Why are they doing this?

Shouln't they be helping sick people instead of doing silly choreographed dances for social media?
It's really flaring up my autism.
pls explain.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Shouln't they be helping sick people

Crisis actors typically have very little medical training

this ain't bollywood

Most hospitals outside of the big cities have had a reduction in patients due to everyone staying in. Many are at less than 50% capacity right now.


Because they’re women. Also because we live in a degenerate superficial country filled with aimless roasties and niggers of every shade with no regard for national well-being. We are a nation of like slaves and attention whores. I hope we get nuked.

I'll just post the infowars link. I know alex jones is a controlled op jew-cock sucker but the collection of dancing doctor videos is here. I'm too lazy to do my own collection.

>It's really flaring up my autism.


Just because I'm on the spectrum doesn't mean I gotta obsess over putting all letters in words or be worrying about grammer and speling.

Noticed many people are doing this over the last decade.
Any crisis can be turned into a trivial dance routine.
As for why ?

We are, are we are, WaLMart!

That's what I need to know. Why? It's hard enough for me to understand dancing in an apropriate setting, but this is causing me to lose sleep. What goes through all of their minds when they all agree to do this strange bahaviour? I'm not joking. I fucking need to understand this.

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They let the patients die without consequence, and still get a paycheck.

All heart attacks and strokes are now labelled as COVID-19, and patients are put on ventilators (80% death rate).

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the hospitals are empty.
when media told you about overcrowded hospitals, they were clearing the last few elective patients out and preparing for a surge of corona virus people.
That's when CNBC played footage from italy and claimed NY healthcare was on the bring of collapse.

While patients keep trickling in, the great surge did not happen through the past 2 weeks.
They absolutely do not have anything better to do than go out and do dance choreographies and complain on social media.


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All of my friends and family in medicine say they haven't been busy at all. Not sure what is up.


Big Army field hospital in Seattle closes after ZERO patients.

holy shit, I lost.

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I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

>a respiratory disease causes heart attacks
>it must be a conspiracy theory!

Go back to fucking dogs you fucking leaf.

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It was just dancing hospital staff on twitter. I was going to post a list of videos but said fuck it. And didn't do it. You all have seen them already. You know. You FUCKING KNOW.!!

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XD thanks for the ((you)) , made me laff

This is the answer. Even in relativly populated areas that arent cities. My hospital has cut a PA shift and half an MD shift/day as a result of reduced load. Normally see 150 on mondays, saw 65 last monday. Its boring as shit.

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It might kill blacks, but it has only made me stronger. I feel like the six million dollar man. My physique has noticeably improved, my skin is clearer, my teeth whiter, my hair thicker and my dandruff gone. My resting heart rate is lower, I haven't felt the least bit sickly, rare for me this time of year. I've had a common skin condition called Keratosis Pilaris since birth. That was gone by day 9. I used to run less than a mile at the gym, now I can run 7. I have more energy than I know what to do with. On day 4 I caught myself balancing on the curb and jumping on and off the sidewalk when crossing the street like I used to do when I was a kid. People gave me strange looks but I just smiled back. Even my scars look better.

My mental performance is also higher. My inbox and to-do list quickly emptied. I 'get' new concepts in my reading faster than before and can read my textbooks twice as long without mental fatigue. I read a book on Number Theory in one sitting, a Differential Geometry book in a weekend, filling up a notebook in the process. Mathematical notation that used to look obtuse is now beautiful. My working memory is noticeably better. I can grasp larger software projects and longer and more complex scientific papers more effectively. My awareness is higher. I find music more enjoyable. I notice beauty and art around me that I never did before. The people around me seem sluggish. There are fewer 'ums' and pauses in my spoken sentences. My reflexes are improved. I walk faster, feel lighter on my feet, spend less time analyzing and performing basic tasks and rely on my phone less for navigation. I sleep better, wake up more refreshed and alert and never feel drowsy during the day. I still drink coffee occasionally, but I no longer need it, which is nice.

Tik Tok is quite literally cancer

Millenials watching 'Glee' a decade ago and thinking that is real life.
Maybe that or similar?


It's just twitter.com/kathy_kitsona/status/1248451348640784384

You're livin in an open mental institution. If you go to your local hospital you might mind find the patients are more sane than people in the "Real" world.

A lot of them literally have no patients and empty parking lots. Any nurse or doctor who plays along is as big a traitor as the elites who are running this.

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The police here for years have been complaining of understaffing.

Yet they find the time to choreograph, learn and film themselves doing dance routines to post online.

>tfw a retardate from Third World shithole dictatorship doesn't understand what "letting off steam" means

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Is this some sort of obscure pasta? Because I've noticed so.e engancement in my cognitave abilities too. I just learned c++ in a couple hours. It all makes sense to me. It used to co fuse me. Especially pointers. But now I totally get it all and it is easy. How strange.

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Enjoy your heart attack, burger.

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Letting off steam from what?

Jealous you gonna die fatty?
I hope that assault rifle 15 you got can kill the virus

Oh wait...

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This actually makes a lot of sense. I might be able to sleep tonight. There is no medical industry conspiracy psyop to fuck with my anxieties. It's just a bunch of faggy milenial retards doing what they always do... act retarded. Thanks user. You may have just saved a life tonight.

Why is a spider biting your penis? This is unusual.

females truly are on par with domestic animals. Fucking dancing. Fucking reality TV. They are just bonobos that can talk.

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Yeah I think so.

the usa is running propaganda on its own citizens that everything is fine just like china does. should be obvious by now

At least post the one with the shapely nurse.

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So that when I fuck your ass I inject you with poison and you die from super aids

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We cant trust these goof offs even in serious times.

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Because the freemason religion forbids them from praying to God.

Why do i know that nigga? I remember him from years ago. Some oldfag help me out.

well op, i would trust that they chose a responsible time and just did a video for fun, which is understandable amongst all this, especially when theyre probably tired to shit

on the other hand, youre the one doing nothing and talking out your ass on the internet.

i dont know whats more annoying,pathetic
that little dance vids or the selfies of marks on their faces from wearing the masks that they tied too tight so they would leave marks so they could take selfies and attention whore


Seething nurse fag detected.

>assault rifle 15

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Cool selfie, incel.

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That's a 9/10 in my synagogue

>What goes through all of their minds when they all agree to do this strange bahaviour?
Literally nothing.


It's part of the constant propaganda pummeling your eyes and ears telling you that draconian abuses of power are just fine and dandy and that you should be grateful you are staying at home rotting yourself.


I've never been more disappointed in Yas Forums who finds humor in damn well anything.

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Your point is?

It's not "flaring up" shit then.

They are mocking the sheeple in their/our stupidity for believing this hoax is real.

The Orlando police Dept did the same thing during the pulse nightclub staged hoax.


Because if they had patients to attend to they wouldn't have the time to choreograph and dance on camera ?

Best proof this shit is a hoax.

Based and redpilled!

Take your meds