right, folks?
War with China
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fuck china. im ready.
China already declared war.
The chinks deserve to be bombed anyway.
Yes. Fuck chinks, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, and fuck gypsies.
who cares either way. either we dominate or the chinks do. fuck the chinks and everyone else.
A crummy medal? They should've given him pokemon creatures!
>implying the US would have nearly enough volunteer soldiers to fight China
And the US version of conscription (i.e. le draft), is political suicide.
I am in
folks, we have to stop the chicoms from taking over the world and force us to learn by heart quotes from chairman mao.
The goal is to make the war so destructive that it wipes out all of humanity.
power structures maybe, but i highly doubt it
Good goys, lets make shelelsteins pocket full
Are you proud of yourself?
Because you shouldn't be.
Any proof of a quadruple amuputee vet, injured in the last 3 years ? And what good is that huge army otherwise ?
>i-its the jews if you want to go to war with china
ok chink
nationalize the banks and media
either (((we))) dominate or the (((chinks))) do...
we need to focus on the enemies within our own borders.
I dont wanna fight the chinese, they run my favorite massage parlor
>I-it’s not the jews!!! I’m willing to die and protect pic related
>for our fag nation and so white women can be raped!!!
Give him a ditto to replicate legs
There ain't be war with China because our dear leaders already sold us out for continued access to the huge market that is China and continued access to their cheap production.
But there should be one, you fucking kike, yellow or otherwise.
chinks are the immediate threat. Jews just want to morally subvert us.
>please don't nuke us
>signed, a chinese shill
Give it up. Your whole civilization ends now. The entire world is united by hate of the CCP. You can overthrow them now and spare your own lives or die with them.
not bait, one of the only decent threads here in a while.
What do you all really think war w china will accomplish? Will we come back home to a nice comfy ethnostate? No, we will go off to die while 'undocumented refugees' continue to replace us and (((they))) continue to consolidate wealth and power.
Wake up! no war w china, war on israel
>im ok with what the chinks are doing
ok chink
who let the chinks into australia, rabbi?
please do more research, theyre merely pawns like spics here are
>What do you all really think war w china will accomplish
An end to the plagues CCP keeps releasing. 3 releases of SARS from Chinese biolabs, 1 release of coronavirus from Chinese biolab. An end to the oppression of the free nations of Hong Kong, Tibet, and Taiwan. An end to the torture of animals and evil of CCP.
Typical Californian
china is shilling boards so hard right now. they want civil war before usa takes them out ha. we have all seen what they have done over the years, rise of the left is them. OK China
So chinks are your spics?
>I’m ok living with niggers as long as we kill chinks!!!
>I’m ok with my media and news being controlled by Jews as long as we kill chink scum!!!
>let’s die in war to protect our mulatto nation and ditch race and ethnicity
>An end to the torture of animals
>still buys cheap meat where the animals lived terribly
>only jews are bad
Stormniggers really need to crawl back into their holes
Could have entombed him in dreadnought power armor.
>Wake up! no war w china, war on israel
you sound like a CCP drone.
Please post the following sentence to prove you arnt a shill and worthy of further participation in this thread:
The CCP is a corrupt organization that enslaved the Chinese people and must be dissolved.
>mommy look! I called that fash a Stromnigger mommy!
A war with China will last only 1 hr or 15 days.
Trust me.
The ideal result is that China and the US throughly devastate each other with nuclear fire and then implode into civil wars simultaneously.
Kikes lose. Chinks lose. White man wins.
>Humane treatment of animals. Kill animals quickly without suffering.
>Burn dogs alive and torture them for hours because they believe fear makes the meat taste better
Chinese are objectively soulless and evil non-humans. Killing Chinese isn't even a crime. It's like killing weeds or pests.
If we go to war I'm sawing the SHIT out of their plywood paper machete monopoly buildings. Flush em out of the towers!
>if you kill your enemies, they win
Glowniggers, why not make an example? Go land in China and fight those ebul commies! Right?
the new (((american race))) of squat goblins
You don't get to criticize Trump AND Tranny story hour, Europoor. That's our job. Fuck off.
We're not going. Jews, real or by nature have made sure of that. Too much money is being made by trade with China to do that.
But they should be nuked.
>>Humane treatment of animals
Not the ones that become the cheapest meat. Even if they're killed humanely, they still suffer plenty while growing up in a cage where they can't even turn around in a factory with thousands of them.
The CCP is a corrupt organization that enslaved the Chinese people and must be dissolved.
You sound like shill. Please post the following sentence to prove you arent a kike and worthy of further participation in this thread: Israel is a false state and Jews are the biggest threat to the preservation of the white aryan race
Why do redditors even try to subvert this board? Yeah I would actually be fine dying in a war against fucking China, retard. If there's an actual nationalist war against a hated enemy then it's a war against Israel and China.
While kike influence in the U.S. is a problem, the U.S. is still massively influenced by it's Christian foundations. If the U.S. was destroyed the world would be a lot more unstable and violent.
It's a fucking chink on a budget proxy, retard. They've been doing this for weeks. Look at how fucking shit their propaganda is.
As if China isn't kike state nr1 at this point.
But kinda hilarious that chinks even lose in their own propaganda
B-b-but he likes ANIME!
I know. Bump this shit so everyone sees it for what it is.
>israel AND china
Dats antisemitic goy! China bad because Soros and the CIA apparatus said so!
>Literally the first nations to invent the concept of animal rights
>Tortures animals to make them taste better
Evil. Pure fucking evil. Not humans.
who gives a flying fuck about any of that stupid shit while we're being actively genocided?
>my people are being genocided in our own countries but i'm going to go kill myself fighting some chinks to help some animals and Tibet
gtfo, must be either a shill or an absolute downy
Yeah I realize this. It would make for some great war themed blockbusters down the line. I pretty much follow the rule that nothing ever really happens.
>Who cares that Chinese aren't human while they torture animals and real humans
Chinese shill detected.
Israel is a false state and Jews are the biggest threat to the preservation of the white aryan race
I would agree, but the recent actions by the CCP suggest they have zero regard for human life and are extremely motivated in extending their control beyond their national boundaries.
They are the immediate threat.
I almost wish something would happen, not only the US but the entire western world needs a hard reset.
Israel is a couple of million jews. China is billions of jews.
In the long run, both will have to go. China is indeed the immediate threat.
TL;DR my shill boss said china is bad, therefore china bad.
>3 chinese shill credits have been deposited to your CCP social credit account
>my people are being genocided
I presume you are referring to race-mixing. In which case, it is a multi generational threat. At this point, and for the forseeable future most white people still want to have white babies.
lol cope
>everyone who doesn't warmonger against China is chinese
k boomer
In the west, almost everyone wants meat for every meal every day. When everyone wants so much and usually wants it cheaply, it's inevitable that many animals grow up in very bad conditions.
People could just eat less meat and more plant protein but that's less tasty. Anyone who eats like that but doesn't like other animal abuse is a hypocrite.
>china is good despite being evil and causing hundreds of trillions in damages and killing 100,000 people worldwide with their coverups.
Shill. Everyone hates China and we're all going to kill you. lol. Get ready to die Chinese fuckface. The world is uniting against you in the greatest alliance in history. You pissed everyone off with your evil and now you die. The world will be better without China.
This I dont need an excuse I've been waiting since 2013
>war with chinks is bad
ok chink
Oh no! Not meat! I guess we shouldn't exterminate Chinese bug people for covering up corona and killing 100,000 people.
China going to die. Your shilling has zero effect. The world is determined to kill Chinese.
No need for ground troops.