We are doomed

• population 60 mio
• 150'000 confirmed cases
= 0.25% of the total population

assume the number of unreported cases to be 20 times larger than the confirmed cases
• 20*150'000 = 3 mio
3 mio/ 60 mio = 5%

this means that at least 95% of the population isn't immune, if there's immunity to this virus at all. in all the other western countries it's most likely even MORE than 95% who have not been infected.
However, the economic costs of (possibly) slowly immunizing a few percent of the population are enormous and the thing hasn't even started yet.

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Other urls found in this thread:


We estimate lombardy cases alone are 975k, and the deaths over 15k. That explains why our numbers are relatively constante and our mortalità rate so high

and even if true;
still less than 10% of the total population

>assume it 20x higher
We made a study on this over here and that's bullshit. The infected are in the promill region according to our gov and 1.75 times higher than tested

You also send people to die at home and they aren't counted


Should be higher

Someone who gets it!
This health and economic nightmare has only just begun

ma parliamo un po' del dopo? se avete laure inutili o imprese inefficienti è meglio per voi che iniziate a scappare

It's just a fucking flu hyped up by a flawed way of counting deaths.

You should be mad at your government for deceiving you about this.

Attached: deaths-per-week-europe.jpg (2216x1436, 344.63K)

>We estimate
I stop reading.

If you still buy into this shit you need to GTFO.
If you don't and you are just a glownigger you need to GTFO.

In two weeks we'll see if Sweden is right.

Define "useless degrees"

There's basically been no actual large study of antibodies or viral presence in the population to know the asymptomatic or unconfirmed rate. We know there are some but it could be a quarter could be 99%. Anyone who invokes either has an agenda.

fuck sweden

Every degree that's not philosophy, economics, law, medicine, or some sort of engineering.

the Italian Institute of Health (ISS), only 12% of Italy’s reported Covid19 deaths actually listed Covid19 as the cause of death.

Given that 99% of them had at least one serious co-morbidity (and that 80% of them had two such diseases) this raised serious questions as to the reliability of Italy’s reported statistics.

Prof Walter Ricciardi, advisor to Italy’s health minister, explained this was caused by the “generous” way the Italian government handles death certificates:

The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

Essentially, Italy’s death registration process does not differentiate between those who simply have the virus in their body, and those who are actually killed by it.

I don’t know about you all... but because of Corona this is the first time since college that I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for something like this to happen for 5 years. The point where things get so bad that 1 silver Roosevelt dime will buy me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered into conversation about Corona with a roastie milf that had a ring on her finger in the water aisle... and I said this is all a cover for trump to bring us back on a gold standard. She started looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me

We could always just start the economy again, you know. The virus on its own can't crash our society. If anything, it would help in the long run if the giant herd of old or fat or diabetic or whatever people was thinned out a bit.


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>immunity to a bioweapon
you didn't actually believe the bat soup meme did you?

The deaths from this bullshit will mean nothing. Would've been inconsequential if no measures were taken at all. Congrats on fucking the Economy dumbasses

>assume the number of unreported cases to be 20 times larger than the confirmed cases
I'm assuming you're one of the long nose tribe people


Economics is kike keynesian. My econ degree was a fraud. Any economics class that doesnt tell you the Fed is a jew fraud is a useless class.

Medicine is useless beause western medicine isnt in the business of healing. So you can add those two to worthless degrees.


Yeah, I wasn't sure if to consider it, but as a general preparation (3 years) for normies that enter the office world could be worth it.

tutte le lauree umanistiche, più alcune scientifiche, come quelle nell'edilizia. E ovviamente lauree scientifiche stupide come biologia o biotecnologie.

Honestly I think it's just a rough flu

>western medicine isnt in the business of healing.
yours is, I hope ours become the same.

They made a field research in Germany in Heinsberg where the Virus hit hard. Truned out 15%+ are immune lowest score, probably 20%

100% just a flu being overhyped like that fucking tiger show and the chink oscar movie

>Let's assume my facts
>You're going to need to source your claims buddy
He's not even trying.

user asked for useless ones. The ones I listed can land you easily on a job. Only law degrees are oversaturated.

You don’t have to guess
*30% of cases get zero immunity even to the strain they just shifted
*spontaneous re-arising of virus confirmed
The strong/young get it like super aids, sitting in their system like Hep.

Lots of links I’m not basing that on those two but I’m going to bed (11am doh) so go look for them instead of listening to the absolute fairy story on tv

>OK Mario we've finished the sequencing of the virus, and as of now we don't have significant mutations from the chinese strain
>but Luigi, why then the mortality rate is 15% in Lombardy and 1% in Apulia?

Which put the mortality rate at 0.37% btw.

UK scientists said a decent rule of thumb for total infected is to multiply current deaths by 1k
So the suggestion that Lombardy will be ~1m infected atm seems about right

Ma... tipo ingegneria civile e architettura? Sono indispensabili!

I'm phoneposting and my keyboard has the autocorrect on and i don't know how to shut it off

I own 25 kilos of the stuff, hallmarked antique but its a semi industrial metal and basically a commodity. Every rally in memory (two) have been due to large holders buying and pumping. While gold and other seets, even eth and link have done well, sliver has and will be a big fat nothingburger Sorry fren you've been scammed. Now find a greater fool and sell it to them

I come to Yas Forums to read shit like this
Never change user

Never go to a doctor. Its all BS. Something like acupuncture and trauma release exercises. Taking turpentine. drinking your urine. And drinking raw milk, will heal virtually everything wrong with you

ma che cazzo dici che non si costruisce più un cazzo

>A degree in philosophy helps getting into the office world

Post the details of this 'study' lmao

Depending on sources there’s 3 to 8 strains. A few weeks ago when it spread out of Wuhan there were 2.
Also this vaccine MSM has you all waiting for lol, corona means common cold type virus. There has never been a vaccine for a a virus like this. It’s not likely to happen at all let alone in a week or two as tv implies.
Instead they will try to chip us, to trace contacts.

>can land you easily on a job

We cannpt trust the mortality rate. Those are sick people in most cases. Sick people die, eventually they die and also have Corona. But noone knows if Corona was the factor. We don't know this in one single case since they just test if they have the virus. It would need specific organ by organ diagnostics post death and even then it's still assumption

UK 'scientists' are always just some second rate university paki epidemiologist talking completely out of his ass. It's actually been depressing finding out what retards get positions.

Ma se ci sono impalcature ovunque, almeno nella mia zona (varesotto & milanese).

It's pasta

Bullshit never got to a doctor ever. Things like acupuncture, trauma release exercises, taking teaspoons of turpentine, drinking your own urine, and drinking raw milk....these things will heal you from virtually any disease

Kek who makes vaccines and sequences strains? Doctors? Pharmacists? No, biologists.

>lauree scientifiche stupide come biologia o biotecnologie
I know lot of normies that study up until their 30s for PhDs in useless biology bullshit thinking that they are some sort of geniuses. Funny thing is when they'll be unemployed and unemployable tards lamenting that Italy is backward because they cannot have the job (((they))) promised them.

My brother has one and went straight into banking big three

silver is real savings and real money. You literally cant be scammed owning gold and silver, thats the whole point of converting your jew fiat into them.

thisItaly: Only12%of “Covid19 deaths” list Covid19 as causeReport shows up to88% of Italy’s alleged Covid19 deaths could be misattributed

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Here is a bong article about it (it leaves out the part that the numbers are considered low and probably at 20%).
It is a representative test, so more than a study

>forgot link

Cry harder faggot. Only a mere 2% of biologists are really useful.

there's a big difference between mine and your country

>Funny thing is when they'll be unemployed and unemployable tards lamenting that Italy is backward because they cannot have the job
yeah precisely
stupido nel senso che non garantisce alcuno stipendio, è questo quello a cui mi riferivo.

Jokes on you moron, i'm a Marine Biologist. I don't give a fuck about those lonely rats in the labs, but if you think they're useless then you're dumber than I thought

Solo adesso mi rendo conto di quanto "basic" sia il nostro Bel Paese.
Bisognerebbe investire di più nella ricerca e tagliare la burocrazia.

Bye Europe!!! Seeing a bunch of white losers destroy themselves over a flu has been hilarious, but proves that europeans are just gullible idiots. Asian superiority proving itself again.

>Marine biologist
What's the (absolute) state of the Mediterraneo? Is it true that's turning into a dead sea?

Thanks, still the 1st time I read it though

aahahah bravo, lo sai che perderai il lavoro? ammesso che tu ce l'abbia.

Bisognerebbe tagliare burocrazia e tasse. Private R&D will follow. Then you can compensate the difference with public grantings.

solo ristrutturazioni o porcherie varie del genere, verranno meno ora che si appropinqua la catastrofe

Shhh, don't tell him. He lives in wonderland, but soon he'll wake up in wasteland.

Interested in an answer
>thank fuck France has some Atlantic ocean as backup

se vuoi tagliare tasse devi tagliare stato, abbiamo una bella occasione ora, diciamo che lo si fa perchè c'è crisi e la plebaglia ci crede.

>It's just a fucking flu hyped up by a flawed way of counting deaths
nobody accepting that they went over all this for nothing
they destroyed their economy and very very bad (half baked) numbers are necessary to play victim

>Ristrutturare gli edifici non è necessario
>Private R&D

>Define "useless degrees"
essentially all after Bologna

More or less. Acidification, microplastics and invasive species coming from the Suez canal are destroying the biodiversity of the seas. Not to mention pollution and overfishing. Long story short, having a job like mine is a source of constant anguish, because we have little to no power to change things, we only observe them and redact the implications. And if you can't find a possible economic one, usually your work is jettisoned and they tell you to fuck off, all while the dea is dying

>tagliare stato
Ci sono troppi funzionari, serve una maggiore centralizazzione... o al contrario una seria federalizzazione.

pistola, sto dicendo "ora che si appropinqua la catastrofe", lo capisci cosa vuol dire? chi si mette a ristrutturare casa?

>Nanny State should fund my useless research project because I say so
Kys commie faggot!

I work for the state moron, i'm in the coastal guard. I won't lose my job

io sono per la federalizzazione, ma ora lo stato c'è da tagliarlo tagliando i salari e le pensioni.

>ads begging italians to come to canada

I swear to fuck we need a good purging in this country

I love Italy. 2nd favourite neighbour, close behind UK
2 of my great grandparents were terroni.

Based country

Why don't you push for fish farming? What are the drawbacks?

>invasive species coming from the Suez canal
Fucking immigrants.
Jokes aside, grazie per la risposta. EcoFascism when?

allora spero che ti taglieranno lo stipendio.

Disagree. There should be a mix of both.

if unreported cases are 20 times larger, that means the fatality rate is 20 times smaller too

Attached: wow it's nothing.jpg (248x252, 20.83K)

>Ci sono troppi funzionari
>serve una maggiore centralizazzione
user, I...

I really hope Italians will kick out or exterminate their paki and nigger population.