Why do they always look like this?

Why do they always look like this?

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they all have autism or some developmental disorder


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is that a jewish name?

>mass shooter
chain him to town square and let the public stone him to death

>The average Yas Forums user

Welp, I guess incel rage is a real thing, maybe leftoids are right.

I’m more shocked that the seller actually sent a real gun for £1,000, though at the same time seeing the stories, they will use the idea of it was “intercepted” in transit but the reality is it was a honeypot and they already had an eye on it.

look how much higher one of his eyes is. you can’t unsee

its called a phenotype

Who was he going to shoot, schools are locked down

>is that a jewish name?
more likely welsh origin

retards are the only ones who could fall for the fbi's traps

It says it was intercepted in the USA, but domestic mail doesn’t get X-rayed, customs may have caught it however. Why did he order ammunition with it, that removed any cover of it being a pellet gun or something less obvious. Should have been pieces then finished it up over there in a shop in a few hours. Dude is low IQ and probably a patsy or mentally ill.

What is the phenotype called?

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ssri at young age because retarded parents

So vaccinated.

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Is that a normal price for a gun, your a burger,( that's the colloquial term for north American,) you are knowledgeable about guns

Pure bavarian

I agree. Sounds like the guy "selling" him the gun by post was a fed if you ask me.

Zeta male

>Why do they always look like this?
Why would a 6'4" model looking dude sacrifice his life to shoot some kids?
Being ugly leads you to a shit life, therefore you have nothing to lose.

>Don't log onto zoom tomorrow kid, you're alright

central casting

Specific genome and fenotype very susceptible to mk-u

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face looks like kushner, lemme guess, he's half jew again?

Oh shit they caught McLovin.


Why do they all look, dress and act exactly the same?

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What a fucking joke! Sixteen years for "planning a mass shooting" is basically just a thought crime. He didn't actually fire the gun or even bring it out for a mass shooting. He probably had some diary or some shit. This is tyranny. What's the next "thought crime" gonna be? I jerked off to pics of a girl on the internet now It means I'm planning a rape?

He has blue eyes and a regular nose, you're completly paranoid.

Stop judging ppl by the look

I dunno but some of them would make cute twinks if they fixed their hygiene
Half of these incels could live somewhat fulfilling lives if only they took the gaypill

It’s inflated sure, about double. But there’s all the extra hassle, the risk etc that you could $500 mowing lawns in a weekend rather than face 20 years in a federal prison for trafficking weapons overseas.. what happened to the sender then, fake return address sure but goes to show how untraceable domestic US mail is they can’t even catch the sender of a fireman to a supposed mass shooter (news article said he ordered 5 rounds..) that made headlines internationally. Don’t buy guns on the (((dark web)))

Because handsome young men who are drowning in pussy don't typically purchase firearms on the internet with the intent to murder innocent people.

have you never seen a lazy eye?
jesus christ this website is a nosediving

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>No wealth
>No social capital
>Nothing to lose.

>What is the phenotype called?
Yas Forums

he vaguely looks like styx

Should we judge them by the mothers religion instead?

No it's very expensive. Like, Jewish gun price range.

It would have been customs.
I've ordered parts that the seller didn't actually send. Got a nice letter from us customs to aus customs to say package was empty.
I actually used that to get out of paying for the stuff because it was listed as gun parts but an empty package.


>What's the next "thought crime" gonna be?
Questioning the practicality of developing a coronavirus vaccine.
Questioning the sense for lockdowns.
Mentioning Chloroquine without a license.

I'm more judging them for their extremist beliefs and propensity for random acts of violence. Their looks just make them easier to identify.

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Because they're on the true bottom rung of society and have nothing to lose.

Because people look like that when they are teenagers. Are you retarded? What teenager looks all rough, cool and stylish? No one does. If you expect niggers to have the brain power to pull off a mass shooting you're retarded. They will be content in raping white chicks and shooting up their neighborhood.

daily reminder that these kids get set up all the time, and eventually someone takes the bait.
If you ever get approached by someone claiming to be involved in some terrorist or white supremacist group, and all you need to help is simply buy a gun off the dark net, you should cut contact with that person immediately.

>this is tyranny
No that’s the UK.

The issue here is that the amount of young men with zero social capital is growing and growing to the point where the incel rage will soon become a common thing.

Don't you see that's the real problem you leftists blind sheep

High school kids aren’t innocent

Pretty soon they will start putting you on a list when you order those frames from your Optician.

You either look like this with right ideology and shoot up a place or left ideology and join a polyamorist relationship with 3 dudes and a fat slut and almost kill the baby.

The joke was made before you explained it, but thanks for the struggle.

These sort of people aren't difficult to identify. We need to either put them in prison or mental hospitals as soon as they show symptoms.

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Because they spend their free time following politics and not skulling down a few vb's.

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As if that means anything. Youre probably the french jew who shows up in every holocaust thread

Text on hat is wrong, undersize of bill is RED.


Burger is a Term for a person from the US bong, Canadians are a Leaf and Mexicans are beaners/spics/wetbacks/etc. Not all north Americans are from the U.S. , just the ones that matter

(((George Bush))) has also blue eyes but same facial structures like Osama Binladen

I know right, I mean, you don't even know what lazy eye is. This kids got a fucking mishappen skull.
Kys retard

Me during classbreaks in hs

>I jerked off to pics of a girl on the internet now It means I'm planning a rape?

Or you can be a centrist chad and lol cash in

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It says it was caught on the x ray at the international airport customs, that’s a slightly better sign that it wasn’t actually a honeypot if they are telling the truth. They will tell you however it’s a negligible rate of success to catch anything illegal in customs, for 1 celebratory story like this it’s estimated that literal thousands to tens of thousands of packages of illegal shit ship through daily. Seller must just had used shit packaging or was a honeypot or this kid just got unlucky

>Nothing to lose

I see what you're saying, but if I switched places with him, I'd rather borrow money from my parents to go on a holiday to the Philippines to spend half drinking myself almost to death the other half on whorehouses and dank Filipino street food.

That sounds a lot more enjoyable than committing mass murder just so everyone will know your name for about a week.

so whole Yas Forums user base?

>is that a jewish name?
No Welsh.

>Youre probably the french jew who shows up in every holocaust thread
I've seen that guy last night but I'm not him.
I'm just saying that OP's pic looks nothing like the jew you were talking about. White guys can be ugly and commit crimes too, you know. Everything isn't a plot.

Most of these twerps are raised by single mothers and the incel glasses are the only thing their insurance provides.

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Centrist Chad reporting in.

It's from a few months back I think. I remember it now as this idiot tried to buy a gun from the dark web in the UK of all places.

"I aint a killer but dont push me
revenge is the sweetest joy next to getting vagina"

Why do dorks look like dorks? who knows.

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Lol I’ve never heard of an extreme centrist. Let’s start a militia/cult.
Inb4 asio

white "man"

>Centrist Chad
Who do you vote for?

>look how much higher one of his eyes is. you can’t unsee

I don't why they were worried. Guy probably wouldn't be able to aim the gun properly anyway.

>have you never seen a lazy eye?

Found the cross-eyed neckbeard

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Fuck off, why do they always wear glasses. Goddamn, sometimes I am ashamed to wear them because of these degenerates.

Wait so getting a gun on the dark web is really just a myth by the feds ?

*World crumbles as half of the net-positive tax base flees for the hills*


I thought that was address a while back

Assault Beta

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Didn't this guy end up going on a killing spree?

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Jailed for intentions??


Do Lasik. The best thing I've done in the last years.

Post face faggot

Hand yourself in then

>Jailed for intentions??

Depending on UK law, it may be a "conspiracy"-type charge which they have in the US. Basically if there is enough evidence that you had a plot and took steps to make it happen. Plus the UK is cucked on guns so that alone is a red flag if a teenager is trying to get one through the mail.

looking like an incel should be punishable by death

16 years mind you.

Conspiracy to commit a crime. If there's enough evidence that you were actually planning to do something and not just talking about it you can be charged. The fact he actually bought the gun was enough.

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Well of course. It's fine to buy drugs from there. A few mates of mine have, but buying weapons is just a trap.

It correlates to the national stereotypes. Its burger, because of the obesity epidemic, leaf because of the canadian politness and inability to be assertive.

I feel deeply uncomfortable with racial slurs, cant we think of a nicer nickname for Mexicans, idk something taco related?

Will it help me to see better? And what would be the price?

>leaf because of the canadian politness and inability to be assertive

And because there's a fucking leaf in the middle of their flag...

>idk something taco related?

You new around here? The preferred nomenclature is taconiggers.

How did they know that he had that intent? Did he chat about it with the "dark web dealer"?

Chances of finding pistol ammunition in this country are quite low, you'd have to pay crazy prices to street criminals which this guy doesn't look the type.

>Will it help me to see better?
It'll help you to see perfectly if you're only myopic.
>And what would be the price?
For me, it was 1600€ euros and my health mutual refunded me 800€.

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welsh or (((welsh)))
>Ultimately derived from the Hebrew name "David,"

Beaner. Because it relates to the beans you get in Mexican food

>Why do they always look like this?
Because most people who end up being involved in "alternative" social circles tend to be fucking losers from the get go and staying in these circles only re-inforces that. Ever wondered why so many metalfags end up being animefags and into other gay shit like playing warhammer? Because they were shit at sports and socialising as kids, and they found belonging with things that aren't mainstream

Nice, I'll see the oculist and ask him about it. Thank you, friend!

I forgot something, you'll feel the worst pain of your life for about a week during the wound healing, so, maybe 2 days after the operation. It's worth it.

That's what I'm curious about as well. I can see punishing him for buying the gun, but this kid got 16 years and I doubt britbong courts are THAT draconian. So, what gives, how the fuck did they know for certain he was gonna go for the high score instead of just buying a hand gun for various other reasons?

I also thought he looked like a slightly fatter McLovin

He will only serve 8 years and be on probation for the rest

>I doubt britbong courts are THAT

Relatively close to where i live a couple got 6 years each for torturing and ultimately murdering their 3 year old child for 18 months.

Was it because they didn't have a license to perform abortions?