Is there anything in the world more disgusting than this?
Is there anything in the world more disgusting than this?
No. Miscegenation should be illegal.
why do you have a picture of a kid saved on your computer faggot?
faggot? more like pedo
The people that made it.
IDK, she looks pretty cute imho.
yes. you.
t.roasty toasty
Why does your mom have a picture of my dick saved in her mouth, bitch?
You still need to explain yourself, faggot. Why do you have a picture of a child saved on your computer you little cunt?
makes no sense.
Wait why the hell does she have such long eyelashes? It looks like mascara or some shit
youre an asshole. I watched so many jane goodhall movies as a kid. gorillas are magnificent creactures.
It's the result of two sick people mixing.
Shut up faggot.
Well I'm not really for mixing and all that, but it's not the poor child's fault.
Yes, you
Using children as a shield of protection against any criticism of humanities overall plight on this planet and complete uselessness.
The sad part is that once they enter their teen years, they'll reach a cross-path; either they kill themselves or identify with their darker side, they always pick the latter.
Look at the pedo posting pics of lil babies. Report this sicko to the FBI.
There's nothing wrong with miscegenation per se, only African hybridization.
I'm a white girl and I only fuck with black men. Nothing you right wing incels can do about it :)
Bro, those ones on the left aren't Europeans they're Jews.
She's a cute girl and made me smile, fuck off.
Yeah, 14 words and all but having a mutt kid is not wrong. You can have your 88 white kids if you want to though. I don't know nor am I planning on how my kids will look like.
nice cherrypicking retard
youre the reason of the we are white meme
If she was white
Kys creep
I hope you and you family die one.
Nothing you can do about that tootz
>Large mouth
I will never find this attractive.
You. This is considered a cute kid in the mutt ethnostate. Hope my daughter looks like that.
Fuck off nigger
>What is Novutera?
>Large mouth
What? Do you mean lips or are you retarded?
>hatred for an innocent child
For those newfags on here, the reason we're so hardcore is because the biggest weapon used against homogeneous or nationalist states it's love propaganda, part of 4th generation warfare.
When it's able to reproduce.
based and hnngg
But the real question is, why the fuck do you have this photo? I'm a mutt and I don't have little mutt girls in my device. Me thinks you doth protest too much, faggot.
Sure there is, the mother that produced it.
Let's just do the opposite of China where we abort all male goblins and let a girl surplus work its magic.
I think she looks very cute (not in a sexual way).
I've always said I'd never deny my dick to a girl because of her skin color. All these mad incels in this thread talking about not race-mixing like they've ever even been intimate with a woman.
How many blatantly anti white posts do you think she feels self righteous about on her Twitter? I'm going to guess there is at least 1 every 2 days
your soul.
Most of the people who are opposing the narrative of this board are just trying to stand out, they literally stand for nothing and are hollow shells all of this infiltration going inside /pol is just them trying to cope.
your stupidity is a clear argument against white superiority
Her father is Danish and she loves him a lot, so probably none.
Here's Miss Iceland 2019.
Or maybe they've gone outside and actually managed to get girls to like them. Most human men outside of this nazi containment board only need a girl to be nice to them and have a fat butt and they won't even think about what color their skin is before pumping them full of babies
I don’t see what’s wrong, it’s just a kid
>innocent smiling child invokes disgust
get some help
If it had blue eyes
Once again following the narrative lie the media gives, the majority of incel types actually come from your side of politics. Not ours, they've come here to seek an alternative but most of them are liberals.
God curly hair make me wanna fucking puke
White incels on Yas Forums stay mad that a black man is fucking and impregnating ur ayran women
she's a child and innocent and beautiful
stop being a total cunt, OP
"you look like a mithological beast with pixaim hair that looks like the medusa,
I said that just to rhyme with the sum of the square of the cathetus equals the fucking hypothenusa"
That's a cute baby
I wish your mom was able to afford the abortion op.
Why the "racists" think that behaving like vicious psychopaths would do anything to make people side with them?
Nigger, shut up. We hate both you apes and the haints. OP is a pedo. He wants to fuck that little girl.
And most incels anyways are just boys who have strict parents who teach them the ways of life. And you scumbags go and bully these guys, who their parents thought 'Yeah our son is respectful and smart no one will damage him mentally or emotionally' then you people show up and degrade the crap out of them. Then they cry to us for help.
Read filename
the worst mixture you could make in terms of mental stability, those fuckers are literally demons
Hi, I'm also mixed race and taking into consideration that hating on white people is the same as disrespecting our mothers 70% percent of the time, (keeping in mind that another 50% of us are most likely to be raised by a single mother) the chance of this actually being the first case is substantially lower than a member of your own race talking shit about white people.
I humbly request that you get tested my guy.
"you are a mythological beast with pixaim hair that looks like the medusa,
I said that just to rhyme with the sum of the square of the cathetus equals the fucking hypothenusa"
They larp to be edgy and it's rather annoying
I'm not listening to a nazi retard give me his "deep" analysis of incels. Girls don't like you for one of the following
1. You're ugly
2. You're fat
3. You're stupid
4. You're lazy
Tick enough boxes for you there my kiwi friend? Work out and put effort into a treating a woman well and you might be actually have a chance of being happy. Stay here and believe white supremacist lies and you'll stay a miserable shit forever.
Still generalising.
Its drooling all over itself how is that cute you scode
How retarded do you have to be to think this is real? White men fighting against genocide and replacement of white peoples aren't as harsh/insulting
While I do agree that half Asians are generally of worse mental health I wouldn't go so far as to call them demons, all that I've encountered haven't actually shown it outside of a political context.
T. Someone who is in a relationship with a half Asian
funny, because I'm not an incel, this board is was not incel ridden in 2007 or 2008. I'm trying to explain to you that the guys you pick on for their mishap in relationships will be more likely to turn into our sentiment. I never wanted them on this board anyways they make us look retarded.