
Why are you not using Brave browser for privacy reasons?
>duckduckgo creators are jews

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Brave browser
>privacy or security

Fuck off shill

>he believes in internet "security"

its an illusion bucko, get over it, yo data is owned by a megacorp no matter what you do

Why are you not using (firefox derivative) browser with extra tracking for privacy reasons?

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I can't use Yas Forums with brave anymore. Captcha seems to cuck out.

Dumb leaf. Everything you do on this board is saved and tracked. Half of us aren't even real. It's entrapment really. btw, join the NWO

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I use brave on my tablet and laptops.

whats with this professional wrestling meme? from whence did it come?

Waterfox is the white man's browser.

Literally me. I've been shilling it all day. Just think it would be funny is all

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youve been hard at work, a tip of my fedora to you

Fucks up the captchas on Yas Forums
Not worth it

I use Brave with Yas Forums and it works just fine

That’s because you’ve disabled the privacy guard on the domain.

Fucking seriously. I hope some of you mother fuckers join up. Can't keep it going alone

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whats in it for me?

I can promise you there nothing in it for any of us. Unpaid shills as it were. If we could disrupt the board for even one night it would be worth it. You in?

Attached: Take it, pass it on.jpg (250x250, 18.54K)

Not a lot of you know this about Q, but TUNNELS 60Ghz optics tower cia mossad take meds not white nords arent white amerimutt europoor. Didn't think of that, mossad? China bioweapon D.U.M.B.S. donald trump bernie sanders, holocaust holocaust fake balkanization national socialism hitler! Jewish hitler 5g qanon qposts schizo conspiracy towers check check WWG1WGA.

You should know that Qanon 5G Response, nigger nigger.

Trump Alex Jones Coulter Qanon Boomer:
>white black mexican white women bbc cuck
>cuckold tuo meht ward lliw taht sdrowyek llihs
>dna segami gnisu stob eht tuo deew ot
>gnitpmetta er'ew ,yllacisaB

That's not even the tip of the InfoWars MAGA KAGA, awoo.

Wall zion don israel jew kike, 5g corona coronavirus china ccp followed by a loud WWG1WGA tunnel 60Ghz optics tower (cia mossad take meds not white nords arent white amerimutt europoor) china bioweapon D.U.M.B.S. donald trump bernie sanders fake != balkanization! Comparing your national socialism hitler jewish hitler 5g qanon qposts schizo uguu, user.

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Sorry I currently have all of my meme credits in art bell stocks and they have been in decline for a while, fresh out of meme credits, sorry lad

Attached: Art-Bell-2.jpg (979x782, 102.32K)

>calls home with every launch
>whitelisting faceberg scripts
lionshills fuck off

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Shills mad, but it's the best of all the bad options.
Think of how based the internet would be if the critical mass of anons were giving power to small redpilled sites.

I do. Duckduckgo browser is supercreepy. I don't know how they dug down an email I hadn't used since 2016

ban all mobile posters

Yes. 4channel works fine though. Also their latest mobile update has disappeared the catalogue

le lion shill

Really goes to show how easy it is for just one person to flood a board, let alone a group of Chapocells or payed shills (more often the former). Be sure to document the journey, NwO user.


Brave was only created so they could shill their own cryptocurrency. You're a retard if you think they care about their users privacy.

I have to use chrome, no other browser will get past the capchas

This is where it's at brother. Spread it to the other threads.

Have you seen a bunch of my posts around? Wasn't sure if anyone was noticing

Join the fight brother.

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because uphold are scammers and so are you brandon

t. boomer using IE8

there's not really any way to use the internet with any regularity and privacy tbqh
Yeah you can get VPNs and all that shit but that doesn't defeat compromised gateways and hardware fingerpinting, which can be compared across visits.
You could use Tor and encrypted messaging, but that is very slow and even then many of the gateways are operated by US DoD, so they can compare things like raw traffic to get the picture
I'm not trying to discourage people but it is important to know that perfect anonymity is dead, if national-level type guys want to know who you are they can in almost any circumstance no matter the browser

Using a build from this site -
The ungloogled one.

Attached: 0700-.gif (220x165, 84.29K)

>using a browser made by an ad company with Discord tranny-tier levels of shilling
>said company even had a "rewards program" where they pay anyone willing to spam the browser everywhere and still rewards "content creators" who convince others to use their browser
>using anything recommended by Yas Forums, the board with most Jews, idiots and scammers per thread
>using anything recommended by a leaf with ONE FUCKING POST BY THIS ID

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Dissenter is better

Had a girl at work tell me that she gets her info from the "dark web" because she uses duckduckgo

use readchan

ff is just an redirect to google

>you need to ungoogle the browser google chrome is supposed to be built on

really makes you think, huh

>browser made by an ad company
are you talking about chrome or firefox brought to you by google ad money?

Brave is fucking trash and I hope you know everyone knows about how brave literally pays shills to go an advertise its shitty browser across forums. Get a real browser like firefox or chrome

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And this is why normies shouldn't be introduced to stuff like this


I purposely look up random shit

I love you

I honestly dont give a fuck about privac.

I use dissenter and brave
You have to put your turn your shields off for this site or (((google))) won't let you post

because its shit

I hope she at least uses the night theme. Its very dark.

T. Hasn’t done any research into brave
Lazy pos you’ll never be white.


It works for me

I was about tu use it but it showed me some nigger coin tokens so I immediately uninstalled it

Lol prove it retard

brave is more private than Firefox

There was a fucking leaf ITT telling people to install the browser using a custom referral link so he could earn memecoins for shilling it:
Not to mention their campaign to get content creators to shill the browser in exchange for memecoins.

>duckduckgo creators are jews
What? Is there an alternative?

Here you go fucking retards. Also the data sent to google and mozilla literally does nothing unless you're looking at actual CP you fucking schizo

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