Is God real
Is God real
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Which god?
There have been thousands of different gods throughout human culture.
Which god are you talking about?
The God associated with Christianity
Of course
But why would he let these satanic evil elite fucks preform horrible crimes on children? You guys know what I’m talking about. Why would he let his creations be sacrificed in rituals? I assume that the physical realm is literally nothing compared to hell/Heaven, but it just seems wrong and cruel
God is dead. He died in 1ö45.
If you believe God is a invisible man in that sky then thats what God will be.
John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
If you believe God is love then it exists; but not enough of it because most people believe God is an invisible man in the sky.
These same people also worship money.
Its not a question of IF god is real. The question is, what do you currently worship?
The mind was build to worship something. We can't escape that. Some people are just ignorant of it. Ripe for the slaughter.
We need to have that free will otherwise what would be the use? We would just be some script.
I personally believe heaven and hell is the current state of the world. Not some afterlife mumbo jumbo. Right here and now.
If you could take a reading of all the energy in the world right now would it be positive or negative? heaven and hell. The world is obviously getting darker. We are walking straight into hell without even realizing it.
Humans have free will they can do whatever they want. Judgement day will come to everyone. Luckily through Jesus there's a way for everyone to get to heaven
Why is your god the right god?
What makes your god any less silly than the Greek or Norse gods?
Or the Egyptian gods?
>God is love.
God actually isn't love. Godan ( God ) is one god among many others in the polytheistic Germanic pantheon. God is not a title, it is the Lombardic name of Godan, or more commonly, Wodan. God is named after the Germanic god Wodan and the Norse allfather of the gods, Odin.
Oh boy, this thread AGAIN.
The answer is Yes btw.
Because its evil and they are evil. Symbolism is their game. Thats all it is. Nothing supernatural about it.
Invisible sky daddy is not real. I swear you have to be schizo to be religious.
>dont believe heaven hell mumbo
Well the bile you quote from does. At least maybe you realize the idea of burning and suffering forever endlessly for not welcoming invisible sky daddy into your mind is evil and would make that god, if it exists, a narcissistic psychopath who is addicted to worship and needs it because it is so petty and childlike.
yeah but he's a massive cunt (unfortunately).
Is it cruel to allow people to do evil? Tell me what the alternitive is. Biblically, being gay, and having sex with family members is considered as bad as pedophilia. God believes that freedom is more important than these things, and biblically he gives mankind command over his own domain. The wages of sin are still death, but that's why our god is considered kind. He died for us greedy murderous thieving liars, and still lets us decide what we want to do.
Jesus never went around telling people to be "Christians". He did have something to say though.
Understanding trumps labels.
OT+NT is the proof. No other scriptures come close to fulfilling prophecies throughout human history. Anyone could.make up a God and say it's the real one but it needs to be deeper than that.
The testimonies of various people plus when I see the evil in this world and how hard they push unholy morals and literally sacrifice people to the devil, it makes sense to me that the devil is real. In my mind, these higher up elites are in a deal of sorts with the devil, where they are granted temporary wealth and power in the physical realm, but in exchange they must push their satanic beliefs to the “sheep”. I mean it’s so obvious to me that’s the case and if the devil is real then God just be real as well correct?
if God is real then why is my life terrible?
checkmate religitards
Free Will. That's literally all there is to it. If you aren't satisfied with that answer then that's your problem. "Do not presume God to scan, the proper study of Mankind is Man."
The Creator will wipe the slate clean again soon, be patient and have faith until then
>if God is real, why doesn’t he love me and everyone else
That’s the best answer or explanation that those who do not truly believe can muster. True scientific inquiry, without any bias, will always lead you to the truth. The real question is, will you accept the truth if it’s not what you wanted to find?
is the designated board for religion yet mods make sure that there is at least one jew cult thread active on Yas Forums at all times
While I do believe we will all be judged equally, I’m positive that the really evil fucks of the world will definitely receive a harsher punishment/be judged more heavily then the average joe. It literally says in the Bible that those who harm the children would be better if drowning in the ocean with a stone tied to them then receive the hand of God
Again a typical question for those inbreed americans... christianity is together with the jews the most evil cult that walks the earth! Religion is made up to controll STUPID people.
If you believe in jesus cunt or god you should be gassed and burned like every jew deserve!
So from your comments you obviously believe in evil? What is the opposite called and where does it come from? What do you call it? Is it just a coincidence that it exists? You defiantly believe in something
We obviously have totally different ideas on it and that makes it impossible to argue with because we are coming from two different places that the other doesn't understand.
Then why do ((they)) constantly belittle his morals and push satanic shit on every one in the world? I mean the same people who want us dead for knowing about this shit also happens to sacrifice children to satan. It’s pretty obvious they aren’t doing it for the lulz or cause they are bored. They have a agenda to push under their “god” in exchange for the power and wealth they receive in this world
In Minecraft of course
Fuck you just spat out some rubbish. The very definition of a "God" does not allow their to be many Gods. If there are many gods they are not god. Their could be a hierarchy but there is only one top dog.
>Then why do ((they)) constantly belittle his morals and push satanic shit on every one in the world?
Social engineering to maximize profits ?
Life is terrible you say? Sounds like hell.
Checkmate athiestcucks.
I’ve discovered something regarding posters like Those who refuse to look aren’t ready to accept finding something they weren’t looking for. God is only an image in someone’s mind until they actually find him, in which case, disbelieving what is seen and experienced can only be classified as denial. Why would God reveal Himself to someone that doesn’t want to see Him? It would be a waste.
Evil is an action. If I go out and plunge a knife in a randos throat, that is evil. If I use said knife to stab and kill a maniac wanting to kill me or others, that is not evil.
The opposite is called good. It comes from within. It comes from our actions and choices. Morality is evolutionary. Hell even animals show a form of morality. Humans are not special user. Invisible sky daddy did not make me, my parents did. Invisible sky daddy did not instill me with my conscience, I was born, biologically, with it. Invisible sky daddy did not instill my values to me, my parents at first, then my friends and frankly Yas Forums did.
Ok MORON. I was raised a bible thumping religiotard like you are. I had muh personal relationship with jebus. I shut out any historical or scientific information that contradicted my faith. I eventually, after finding out some family are atheist, went out and researches atheism. I researched my faith outside of the bible. Hell I researched the bible. I went in looking to strengthen my faith, I came out of it free from the shackles of religion. I asked, I BEGGED God to show himself to me as I was losing my faith. Silence and no bright lifghts. Turns out the vioce in my head I had when I prayed was just my own inner voice. It is still with me. I thought it to be god, it was just my conscience. It was just my inner voice. It reacts to what I tell it. It is not god. It is ME. "I was blind, but now I see" INDEED I DO.
The Christian God is not a cosmic superhero like Thor or Zeus.
Christians believe in classic theism, which makes sense.
God isn’t a genie in a bottle artard. Just because he hasn’t shown himself to you yet doesn’t mean he will never
yes evil is an action. All of this is trying to have an understanding of "what makes it evil?" Evolution is a scapegoat. A God could make evolution true.
First four letter of evolution spelt backwards is "love".
leaving us with "ution"; a suffix meaning to take action
love backwards in action. Look around you. society is going backwards.
> Invisible sky daddy did not make me, my parents did.
This comment just takes my back to my first comment. You believe God is an invisible man in the sky. You believe god is something that doesn't exist.
John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
YOUR PARENTS MADE LOVE. ie; sexual intercourse.
You were made from God.
Is the lack of a God real?
Is reality really real?
OP is obvious NPC.
Nice word games at the beggining there retard. Also, evolution disproves christianity, sorry thats a FACT. The biblical account of creation is wrong and not at all accurate. Much like the rest of the bible.
>god is love
So, god is an action that I do? A feeling? Not an incorporeal sentient being that is in my head and knows everything about me?
Still waiting. Going on 2000 years now. Hide and seek champion he is.
Idiotic post is idiotic.
>>god is love
Yes, try it out sometime. You might be rewarded.
> I shut out any historical or scientific information that contradicted my faith.
Dodge the young earth creationists and become Catholic.
You don't know shit.
>So, god is an action that I do? A feeling? Not an incorporeal sentient being that is in my head and knows everything about me?
Are you retarded? Serious question btw, what is your IQ?
I just can’t believe that in 2020 there are still so many religion freaks living on this planet... yeah we got the muslims but they are just walking behind and jews too but christianity is over in Europe...
If we say: who still believes in god? Only those crazy americans do.
Again: religion is made up by men to controll the WEAK AND STUPID.
>Ok MORON. I was raised a bible thumping religiotard like you are. I had muh personal relationship with jebus. I shut out any historical or scientific information that contradicted my faith. I eventually, after finding out some family are atheist, went out and researches atheism. I researched my faith outside of the bible. Hell I researched the bible. I went in looking to strengthen my faith, I came out of it free from the shackles of religion. I asked, I BEGGED God to show himself to me as I was losing my faith. Silence and no bright lifghts. Turns out the vioce in my head I had when I prayed was just my own inner voice. It is still with me. I thought it to be god, it was just my conscience. It was just my inner voice. It reacts to what I tell it. It is not god. It is ME. "I was blind, but now I see" INDEED I DO.
Sounds like you're a fucking idiot who didn't do his research. Just honest talk.
Yes, and when you realize that it is you and yours that are weak and stupid, you will achieve the Christianity pill. You're the one who needs it.
You're not smart
You're not edgy
You're not deep
You need the Christianity personally.
Because the greatest goods come out of evil. There cannot be the virtue of endurance, if there isn't suffering. There cannot be bravery, if there is nothing to be afraid of.
Will you cooperate with God to become a saint or will you reject him and perish in your own pride?
You never argue with truth, but with hatred. You have no arguments, so you resort to calling your opponent "WEAK AND STUPID".
Humble yourself, fool.
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. user, God is in and around you. Hes in these messages, and in your thoughts. Every idea has an origin, and so do yours, you wonderful computer of a person. That origin, for all that is good, and pure and love IS GOD . He is here, He is always here, you just need to open your eyes user.
>The biblical account of creation is wrong and not at all accurate.
>He thinks that the Bible is a science book
>He doesn't know that the Catholic Church approves evolution
>He doesn't know who proposed the Big Bang theory
Yes! Jesus Christ is lord. Kyrie Eleison!
I followed the same path of reasoning as you
>Why is your god the right god?
There is only one man who said that he's the only one true God that leads to salvation, and all other gods are false. That one is the one associated with Christianity
Best version here
A christian defending his faith talking about argument you stupid cunt!
Go pray to your ghost in the sky stupid asshole. I hope he murders your children and whole fucking family and after that I still hope you love your god and pray to him everyday. Disgusting pedo cult!
I already love. Ok I do believe in god.
Sounds like you're a fucking idiot who doesnt know his own religion. Just honest talk.
Ok Ahmed
Catholic..... You christians cant even agree on WHICH VERSION of christcuckery os the true one.
The faith of the proposer of the big bang is irrelevent. It is right regardless of the faith of the person who discovered it. As is the position of the catholic church on evolution. The bible is clear about how man was made. from fucking dirt. if the church accepts evolution then it has cognitive dissonance.
Here's the best version in my opinion.
Based niggermount