Skin color does not define your nationality. A brown person with Danish citizenship is as much a Dane as someone with 1000 year old roots in Denmark. Nationality is about values and identity. A brown immigrant who upholds western principles and values is more European than someone native to the continent who does not.
"Europe for Europeans"
ZzZzzZzZZzzZz... go to sleep fagot
ok, rabbi
I just noticed none of the Europeans in the bottom are white.
Sorry that you live in Canada, but please cope another way.
So can I move to Nigeria become a citizen and be able to nigger without being called racist?
European countries are ethnic nations.
Fuck off with your bullshit.
If we didn't consider Brits (who are close to us genetically) Irish we aren't going consider niggers Irish.
Sure thing, Serbia
Justice for the Boers, chink. They're just as native African as your shitskins.
Don't be sorry. My country, as insignificant as it is, is infinitely more significant than the fake artificial """nation""" of croatia.
>butthurt serbs
>change their alphabet to latin
>claim they're a separate country
Nikola Tesla was a Croat who managed to have more intellect in him than fifty of your other niggerish "Canadians". So fuck off you nigger, you absolute baboon, you temporary scum in an Anglo country.
Where you stand depends on where you sit. Ie, it's somewhat your position. Do you ride with Danes? Will whatever will happen to Danes, happen to you, is your lot thrown in with theirs? If you're not accepted as Danish by Danes, if your ancestors aren't buried there, if your history isn't there, your genetics aren't there, and your future isn't tied to there, you're not Danish.
Exchanging one piece of paper for another doesn't make you anything, except give you some legal status.
He was Serbian you absolutely retarded mutt trash.
Get lost cuck.
Kill yourself.
are u a retarted pajeet?? you must be white to be considered european. end of story
We are waking up
we will not go extinct in our homelands
be afraid
Problem is that brown person hangs outside the middle school to "groom" pre teens.
I wouldn't expect a Canadian retard to understand, you niggers need 13th grade after all, but culture and heritage need more than a plane ticket and goobermint papers.
Then again, when your thirst for attention PM plays dressup all the time, one can see where Canadians have no sense of identity or culture.
>13th grade
I knew this board was entirely boomers. Nigga they phased that out in like 1980
>principles and values
Can you define Danish principles and values and how do we test whether a person upholds them and if not what should we do with such an individual.
Makes sense. Government finally accepted it's role as a banana republic selling off natural resources to developed nations and stopped having its kids work harder to catch up.
Ahh. The classic Mechanical vs Organic society at it's peak. Interesting thread, OP. Stupid, but interesting.
Not a strong arguing point as Muhammed is almost genetically identical to any other human being. A mouse and a horse are not.
I was born in a Garage so that means I'm a car.
I mean technically, anyone subject to the Crown of Denmark is a subject of the Danish Crown. The idea that one serf is superior to another because their ancestors only fucked each other six times instead of seven is absurd.
A leaf is not a person. Nations are defined by race and religion.
Not raping kids.
Not beating women for refusing to wear the trashbag.
Having a job instead of fleeing the lack of welfare in your homeland.
Pretty simple stuff.
Ok boomer
that shitskin subhuman got decent banter
>almost genetically identical
Glad you can acknowledge they are subhuman.
>what is hyperbole
You are fucking retarded. Show flag too.
I will kill you leaf. Don't ever come here.
Day of the rake is coming soon!
You Canuks will pay for your shit-posting!
None of them would pass this kind of test
Great well our Western values now are back to being be one of us or fuck off back to where you came. So it's nice that you drew some stupid little comic like a fairy but we aren't going to do your work for you if you want to invade and ruin my childrens future for yours.
At least with niggers we have the fairy tale of them building wealth for their masters. What did europe get with all the mudslimes?
>I will kill you leaf. Don't ever come here.
my tribe of 38 are thinking about moving to denmark, we got lots of invitations from NGO's. need to check your welfare numbers first though.
Nations aren't bound by land, just because you live in the land of a nation doesn't make you a part of the nation. Nation is the people, state is the state.
But obviously Canada isn't a nation, it's just a country, a bureaucratic system.
>What did europe get with all the mudslimes?
good food, exotic relief.. Less whites (puke). higher GDP. more doctors, more engineers, more lawyers. Strong men for the white woman.
And most important, some culture in that dead-zone continent of nothingness.
You live in a 3rd world country. Sit down before I call Trump to cut your aid.
Show flag.
Increased rape statistics
>A brown person with Danish citizenship is as much a Dane as someone with 1000 year old roots in Denmark.
That's false. That brown person is still a Danish citizen though.
>Nationality is about values and identity.
That's true and race is part of one's identity.
>A brown immigrant who upholds western principles and values is more European than someone native to the continent who does not.
Not necessarily. But in some cases that can be true, no matter if the immigrant is white, brown or black.
The problem is, you have absolutely zero generational filter. It may ring true for, like, a single fucking generation, then their kids turn into robbing, rapey little shits because absolutely nothing forces them to be otherwise.
The only solution to that is mandatory civil service. It doesn't need to be exclusively military (and you'd end up with a lot of rageaholic retards, anyway), but it has to be something that will make sure children don't grow up soft and coddled, which will always turn them into festering bags of shit.
Check em before your next AIDs treatment.
lmao, do you even know where is Czech located dumbass?
do you know something about its culture?
then you better watch your mouth lad.
>South Africa
enjoy your ghoulAIDS
Canadians, worst posters on the internet,
Hello Juan, my American majority boy. seen any wyt people lately?
Back to your left infested Ottawa shithole, you've obviously forgotten that 3 specific ethnic groups founded Canada. Every nation has an identity tied to it.
>That's true and race is part of one's identity.
it isn't. you had 0 choice in the race you were born with. It makes NO SENSE to pick an identity based on something you had nothing to do with.
>Every nation has an identity tied to it.
canada is a refuge for our african rejects mixed with some chinese.
kys kike
The faggot OP does not represent me.
>you've obviously forgotten that 3 specific ethnic groups founded Canada.
you mean First Nations? It's much more than three, my guy :)
ethnicity and religion are the foundation of every nation in history. nationality is meaningless if the people in the nation have nothing in common and are indistinguishable from the other nations.
Oh vey!
Bad white goy needs to die out.
>nationality is meaningless if the people in the nation have nothing in common and are indistinguishable from the other nations
there's 4.8 million New Zealanders. They are all New Zealanders. that's something in common. The color of their skin does not matter. Grow up.
>Skin color does not define your nationality
But hair length defines good and evil.
Fuck niggers and pakis, you are wrong.
>niggers and pakis
*new Norwegians.
you're the reason i use an ancap flag.
kys faggot
Ok, Scots, English, Irish, French, Ukrainians, Germans, and some scandis sprinkled in, that's who tamed these savage lands. Definitely more than 3 ethnicities but the English, Scots and French did most of the settling.
I'll call Joseph Stalin to starve your people again LMAO
Why do you believe you have to make a choice to circumstances to be significant? No one chooses their own existence, but it's hardly random chance.
There's ZERO possibility that YOU would have been magically conceived in India if an Indian couple decided to procreate 5 minutes before your parents did. There is no line of baby-souls just waiting to jump into ballsacks and inhabit a human body, first come first serve style.
Your parents either made a conscious or accidental choice to have you, and their parents did the same with them, and their parents (your great-grandparents) did the same, and so on and so on and so on, and before humans as we know them existed, the creatures who would "become" humans also went through the same process of procreation for generations, thousands of generations.
Your Y chromosome belongs to your Father, your X chromosome belongs to your mother; you, and they, and everyone who shares your genes, your haplogroup, your tribe, inherited them from a common ancestor.
So no. You didn't choose to be born in Canada, but IF you are an actual Canadian born of Canadian parents of Canadian stock from Europe; then your lack of choice is completely insignificant in this regard. It means nothing.
Who cares about some dead Slav, Ivan?