I'm a trans individual who has been on Yas Forums for years. I've yet to see any definitive proof that anything which is largely accepted by the trans community is bad for them, and I'm here to address these issues.
Let's get a hot topic out of the way first: gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. Yes, some people still unfortunately kill themselves. But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved. It is not cosmetic, it is life saving.
Secondly, estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male. There is zero scientific evidence that it is. This is baseless and only serves to scare people away from taking the medicine they need
Third: it can be "too late to change". I am 37 and I only began hrt 5 years ago. Within two years I was visually passing and now my voice sounds indistinguishable from any other woman's.
Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.
I will talk to anyone about any of these things. I'm just sick of seeing baseless bullshit spewed about us on this board. Seeing that stuff early on in my transition made me think about some things I never want to think about again. And anyone who posts pictures of girls who are having trouble passing is participating in psychological abuse.
That's fine. As long as someone sees this then at least I've done my little bit and made an impact on the world.
Brody Edwards
>at least I've done my little bit and made an impact on the world. kek
Hunter Gonzalez
i was expecting to see a leaf
Hudson Cruz
Join the 50%
Eli Sullivan
>Trans woman So you are a woman larping as a guy?
Christopher Cruz
What exactly is a woman?
William Gutierrez
I'm the one laughing with a loving boyfriend as a trans a woman who is conquering dysphoria lol. My entire existence contradicts your worldview and it makes right wingers rage.
Austin Butler
How many children have you raped?
Jordan Nelson
But that image saying it's what's in our hearts that matters. What does that mean? Your heart is just a pump in essence.
Cooper Martin
That's more of a far right thing. You know hitler raped children right?
Brayden Rodriguez
Let's say it together: dead by 40!
Carter Allen
>rare chance you are all attention whores who let the whole thread know every time one of you is on.
Sebastian Davis
How many black men have you let point your asshole?
Owen Bell
You are a homosexual in a homosexual relationship with extra steps, and take pride in the fact that bold face lies upset people. I'll bet you even wonder why they are upset.
Landon Bennett
>hurr durr pay attention to me You know, I'm almost to inclined to agree that trannies are women simply on the basis of how much they all crave attention. Almost.
There is no actual thing as "trans". Nobody actually "becomes" a different gender. Saged.
Jackson Cooper
Show cock and titties or gtfo
Angel Cooper
gender equals sex, faggot.
Samuel White
how is it a "rare chance" when you make this thread four times a day. and you know the rules. post tits or gtfo. s8ged.
Xavier Clark
Are you Zinnia Jones?
Julian Kelly
>woman Do i even need to say it?
James Scott
I mean, let's be real here, you wouldn't be making a come back like this if you weren't deeply insecure about your life and existence. 42% is definitive proof that something is very wrong with you people.
Jaxon Howard
>only whats inside the heart matters >blood goes inside the heart >only blood matters
Connor Nguyen
holy shit. if you have to write a thousand lines of text to bring your ideas across, they are probably not worth considering to begin with.
tl;dr - just join the 41%. it's where you belong.
Mason Long
>You know hitler raped children right? Sure he did, Steve.
Isaiah Miller
>the rare chance to talk to an actual trans woman No, OP is a faggot all the time here. You're not unique in that regard.
I can sort of understand where nonbinary thinking comes from. What I don't understand is how trans and nonbinary are aligned at all.
They seem to be total opposites.
John Hall
Absolutely vile to mutilate your body and create wounds that you need to constantly dilate, and the fact that one is convinced that it is necessary is the most insidious aspect of this mentally ill cult.
Go against nature and expreience the consequences
Wyatt Nguyen
This is copypasta, I recognize the error where you say "it can be too late to change" but it was supposed to say can't.
Jace Rivera
That image is objectively incorrect.
Henry Thomas
Gas yourself kike
Austin Carter
Fucking kill yourself you stupid scumbag attention whore
Caleb Parker
HAHAHA you will never be a woman. You will always be a monster and only ugly drunken faggots will fuck you fields
Xavier Rodriguez
You act like we dont know about the suicide statistic? You know it's due to people like you misgendering and even telling us to literally kill ourselves, right?
Brandon Martinez
How based are you
Juan Parker
The only impact you'll ever make is when you jump off a building. Do a flip.
Evan Long
tldr I'll bet your pseudo vagina looks like someone took a hammer to a roast beef sandwich. You're the same kind of person that sperges the fuck out every time some queer wears a dress that they're now trans. I'd say kill yourself but you'll do that on your own in a few years.
Pick correct gender your next life. Stop editing yourselves into oblivion
it's fucked up.
Owen White
It really doesn’t make me rage, it makes me sad. If I could kill every day in the world because I want my children to be normal and create an advanced society without degeneracy. We must stick to our roots while exploring the limits of human thought, and the idea of contradicting the very rules that govern our existence is stupid. One day you will realize no one likes you in this society, and people just act like they do because they have either been brainwashed or because they’re too scared to contradict the narrative pushed by the MSM. Since you didn’t, I’ll give a TL;DR: kys fag
Xavier Thompson
>the rare chance to talk to an actual trans woman no thanks, man
Sure pal, just how the Nazis had drag queen story hour and forced gender reassignments on children. Classic right wing positions.
Adrian Campbell
I'm a straight up Communist and you deserve the gulag for being an unproductive waste of skin that requires more resources than the regular (normal) citizen
Tyler Flores
If I could kill every fag in the world I would*
phonefag exposed
Jose Brown
Gender reassignment surgery is medically endorsed mutilation and science isn't at the level yet to justify doing it.
Adam Baker
You're a fake communist then. I'm an anarcho communist and I probably know a fuckload more than you
Juan Sanders
That doesn't make any logical sense, if over 1/3rd!! of you are killing yourselves because people are mean to you, despite most tranny hotspots in the West being very socialist and accepting, then the only logical take away from this is that something is very wrong with you mentally and it's making you incredibly thin skinned.
Human beings put up with tons of shit, I'm certain the average person in prison puts up with more shit than you do, do they get 40% suicide rates?
Do prostitutes?
Hell, do slaves have a 40% suicide rate? There is no argument for the amount of times you faggots kill yourselves except for a mental illness making you extremely thin skinned.
Tyler Hernandez
>gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. that's wrong, you know. it's just your perception. gender dysphoria is often a symptom of another underlying mental condition. the dysphoria itself is like an itch, and you think that if you scratch it, it'll go away. but since the underlying condition remains, you'll just turn suicidal. because the thing you perceived as "salvation" didn't help the itch. a better comparison than denying a cancer patient their chemo would be denying a rape victim their next fix. they don't need crack, they need help to overcome the underlying condition.
I didn't really bother reading the rest because you're clearly high on the trans trend.
Blake Garcia
I get told to kill myself more in a week than any of you will ever get told that in a year yet here I am kys you're are self faggot
Camden Hughes
So a communist faggot? Holy shit you’re truly the scum of the earth can you leave Yas Forums to people above 30IQ you nigger?
Isaac James
You're not unique. I'm also a trans woman who has browsed this board for 7+ years.
SRS is not "necessary" for anything. It is a dangerous idea that the only thing that can truly help these people is an extremely invasive surgery that has severe life changing consequences due to it essentially being a cosmetic body modification. The truth is that the pretense trans people have lived with in the past was based on inherent transphobia in our society. The idea of "passing" for instance is ridiculous and shouldn't honestly exist. Trans people are not cis and they shouldn't have to manipulate and contort their bodies in a pathetic attempt to caricature themselves into appearing the gender they wish to be. Instead, if a woman wants to be a "man", she should be able to become more masculine and become the best "man" she can possibly be.
It's an unfortunate reality that it's difficult to change your external sex. I don't think we should be advocating for people with dysphoria to undergo severe life changing surgeries to alleviate this dysphoria. We are lucky to live in a time where HRT and such provides so many trans people the ability to lessen their dysphoria but we must admit that we cannot magically change who we are. Medical technology isn't at the point where we can successfully transition someone from having a vagina to having a penis or vice versa.
The thing with giving children HRT? Yeah, a lot of the effects of HRT would be better to have before puberty has set in. It would make transitioning easier. But we shouldn't be allowing children to take these life changing medications without them understanding the consequences. We've collectively decided that 18-ish is where you become an "adult" and are able to make these kinds of decisions but even that is dubious. The gray area here is blockers which are supposed to be seen as not as invasive as introducing new hormones and merely delaying puberty-- still I think it's fucked to do this to children.
Owen White
They arent accepting. We were barely acknowledged in the west ...
William Lopez
Nobody cares. Idgaf about trans people unless they're grooming kids(which the vast majority aren't), or they're pushing bullshit laws.
Don't act like a tard and most people won't give a shit.
Jose Powell
You're extremely weak willed then if that makes you end it. Running from your gender won't make things better hence the 42% not because of "muh bullying".
Eli White
sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. there is no surgery that turns a Y into an X.
you are going to off your self soon. we know all about it. and we laugh.
All trannies get the rope , they try to kill the true homosexuality which defines a strong man . Sexual power , will and healthy body is what makes man a man . Trannies mutilate their genitals and cause mental illness so you get the rope .
I genuinely feel sad for you. The fact that you truly believe that mutilating yourself or someone else will help them is beyond messed up, not to mention you advocate for this to happen to childen. The fact that you see no problem in this whatsoever sickens me. Please go and see a mental hospital quickly, before you kill yourself.
You fucking idiots replying to this thread! More than 70% of trannies have a narcistic personality disorder, which is more often than not sexual in nature. By giving him the attention he seeks, you are practically having sex with this tranny. Even calling him names and being mean to him does this. Ignore him, he is jerking off to what you guys are writing.
Kevin Kelly
Oh I know. So why don't you do it? You're a delusional schizophrenic monster that society has enabled to induldge your sick fetishes. You have permanently ruined your life and blood line and by the time you hit 35 you will have realized that nobody likes you or will ever like you. Mark my words, some day soon you will pull that trigger and that small piece of lead will set everything straight. You didn't listen to us, you didn't listen to Jesus Christ. And for that you will suffer eternal damnation.
Editing yourselves into oblivion in this life just shows the world how fucked up you really are.
There is pillow rooms for nutcases like you. But you want out! make children sit on your disgusting laps telling them they can be whatever they want to be... If the society had some guts you sick puppies would be locked up.
You retards also demand "understanding" in your obviously sick world.
Im sorry but not sorry, fuck off minions.
Liam Russell
>imagine announcing you're trans on pol I'm a fully passing transgirl and usually I shut the fuck up about it lol, this board isn't about showing off, it's about getting information on how badly the jews are fucking us and what we can do about it.
You can pick your correct gender in your next life.
Everything else is just cringe.
Isaac Sullivan
OP wants to groom children
Carter Carter
> gender reassignment surgery is necessary No, it’s mutilating yourself because you’re mentally ill. It’s your body, but to say it’s necessary is disingenuous at best. There was a woman who blinded herself because she was trans-blind, and to compare that to someone removing a tumor that will destroy their body if not, is you showing your mental illness.
> estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male Excessive onions in men can greatly increase your rates of cancer, kill your libido, and even cause erectile disfunction. That’s not even mentioning the hormonal shifts and mood swings. Overall feminization. The basedboy meme is based in reality.
>too late to change I’ve never heard this, but I would advise against taking estrogen to grow tits and raise you’re voice so you can get into girls bathrooms.
>prepubescent hormone therapy literally halts a child’s puberty, this changing them mentality and physically in a way they will never recover from. How about you don’t let a child tell you what pills it wants to take?
Why does it always come back to kids sexuality with you people?
Why do you think people are really starting to turn on you, even the commies and blm college girls, or feminism?
You people need therapy, not cock cutting surgery or the ability to chemically convert children into your cult
Justin Nguyen
Their entire life is an edit, well they think they are photoshopping but in reality it's Microsoft Paint.
It's bad.
Colton Russell
If you don't have a dick I don't care about your existence.
Asher Wood
You don’t show your face because it’s a disgusting hormonal mixture don’t you? You fucking disgusting being get out of this board, you want to expose the Jews? The ones you follow blindly while you promote degeneracy? You don’t know shit. Once we kill the Jews and inferior races, you’re next so be ready.
Cooper White
just another pre-op suicide. soon you'll be trans alive
I love how you completely ignored my actual argument, go back, read what I wrote and actually debate the point faggot.
Also, as an addendum, there are literally parts of cities that cater to fags, queers, and trans. Davies in Vancouver is a perfect example of the gay part of town.
Regardless, even if these places exist, go back and answer my point you filth. How can you justify having the largest suicide rate on the planet even when compared to slaves, prisoners, abuse victims, etc. The only logical conclusion is you are mentally unstable.
Connor Russell
Everything about being trans is cringe, that's why irl I just act like a normie chick and me being trans never comes up thankfully.
Kevin Morales
"Okey Groomer" is what we need to repeat to these sick fucked up spirits.
Josiah Mitchell
Fuck off, my gender is not a costume. You will never be a real woman.
David Wright
You have failed regardless of how you "hide"
lol get a grip.
Christopher White
Transgenderism is quite literally an esoteric insult to God, merging the two distinct - the male and the female - and producing a horrific Baphomet-esque blend of the two on the surface. It is also Satanic in the self-worship and insistence to overcome God/nature necessary to believe something as fundamentally absurd as "I can change my gender", and of course there are no end of flubs and nonsense to cover up this absurdity such as "actually I'm not changing my gender as I was born a woman, just with a cock and XY chromosomes". Most trannies of course are not necessarily knowing participants in a Satanic plot to corrupt society and ruin it for decent God fearing people, although many are. But many are just dupes who were unpopular misfits that never felt comfortable in their own skin before they got scarred by seeing too much hardcore pornography at a young age and were unable to process this presumed ideal of sexuality and how they could ever live up to it, usually being additionally vulnerable due to divided families or just smug liberal (i.e. shit) parents. So trannies are victims, and the moment their cock goes under the knife due to the mental illness they have which has been openly encouraged by the satanic cabal that runs secular society, they become extremely tragic victims. Of course once a tranny has gone too far down the road, they will usually become fervent acolytes of the cause. This is due to selfishness and narcissism of course, as all decisions of the tranny are, so as to attempt to normalise their mistake so they feel less freakishly disgusting to the ever more degenerate situation that passes for "normal" in the civilised world.
Trannies are not cool, they are not good, they will hopefully never be normal and the only good that can possibly come of them is that they are another example of the horrors of neo-Babylon to hopefully shake the normies out of their slumber.
Isaiah Bennett
Who cares? Everyone's life is.
Because kids are trans and doing that can do a lot to stave off gender dysphoria. If a child needs GRS then that child should be able to get it. And some nut who decides that science and doctors are all wrong because they were "brainwashed by libs" should be put in fucking prison.
You can't make any babies, all your life is a larp! And you get pissed and "bullied" cause nobody with a brain wants to play with your sick world.
Egotistical people is what you are, and it's bad.
Asher James
I Haven't laughed this hard at one of my own posts in years
Jacob Hall
Fuck you terf bitch you're probably fat as fuck. I'm more of a woman than you'll ever be just because I dont need to go around making myself feel like one by degrading others for no reason. I probably pass better than you too.
Jaxon Miller
Why is gender the defining aspect of your character?
What does it mean to be a man?
What does it mean to be a woman?
Do transgender people sometimes conform to gender stereotypes?
Nathaniel Reed
Acquire AIDS and die
Noah Wright
Everyone is cutting off their dicks?
Samuel Torres
Do something good with your life. Become a statistic, please. I implore you.
We would all be better as a species, country, and culture without you. Sincerely.
>I’m more of a woman than you’ll ever be. >Not a woman
Sebastian Brooks
>Gender reassignment surgery is necessary In a large number of cases, you're probably right. My issues are as follows: Firstly, the culture is currently pushing this treatment as the only viable treatment for gender dysmorphia, which is like saying chemotherapy is the only viable treatment for cancer. It isn't, by a long shot. What about the people who regret surgery? What about counselling? Anti-psychotic medication? It's interesting that gender dysmorphia is one of the few mental illnesses treated with irreversible surgery. Secondly, having to address a trans person who's been through surgery as, let's say, a woman, when they were born a man. I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. At best, they would be a man who had undergone surgery to look more like a woman.
>It isn't bad for children to transition This is what I have the most problem with. A 16 year old who hasn't undergone the necessary brain development and socialisation to be considered an adult is not in a position to say "I am a woman and therefore I need surgery to reflect that". When I was 16, I was a communist. Suffice it to say, I'm not any more. And what about children younger than that? Is a 14 year old really responsible enough to make a decision that will affect the rest of their lives? A 12 year old? 10? 7? 3?! >breitbart.com/europe/2019/05/12/parents-investigated-after-three-year-old-transitions/ Definitely not. This is child abuse. Once you're legally considered an adult at 18 (and frankly, I think that age should be raised to at least 21 anyway), then fine, do what you like.
As far as I'm concerned, trans people are people with a severe mental illness that requires treatment. This isn't an "identity". I don't wish any ill against any of you, and think you just need help. Cheers.
Caleb Smith
Fuck trannies and fuck niggers.
Nolan Young
I hate jews and I'm not part of shit online or irl. Also my Kriss Vector would disagree with your attempts to DOTR me.
I have a pussy
Someone mad their country full of niggers
Daniel Howard
>There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children. Except all the detransitioners and suicides from regret? "Zero evidence", which I assume you mean as "zero peer-reviewed studies" is because it is academic suicide to try and even start studying anything anti-trans, let alone publish it. You are being sold a fake view of the issue controlled by an academic ideological cabal.
Nice slide thread though even if clearly bait the rest of these dumbfucks really took the bait. Hope they give you a raise for this.