Board quality all around is absolutely fucking abhorrent and Hiro hasn't done jack shit about it. What do we do? And no, I'm not gonna post this on Yas Forums or /qa/ where it'll die, for fuck's sake SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE.
Yas Forums Needs a Revolution
Other urls found in this thread:
Ive been here a long ass time. I dont think its ever been this bad.
The jannies are on strike demanding a 15 percent pay raise. Either pay the 15 percent or deal with this shit.
jannies can fuck off. Yas Forums was great before them. its a board culture problem. Zoomers just aint cut from the same cloth as oldfags
Yas Forums used to be a really fun place for shitposting but now it's just a pornboard and all the faggotry and relentless tomfuckery has spread out everywhere.
I've been here for a few years and it's definitely a shit show now. I now just check this place when I'm on the shitter or about to go to bed. I'm sure there's other boards out there that people have migrated to. Ive been to a couple but this place still holds sentimental value (sounds faggy bit it's true.)
Still come for any happenings and to see what the shills, jidf and glowniggers are pushing. The propaganda on here has reached mainstream news media levels of agitprop. It's not even disheartening. It's just fucking annoying as fuck
Make Yas Forums Great Again
Personally I feel that Yas Forums should be closed for a time, not because I dislike it, I really love lurking on Yas Forums but it generates a lot of tourist activity being the most popular board on Yas Forums at present
Closing Yas Forums would mean the tourists, journos and boomers would leave Yas Forums almost entirely
Secondly everyone else would go back to their own boards, their home boards, and they would take the quality shitposting with them
I’m not a natural born Yas Forumslack, I was originally all about Yas Forums and Yas Forums
If Yas Forums disappeared then like the dolphins in Venice, I would return
Then we could take the fight to the trannys that have all but taken over those boards instead of hiding out in our containment board
Things need to be shook up or this website, as a whole, will never be the same again
M4GA brother
15% more of 0 is 0
>Close Yas Forums for a given time
I think this would spell chaos for all the other boards user.
yeah i remember when Yas Forums would raid shit like habbo and generate top tier memes that would spread throughout the internet. Now it is nothing, just coomers.
Bring back /mlpol/
>habbo raids
Holy fuck why did you have to remind me of this? It's so sad to think about now, those were the best fucking times. The tumblr raids, Operation Gempolish. HWNDU. Fuck me.
Could somehow encouraging anons to use the filters help...? Getting anons not to reply to memeflags/slide threads, etc. is simply impossible, but getting them to actualy use the filters might be....
its a part of internet history that is over and i am an eyewitness to it, a primary source. I am proud. But its hard to think about what this place and the internet were 10-15 years ago. Its a shame.
I think now with such a large influx of faggots the only solution is moderators who give a shit. The staff believe it or not don't really care about posting quality as long as the rules are enforced.
/mlpol/ was actually a quality board so I’m okay with it
Let’s all just go to /mlpol/ lads
Everything is going to shit
Imagine the internet in another 5-10 years
It’s gonna be pure Jewish cringe corporate bullshit npc heaven
It’s over. Gone full circle. We have to go back to irl shitposting
Hiro won't do anything but ban Yas Forums altogether.
He knows what it would spell for the whole site.
15% more hot pocket filling?
yep, the future is not on the internet, the internet is increasingly just a big containment board. i am getting on less and less as the years go by
the obvious answer is for mods to move 97% of the catalog to Yas Forums
both Yas Forums and Yas Forums would be improved beyond belief
Phoneposting is not the only reason but a big reason that quality has dipped. Threads move too fast when most of them are phone posts. But I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes like every other place on the internet with mass censorship against wrong think.
>/pol sucks now
>.t oldfag
>Continues to use reddit spacing.
This would not be a bad thing
Could someone show me what it was like Yas Forums when it was great?
It got pretty bad in 2016. Never really recovered.
The board is fine why dont you eat shit and die OP
>Hey guys, redpill on X, do think Y?
>pic of hot chick
>asian waifu
>apologize to China
>this make you mad white boy/black men are dominant
>I forgot to take my meds, here is my personal delusion
>pic unrelated, never a link
The problem with Yas Forums is that most posting has become formulaic. Every day I come in it is the same shit over and over and over. There was one thread about the Man In Black that was interesting...until the Chang posters with their Aussie/Canuck flags stormed in and started shitting it all up.
And another thing I have noticed about the younger posters. They can not help but respond to bait threads. Obvious bait with titles literally from the bannable list get a hundred, two hundred replies of simp motherfuckers falling for it.
And the only time mods seem to jump in and do anything is when you respond violently to pedopostings.
Shts fucked but what should we expect from a generation coming of age raised on television, tablets and self-esteem empowerment.
Qoomer ringleaders should be doxxed like Chanology pushing retards were back in the day.
He said a few years. Hell, if you came here in 2014 you'd notice a massive change in quality. Everything really started going downhill after 2015.
It was never great, it was an ocean of piss, but it was our ocean of piss. We just wanted to shitpost.
Ill never forget the original great awakening threads. That shit was so weird and flooded the board with boomers spamming the same threads over and over
200+ thread on how Equestria was the ideal National Socialist world fully realized backed by the actual study of the economics of ponyland
Shit was funny as fuck.
I didn’t have regular internet access 2013 - 2015 and when I got back online it was a different Yas Forums
Apparently I missed GamerGate entirely but I couldn’t just be GG that sent us down this twisted road, surely not
What said.
/s4s/ is kind of like Yas Forums but not nearly as creative or original. It's hard to describe. There was some of the most abhorrent shit and it was absolute chaos but there was also extremely quality content and shit that would make you laugh your ass off for hours and hours.
Everyone getting paid to post here or thinks they're crusading against the evil pasty internet trolls needs to fuck off
That's just a meme... I hope...
I miss it. Just weird shit that some rando would do. Or some well timed response where you would just laugh for 20 minutes for some reason.
You should move this entire mentality and usual topics of Yas Forums over to and turn the wholesome world of the Disney freaks into the new place for shitposting. They are super depressed from their parks being closed down and it is mostly Tumblr type dyed hair fat chicks or Tinder thots who pose with minnie ears anyway.
It's not now.
Twilight fucked it up with diversity.
Here we go again, where everybody is going to call me a glowigger and an FBI agent. But the "revolution" Yas Forums needs is for everyone to get the fuck off of the computer and start doing things in the real world.
Everything this board hates is happening in the real world. And it's being advanced by people and organizations and infrastructure in the real world. It's nothing more than a placebo to sit around in your underwear typing about it (inbetween porn sessions) on your computer.
And I know that 90% of you are utterly useless pieces of shit who are fully part of the problems you denounce. I'm not talking to any of you. I'm talking to the ~5% who know it's time to move on from this.
I am an oldfag but I don't even like gaming anymore and the internet long ago lost that wild frontier nature that made it fun. Let the kids learn what us oldfucks know, corporate control will make everything a stale sterile desert.
The sad state of affairs from what I see of my kids friends is most of them don't even have a clue there is any other way. Just /obey/ and don't rock the boat, consume more product and go with the flow.
I already understand this and you're not a glownigger, but how do you think I got motivated to carry this mentality in the first place?
It's already there. Post "I hate women" and nothing. Post "I hate pedophiles" banned. And the jannies are on record for hating the absolute fuck out of this board because of Le Ebil Internet Nahzees
thats not reddit spacing
those were paragraphs
this is reddit spacing
double spacing every fucking sentence
learn the difference
Hey m,an, just Trust The Plan. Any day now Jeff Sessions is going to teleport into Hillary Clintons sagging labia and arrest her for treason, you'll see. 16 gorillion sealed indictments, white hats, JSOCn niggas in gorilla suits, the worx, man!
t. based black man and MAGAtranny
I used to be such a patriot for this country and I mocked the whole clown world meme as nihilistic bullshit shitposting but now I get it and it still makes me sad.
>Make all forms of wojakposting banworthy
there, now this board’s post quality is 99% better than it is now
>Literally does't know the difference between paragraphs and redidiot spacing.
How old are you, 12? You do realize that there's a thing called paragraphs, right?
It’s not a difficult meme to understand
Imagine seeing a quality post like that and thinking “haha u retard u did reddit spacing” and not even getting that right
The niggers we share this website with now don’t even understand their own memes
Want a selection of responses to you in most threads these days that OP is talking about?
>have sex, incel
>take your meds
>this is X IPOL groups board now
>sad little man in his basement being a virgin
I think Tumblr being shutdown had a lot to do with it all going to shit
I missed gamergate too, mainly cus I stopped playing vidya. I was on early Yas Forums then left for awhile, then came back before the great fappening.
yup. the internet is a corporate wasteland. When i have children I think im going to throw my tv out and leave my computer at work. i want to raise them outside, read them real stories, etc.
In the mean time post gore and red pills? Unless a team of savvy hackers can take hold of this website, there’s nothing that can be done.
The 4 is also an A. Hmm
>only bbc posting is allowed here!
>What do i see here? A MEME? Geddafuckouttahere
This board is too dangerous, so it has been neutralized. Following news and the daily breadcrumbs, Yas Forums is turning into an apathetic mess
I hate nostalgia threads but I know what you mean. The internet had a wild west feel without ads or censorship and you could download games and music without file sharing. I miss the usenet boards. Shit was anonymous, before governments and people with special interests started propaganda wars online. Back when there were no girls on the internet.
The first three weeks og /fagmogate/ were legit funny but then the e-celebs smelled shekels to be made and the Communists were thankful to have a lightning rod to rally around.
But those first few weeks? Quality slutshaming, top notch exposure of trannies and faggots being corrupt pieces of shit they always were.
Then it all got Sargoniad
Yup. It's what happened to genx. They realized they were played but couldn't do anything about it. So they just dryly mocked everything. It was the only way to survive.
Millennials literally believe the propaganda they are fed and unironically lap it up. It's super weird. Most young zoomers aren't as bad though
I know it has been pointed out already, but I just wanted to pile it on and call you a faggot.
Did someone say REVOLUTION
One of us ;')
>tries to call somebody out on a buzzword and exposes themselves at the same time
This. When I see faggots say reddit spacing without even reading what is posted, AND be wrong about what reddit spacing is, I internally cringe.
You'd be amazed how the quality of this place would improve if the mods and jannies actually enforced the rules properly and weren't allowed to do whatever they want.
It's also funny how the worst spammers and off topic board disruptors are allowed free reign to choke out actual on topic discussion as well. Almost as if it's being allowed on purpose.
>every other thread has shit like Milhouse or Seaking shoehorned into the OP image
>i-it’s fine because it’s a m-meme guise
wojakniggers truly become more retarded every day
I tried to make a post about shills and the Jannies deleted it the moment I posted.
But they allow garbage AI threads like these anti-Q threads be spammed 4 times in the same catalog.
Keker mckekington