The Bear Has Left The Cave
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Oh shit
sauce or kick rocks
>slave owning Southerners wanting to succeed again
>It will happen when the weather cools
the flu spreads in the winter
this one did
>opinion piece
How can a mexican province become a nation-state?
where does one sign up to violently quell this uprising?
Don't balkanize yet America. At least help us deal with the Chinese menace first.
>without guns this time
stupid fucking commies
Washington and Oregon will follow soon
Awww shit!
Fuck off boomer
what plans? the fucking soft guidelines, only states are actually demanding non essential business close, the feds are making suggestions, ok so cali will open business back up? good great,
>the ravens will starve
ravens = blacks
there is a giant locust swarm in Africa, nogs don't have anything to eat
Fucking Shit
With California and soon Washington and Oregon out of the US, that’s a lot of trade lost from the Pacific .
didnt some fucker say the bear will leave its cave for the last time or some shit?
>military bases
So what are their plans with that? I'm curious how they're going to approach it. Seems more like all they can do is grandstand like he is with it ultimately meaning nothing. Not like the state can just tell the military to fuck off.
Now for my next prediction
>star gorges itself on clay
Dont think of joos star of david
Think of (star) comet hitting joos
The star is the comet, rip israel next month boiz
Time to move to Nevada, sign up for the new trump force to kill all traitor californians, and reclaim my state and rights.
>The star is the comet, rip israel next month boiz
I wish
Good riddance, that commiefornia is a cancer on America and anyone who considers themselves someone who can help MAGA should move to a swing state to help out.
/ptg/ knows that
55 electoral college votes removed from the USA tally forever, Trump wins by an even bigger margin.
As a California I say good. After traveling the US I’ve come to realize I have just about nothing in common with any of you. It’s like we are two separate countries anyways. You suck the tit off our Californian economy anyways. Better to just be done with it and leave you to your mass shooting, opioid addicted, white trash lifestyles. I work at an engineering firm, read books, eat salads everyday, surf, snowboard, and lay in hammock on board shorts. I could care less about most of the other states. Most of the US is Tiger King tier bullshit.
Ok beaner.
You won't be able to do that. I doubt you've been surfing as of late. Ventura county fag and we cane no long gather in groups of two or more. All public property has been shutdown. Masks are mandatory or you can be fined or jailed or both. They let criminals out to make room for this. San Diego county ticketed 22 people for watching the sunset in their cars. All that crap that you and I loved. The farmers, the foods, mountains,oceans, and for the most part really good people is no more
We should kick them out if they don't leave on their own
Only half beaner. Dad is white, Mom is Mexican.
The Bear has AIDS
I'm wearing cowboy boots listening to Travis Tritt
There are two Californians. Hollywood and Beach City Californian, and everyone else.
The first group isn't Mexican.
You're a spic nonetheless
This used to be a good state. It actually voted to ban gay marriage not to long ago. I can get past the bad roads and corrupt government but after Thursdays county order signed off by a county health official my stomach is sick
Shit will get better eventually, and I will surfing at Zuma again. I’m patient, we can wait. I’m working from home now and doing In home workouts, peloton, and playing with my dogs in the backyard. Shit isn’t too bad. Also, I’m in Saticoy.
Oh my bad, take off half of my statement then.
However speaking as a proud Texan, I've heard nothing but horror stories about California, like that they throw their poop out in bags like its the dark ages. I'd be fine with cutting California to be honest, the poor will just eat the rich eventually.
Whatever this spic owns his home. Has solar panels, runs 10 miles a day, eats the healthiest foods, has a white wife and makes good money. Like I give a fuck about my skin pigmentation that I couldn’t help.
Do you hear the cope coming out of your mouth? Must be all that snowboarding next to the equator.
You're not half white then and it's horrible. Rained all week. First bit of sun and tell the wife let's get out and walk the dogs. Not around anyone just out by ourselves and she shows me that crap. But yeah I don't like being told what I can and can't do. Especially if Im not hurting anyone but my body my choice only works for killing babies I guess
I own a bigger home than you, run 15 miles a day, eat healthier foods than you, and have a prettier wife who is whiter and makes more money.
Good for you Tiger King. You make us proud.
I've lived in both. Texas is full of the dumbest people in the world. Don't mess with Texas because it's not nice to pick on retards. Terrible state with very corrupt police. They don't call it the dirty south because of the dust
I'm also not a spic.
Cool beans bro
Can we just nuke the ocean so it can cleanse California from the shekel soaked commie plague thats infecting it?
Wait i just thought about it, who actually would go to California if it wasn't apart of the US all the tech industry's can be moved and likely they'd need to tax the rich to pay for anything so they'd leave, and if it's violent then the the US will just embargo them, or just steamroll them.
>the rod and ring will strike
>pic related
>As a California I say good. After traveling the US I’ve come to realize I have just about nothing in common with any of you.
I feel the same way.
the bear is the market bear you dingus
this has already happened
>tfw you are in the fallout timeline
>tfw NCR form early
Big iron on his hiiiip.....BIG IRON
Yeah, you're not wrong this state has problems with people being stupid, also the police too, though ive had no problems with them.
I always assumed the old addage of "it's always bigger in texas" applied to everything here.
Wrong bear faggot. This one doesn't live in a cave.
patrolling the Mojave really makes me wish for a nuclear winter
So we did something cuck red states couldn’t?
What are the gun restrictions like in commiefornia? They cucked the AR15 over there.
Are Newsom and Trump orchestrating an amicable secession for CA?
Is the goal to absorb Mexico into the newly-founded country of California?
Isn't most of the land and the coastline of California owned by the central government? How do they plan to steal that?
All my NCR/Ranger fantasies about blasting chem'd up gangsters and communal living faggots off this earth before moving on the most economically viable area to destroy the mindless drones protecting the distanced elite making all that are caught up in the pozzie scheme suffer.
>feels like nuclear winter
Damn son!!! Good catch. BUMP
Are masks really mandatory? No wonder everyone has a mask but me.
the STAR is Turkey. erDOGan wants to expand
Fake news
Did you rattle your trailer when you punched your keyboard typing that?
He has done this many many times over the past 5 years, means nothing.
If they left, the US could just invade and take it back np.
They ARE the Chinese menace. Full of sleeper agents, operatives, students. Lots of Chinese owned business & real estate. Look at Feinstein & her circle---all covert Commies.