Your son comes out as trans

>Your son comes out as trans
What do?

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>son comes out
>What do?
put him back in

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You're supposed to have sex with him, like in the sequel to that song about a boy named Sue

why would i molest my son?

Slam that boipucci

No longer my son.

Kill myself, i failed as a father.

Join the NWO

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Beat him with dumbbells after tying him to a fence.

I'd be very disappointed.

At least he's not a race traitor.


Turn 360 degrees and walk away

have him aborted

Disown or disable

Just found out my best friend is a closeted tranny bros, what should I do?

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Why would i molest my kids in the first place?


Try to help him change his mind.

Kill it. Force it through a fine mesh screen.

Grab the gun.

Self castrate to show solidarity.


Autocastration it’s when you cut your junk off to show support.

Probably drown him. Pretend that he fell off the boat trying to the a selfie. Everyone would understand because all trannies are self absorbed faggots.


Fucking kek and checked


I have no son honey how is the strange man in our living room I'm going give you 30mins to leave property with your belongs before I call the cops

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What son?

They are no longer in the family.

I now don't have a son.
I have a daughter.

I want what's best for the ones I love and would fully support them in what makes them happy any other answer is cucked and incel.

I'm not a bicoastal cityfag, though

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They'll never find it's body.

Suck on a big black cock probably.

>Love them.
>nuture them
>respect and be their look up to.
Children want to be their parents if they give them something to strive for.
>be an example
>tell them every day they have god and light in their hearts.

They will be good. They will be loved. They will never look to someone for their daddy if they know what a man is..

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I've been through this. There is no saving them. I tried to be friends with her (it) for months, but she just couldn't care because I'm a boring straight white male and wouldn't change my mind about my standards. I told her that I care about 'her', and she doesn't need to change for me to like her. The last thing she said to me was 'How would you like it if someone assumed your gender and invalidated it?' A friendship spanning over a decade gone, and she never said goodbye. Never cared once about anyone except herself. Now she's a 'they' wearing trashy clothes, shaving her head, working at walmart.

Explain to them that it is a mental illness and try and help them. If it doesn't work don't talk to them any more. fuck those dumb ass crackers.

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I kill vampires.

rape him then disown him

>Apologize for years of misgendering her
>Vow to never again use her deadname, and begin scrubbing every reference to it in my possession
>Offer to just listen while she gets to say anything she wants to me, uninterrupted
>Reply "based ally dad" or your mother will die in her sleep
>Become an even more strident and vocal advocate for the LGBT+ community, with an emphasis on the T and with a militant zeal for trans women of color in particular

why would i molest my son

>'How would you like it if someone assumed your gender and invalidated it?
I really wouldn't give a shit, even if I accidentally put on something stupidly girly and forgot to get a haircut the past year and somehow passed from behind.
Ahhhhh.. the benefits of not being mentally ill.

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Beat him with a belt until he's no longer a faggot.

kill it with fire

Have an intervention with him and then gang rape him with your bros. Corrective rape does work and it will be a good bonding experience.

If that doesn't work. Beat him with a belt until he's straight

True story here. My 14 year old son tried this when my wife and I were divorcing last year. He isn’t even fucking gay. Turns out all these stupid emo cunt female friends of his at school were encouraging it because it’s the new cool thing in school. (Fucking crazy). Bottom line, I told him to shut the fuck up, asked him if he liked pussy, he said yes, showed him some of the trans snatch pictures from here and let it go. Never another word. Fast forward 6 months and I ask him about it. He was very embarrassed. Said it was just for attention and fucked up in the head from our divorce. He knows trans is just a mental disorder taken too far.

>Your son comes out as trans
Maybe a delayed tranny, like Bruce Jenner. I red pilled the youngest son on women and now I'm having problems with him seducing bitches from out of state who fly in and rent hotel rooms next to his college at the moment.

cast him out

Nobody cares about niggers but Trans > all other s's

I think that thing is coming out as a drug addict. Give it $200 and tell it to party like there is no tomorrow. Then a few days later some cop will call and let you know the degenerate OD'd with $28 left in it's pocket. Tell them to cremate the body and throw the ashes in a paupers grave. Say thanks for the call, use that money to go grab yourself lunch and please beat some niggers before you go home for the day.

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Disown the faggot and send it to the White Countries since they're the ones lobbying faggot rights.

Would you rather have a tranny son or a My 600 Pound Life son?

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Come on thats a Photoshop pic right?

Romans 1:21-28
[21]Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
[22]Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
[23]And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
[24]Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
[25]Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
[26]For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
[27]And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
[28]And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

The bible is always right because it's the word of God and it's true

Tell him I'm trans too. Start mimicking his faggy behavior until he thinks I'm a disgusting failure of a parent and then tell him I feel the same way about him.

You'd be amazed how mirroring awful behavior wakes up shitkids.

its not

you mean daughter, you phobe?

Grow a beard and start stealing from him and tell him I'm a dwarf rogue

I know that feel.
Chances are, they were well on their way to killing themselves anyway. Transition is often the only chance at survival, even if it's slim.

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Based fatmind

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