Forums when it started in 2003, and you were 18, you're now 35 years old.
Yas Forums itself is a containment board created by Moot about 9 years ago.
If you were 18 when you were exiled to Yas Forums, you're about 27 now.
Just because people age does not mean their politics change, nor does it mean they have to go browse somewhere else just because faggots like you say so.
You sound like a fag pedo, trying to get the adults out of the room so you can troll for victims, or something.
Maybe a commie shithead, looking to brainwash kids without any opposition pushing in your shit.
Whatever, go do a flip.
Damn have I really been coming to this board for the past 13 years?
>you dont have a life boomer
I just told you what my life was you retarded nigger.
Ikr? Even our blondes look too manly.
>(well... except my government)
soon, soon all this fun posting ends for everyone
this is millennials site. Get out of my board, kid
get a life loser
>Just because people age does not mean their politics change
yes it does except for ameriscum
You zoomers don't even know what was lost. You were born into this faggot shit and are only in it for the memes and edgy teenage rebelion. We are here to tell you what was and fight side by side with you to achieve it.
I am 39.
>If you're over 25 you should kill yourself. We don't want you loser manchildren here. This is not a board that welcomes boomer scum.
said the newfag
>You sound like a fag pedo, trying to get the adults out of the room so you can troll for victims, or something.
>Maybe a commie shithead, looking to brainwash kids without any opposition pushing in your shit.
You could have just summed it up by calling him a kike.
dont you have any shame, manchild?
ok boomer
>13 years?
if by here you mean Yas Forums, Yas Forums isnt even that old and i never went to /news/ /new/ whatever it was, Yas Forums is tranny porn now and Yas Forums is what Yas Forums used to be except less funny
lol but how will you survive? whos gonna wipe your bum and tell the other kids to stop being nasty hahaha settle down ok just watch and learn.
Children should be seen but not heard.
Based and redpilled
They are 73% plastic
shut the fuck up
ok boomer
How do you not kill yourselves out of shame?????
You’ll die here:)
Is he your sugar Daddy?
Their entire brains have been replaced with plastic at this point
address now grandpa
Based burger boomer
You don't know shit about life. Your whole world revolves around internet & that's why your generation is human dog food. Enjoy your future dystopia.
Nah it will be illegal to think against the turnonigger surveillance techno state in his lifetime.
So this is why the board quality has decreased significantly. Luckily i feel better by looking at current economic indicators which suggest people under 25 are going to have the hardest time out of any group in the hard times ahead. You dont own your own homes, haven't travelled extensively or had families and are heading into an economic depression without gaining any real world life skills. Chances are a large proportion of your generation will neck yourselves in the next 5 years. Faggot
Take your estrogen and adderal little guy you’re getting a little too excited
He's a homo. He weighs, what, 160 pounds? A real man weighs AT LEAST 190, preferably 200+.
A 6' "man" weighing less than 200 is just a boy. That's why all the twink loving closet cases are salivating.
Make me nigger.
OPs bant skills are too weak for me I’m out
>Okay boomer
Fuck off kike
Sorry I couldn't read that, I'm too busy plowing zoomer pussies busy my big and old boomer cock.
Only 70 year olds should be allowed on this board because they have the most experience and wisdom related to politics without being senile. < 25 year olds should be browsing Yas Forums in a desperate and misguided attempt to get a girlfriend.
thats a pretty good word for it. I want both
>implying it's not cringe for anyone over 18
I hope you are underage B&, newfaggot.
ok boomer
That's fucking hot.
kek, same
im in my 30s but look like a teenager
can i stay
You can't even argue it, dumb snownigger.
Are you even trying? I love a good shitpost but this is the zoomer equivalent of No U
You’re gonna be over 25 one day, just a reminder.
Let me break it to you, son. Your shit's fucked up.
>Literal fucking child
>pretends to be all grown up
>These are baby toys! I only play with toys for grown ups: The Post
Don't stop posting
ok boomer
Yh this, in my late 20s i realised that all that advice from the older lot in my life actually meant something, look after your mum, respect elders, speak only when you are spoken to ect. You zoomies are gonna get a shock when you realise you missed out on getting a slap when you crossed lines, or that you missed out on massive swathes of life because of the internet. So materialistic and vein, and now turning hate towards the older gen? Not a great plan.
Dont bite the hand that feeds you.