Pontius Pilate: "What is truth?"

>Pontius Pilate: "What is truth?"
>Jesus: *does a 360 and walks away*

why was he afraid to answer?

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probably some shit about giving infinite knowledge like was given to Solomon

>inb4 newfags.

>*does a 360
Why are you so fucking dumb?

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He wasn't afraid, he just wasn't here to save the goyim.

Question to christcuks.
Why didn't God reveal himself to an advanced civilisation like the Chinese?
So everything could of been written down and recorded as proof?

Why did God reveal himself to illiterate sheep farmers instead?
Why do you base your faith on the hearsay of hysterical illiterate women how think they saw Jesus ressurected?

the chinese were busy worshipping their emperor and jesus would have been strung up by his legs and boiled alive at the ripe age of 13

Jews killed Jesus you know.

Judea was a province of the largest Empire in world history at the time. China was a barely-literate silk farm with no monuments or literature.

So what he just spun around?

Because that's a meme.

Another question is how you can take a religion seriously when the founding myth is a cuckold fantasy with a jew god as the bull

Considering that part of the gospel came from Roman records, who knows what actually happened after that.

Because there's no good answer.

Moonwalking is implied.

Jesus reeeeeeeeee'd an started squeling and said cast me into the pigs so we can drown in the river, lol.

he also said "don't throw your pearls before swine" which basically is taken to mean don't waste your time on conversations that don't matter.

>Being this new

Sounds really Jewy

Have any of you ever actually read the Bible? It was a rhetorical question - Pilate summoned the guards before Jesus could answer.
Be honest now - how many of you even read books in general?


Fuck off, unimaginative NPC

He did answer
Truth is a circle jerk

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So what would have been different, knowing what actually happened?

why didn't 'god' cut the bullshit & just write a book of medicine.
chapter one how to make basic antibiotics from bread.
chapter two. how to clean water to make it safe to drink.

none of this only begotten son and scary devils shite.

Did this actually happen?

Illiterate philistine.

Ezekiel goes into detail about not eating meat with the blood, not eating crawling things or split hoof animals edge lord. The old testament starts off with a boring family tree history and then rules on how to live and weird shit like what to do when you borrow your neighbors jackass and it breaks its legs and how to pay it back or settle it lol I'm paraphrasing but not kidding

360? It means he ended up the same position. Fuck that shit Im staying with the Old Testament .

>you arent taught to convert non-believers
>he didnt try and save someone from hell
10/10, absolutely not what was preached whatsoever

yaw yes true swizz intelect on display.

>>Jesus: *does a 360 and walks away*
that was the answer

what specific jewish tribe do you belong to?

newfag mountain jew

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you are the illiterate philistine. jebus actually answered that he was there to witness the truth. in the gospel of john he even answered, if im not mistaken, "im a the truth".
that must have sounded like a banter to christian ears, i mean a banter against their own parodistic version of the erudite ancient humanist seeking the philosophical "truth", while "truth" was jebus himself.
that was so retarded that it has lost meaning for a contemporary reader.

Truth lies in action not words

I read this book.
Aesops fables made more moral sense than this jewgod waffling on bout not mixing fibres and other gibberish.

Young Money Records

>"im a the truth".
jesus wasn't italian, thank god
>Imma da troof anna your a mamma

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He doesn't reveal Himself because He loves you.
You would worship Him if He did reveal Himself, right?
Out of fear because you now know hell is real too. You wouldn't actually love Him. Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship with the Most High.

what you cannot understand unless by God's leave

I'm just telling you what it says

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."
Matthew 7:6

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my reply was meant for you. i could be wrong but we've all been asked questions we considered it pointless to answer.


If you follow the flow of their back and forth, Pilate wasn't really questioning Jesus Christ about what truth is. He, Jesus Christ, had just explained as much without saying it directly.
>Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.
Pilate then saying, "What is truth?" is like an aristocratic, "Indeed," in how he uses it. You see, because of his position, he cannot show full agreement with his detained captive. But he obviously agrees because he then goes to the jews and tells them that he has no basis in charging Jesus Christ.
You can find examples of speech functioning like this in old plays as well between captives and underclass characters speaking to, and being spoke to, by upper class characters and especially those with authority and power.

>>Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king

where does pilate say he is a king.
jesus is just wriggling out of questions like he always does.

You sound like a kike and if you are, you of all people shouldn't be raising a fuss over word games and phrasings. Pilate is asking Him if He's a king, but does not phrase it as if accusing Him of proclaiming Himself to be king, like the jews accused Him of doing. Jesus Christ responds with the ancient equivalent of, "If you say I am king, then I guess I am."

>imagine being a christcuck

Pilate was staring at Truth. He had his answer before he asked the question.

God doesn't chase down self absorbed people who ask Him for obvious things that are right under their noses.

>You sound like a kike and if you are, you of all people shouldn't be raising a fuss over word games and phrasing

37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king

jesus is just twisting pilates words and refusing to be honest, he would have been great on Yas Forums!

pilate should have said "Are you king or not and no twisting my words you spastic."

Because anyone asking that question is a retard

>referencing the streamlined translations that sacrifice proper translations for the sake of expedience
>continues to do as I have warned against in typical kike fashion because after being told what to do by a goy, the kike cannot help himself but to neurotically try and assert itself in authority by not listening
You lot really aren't as bright as you believe you all are.


Wait, where are the Dutch?

what is a retard?

it makes no difference what translation i quote.
christians always try this equivocation & it doesn't fool anyone but the gullible

>typical kike shit of declaring things in a way that is favorable to them and then declaring that anything being said to them is invalid in some kind of way
>but always always without qualifying the statements and just stacking the statements

*tip fedora*


post the real translation then
come on.

nails up jew.

the Dutch are insignificant and not worth mentioning, cucks to a man

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>Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews...

Pilate didn't even wait for Jesus to answer! He didn't really want to know what truth is, and was skeptical that there is even such a thing.

It was a rhetorical question.

I'll post them all for posterity

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>Being this new

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>also in typical kike fashion asking for what was already posted in order to try and invalidate what was already posted to others
You're just doing a grand job of exposing yourself, but that's what happens when you kikes feel that your pride has been attacked.

>Keeps casting his pearls before swine.

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why are atheists so obnoxious and can't stop talking about how much they hate christianity?

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>implying I do this for myself and not to try and teach others how to deal with them
If I even reach one user each time, it's enough to keep doing it. You can't change shit by keeping your mouth shut, user.

is it already summer?