Fuck mark can be based.
post readable picture
and his profile pic complements that tweet so amazingly lol
Simps are a real problem. If you ever meet a man, nay scratch that, a thing that simps like these thirsty fucks do for a thot, hit them, flog them, pistol whip them, beat them with hammers, shoot them in the face. There is no psyop to bring them back into the fold, no reconditioning, no deprogramming. Their coomer brains are hardwired now to simp. Their complete dependency on fantasy interaction is now intrinsically combined with their simping behavior therefore the only solution... Exterminatus.
Here, astigmatic faggot
fuck off zoomer
the proper term is ORBITER
ok boomer
fuck off, zoomer
An actual pollack arguing over semantics, huh, strange world. Simp, orbiter, the result is the same, the solution is the same. Hey, you should know all about solutions.
Mark is cracked, anybody know what happened?
someone needs to make a classical music montage out of this
>who hurt you
Why is this still a thing
as if anyone clicks links here, hope your vpn runs out nigger
I don’t get it
wow they sure are mad!
>phone fag
>whiny bitch
lol what? what is this?
Hello new phonefaggot
see you soon, dont cover your camera
>All those SIMPS defending her
America is truly lost, feminists here have no power and get bullied publicly, so they end up living in literal safe spaces.
Its not simps, its mostly whores getting called out.
Someone should make it into a montage, pls
>all these comments
I did not know Twitter was such a hell hole
When the fuck did 'all sex work is work' become something I'm just supposed to accept? These thots are in denial.
In the late 2010s (2018, 2019)
Because e-sluts need to validate what they do is actually something to be proud of, while it's just life on easy mode leeching of retarded neckbeards
And worst of all is, you can't even blame the e-slut, because if you don't throw money at cleavage streams, they'd not be this cocky
Yo Wayne. Nice to see you still here.
Bruh.... this man
this man who replies
is he ok?
is everything ok with you? Its no shame to tell a women that you are disappointed in her, she would not hesitate to tell you.
His videos are annoying as hell but this was perfect, fucking kek the asshurt in the replies
>Its no shame to tell a women that you are disappointed in her
Women will kill you if you cross them, be careful.
I know right. It was like 5 consecutive noscopes. Jesus
TRUTH hit them right in the EYES lmao
Women kill in many ways.
Often starvation... of love.
You're a faggot
I love the upselling.
>You're a faggot
No, I'm not.
This is where the Safeway slander comes in.
the occasional simping in the wild is one thing, but an entire plethora of simps simping together like a Roman forum procession made my sides erupt
the simulation handlers put the NPC scripts to run on full bandwidth for this one
this is bullshit. She wasn't "patrolled", she has won. She'll pay off her mortgage, maybe lose her looks and have to work a regular job but in a position of financial stability.
Or she'll earn so much she can retire at 30.
Or she'll meet a sugar daddy rich ex-player who wants to settle down with a younger woman.
Sexual capital is real and awarded at birth and you need to deal with it because its going to get much worse (or better depending on perspective) as it becomes normalised in society.
Can someone explain to me how would any company know she was whore? you cant possibly check it, these whores have like 10k subs which give them shitton of money but its still not enough people for them to be exposed. she has no real name anywhere. Sounds like a huge cope of people who are hoping whores will get justice served but i am not so sure aobut that
she doesnt even need to be good looking, saw some mcdonald body tattooed american whore who makes 150k per year, other disgusting whore who is over using filters but and irl is disgusting face but yet simps will throw thousands of dolars at that trash
>She'll pay off her mortgage
Simps need to be tortured to death. Straight up ripped apart by dogs.
dreamhouse at 22 wtf. i seriously consider trapping and get into this myself. why the fuck should i wadte my life workinh when i can take some lewd pics and swimm in money
>being a brain-dead slave of post-modernity and consumerism is winning
there's a reason westerner millennials all want to kill themselves. absolutely nothing of what you said has no innately human value. the colour you're most exposed to in life is the grey of your wall-mart parking lot of a consumerist country you live in. eternally eat mcdonalds and watch game of thrones haha le epic tyron lancaster cock joke I'm a pickle rick star wars bounty hunter tv show netflix hurrrrr
vapid and braindead existence. so many women are going to hit the wall and off themselves in our generation. you live to eat dirt and one day you'll wake up and realise you spend your entire life eating dirt
She won't be hired later. Not because she's a whore, but because she has no skills. She'll be a one-trick pony without her one trick, so worthless.
>hurrrr I live to CONSOOM money money money tv slave slave money house netflix marvel instagram clout snapchat money
literal untermensch slave to the jew mind virus. you deserve all the suffering you get in life
you will never break free. you will never live for anything greater than grovelling in your wal-mart parking lot of an existence.
I could live in a cave and would be happier than you
>She'll pay off her mortgage
Y’all know she photoshopped that shit, right?
She’s been on Onlyfans since March 2020. Her subscriptions are $15 per month. She only has 1.6k likes & 21 posts. Somehow that paid for this house or put a down payment on it. Something’s not adding up.
I'm sure this is a lie. Propaganda to make more women to whore themselves.
Three of the most common would be:
A) She posted it to her social media, and most modernized companies do online screening. A background check of internet history if you will.
B) A credit check which will disclose past and current earnings and holdings.
C) Photo recognizing programs are very advanced. Government and law enforcement agencies already have access to technology that can identify photos of a targeted individual time lapsed in either direction.
The pic is photoshopped, btw.
user...where did you get that picture? that's my girlfriend
thanks, saved me the effort of writing this text for a friend
dont know..
If you're implying that pic is also your gf then those are two obviously different people. And that girl is Russian. I can tell from good slav detection.
Look how everyone comes to defend the roastie.
Western society needs to be reset.
its mostly roasties defending roasties
you have to be over 14 years old mentally to post here
>"thot is a real word f a m"
I never thought I'd actually see a manifestation of this meme but here we are
>Have sex
>You need some head
>Live a little
That blowjob video, she was 14 in that one, he came in her mouth too.
WHAT THE FUCK she is mych younger there where the fuck did you get those pictures
>haters hate my success
Biggest roastie cope of all time
it’s literal prostitution lmfao. Weimar achievement
Who let this Melbourne fag in
Justice? Girl did things she didn't want to do and got money
No different from a bus driver.
Incels got to stop attacking women is not right we will fight back
what are fuckin talking about this is not fucking funny WHAT VIDEO l think lm going to throwup dont play gameswith me
She hasnt bought the house, most likely renting.
Otherwise she would say I own my dream home, bought my dream home etc.
really? thought she was 12
This one bro
Shes a Russian cp model, sandra something, whored out by her mom and now has 2 kids with a Frankenstein looking motherfucker.
Srop larping you utter faggot
I meant this one actually
She’s Russia
this isnt funny l dont understand how you have a photo like this. she looks like shes a pre teen you dont know her youre not brazilian so how the fuck do you have that photo????? dont fuck with me l deserve to know
If a girl younger than 25 has an expensive place to live, you know she's into sex work.
Case in point, the video at
Knew this was bullshit. A couple minutes looking at who she follows on Instagram and guess what? She "worked so hard" by becoming a stripper:
Digging a little deeper, not only that, but she became a..."professional cuddler" charging $100/hr to "cuddle" in a hotel room:
I kinda want to patrol this thot for falsely claiming she worked hard when she really only let men have her ass
if she's pulling in as little as 10k a month (little for a successfull e-thot) then thats like 4-5x average take home pay. She'll pay it off easy.