Where will you schizos and boomers move the goal post now?
Now that the Q LARP has been officially proven false as of a few seconds ago
Other urls found in this thread:
qrd on Q getting btfo?
yeah that would be nice, I stopped following that shit almost 2 years ago
Patriots: be cautious in your interpretations of info posted. False expectations [& push] based on 'speculation' will only weaponize those who attack us [MSM].
Why does [MSM] expend resources [daily] attempting to discredit?
Do you provide the playbook to the enemy w: specific dates?
Logical thinking.
FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)
Future proves past [events unlock].
Think CEO departures.
Think FBI departures.
Think DOJ departures.
Think State departures.
Think WH departures.
Think DIA departures.
Think Pentagon departures.
Think Senate departures.
Think House departures.
Think Amb departures.
Think IG departures.
Think Judge install.
Think SC install.
Think WH install.
Think FBI install.
Think C_A install.
Think DOJ install.
Think US ATT install.
Game theory.
If you look you can see.
Jeff sessions
Q said big things would happen on multiple dates, and it never did. most recent was something BIG today. its been a big boomer roundup larp by kikes since the start.
How many jeffs do you lads usually have in a session
Qtards get the rope.
Pissed on breadcrumbs of a retard.
Not really, he didnt say anything
4/10/20 obviously meant oct 4 not april 10
Q literally has never given any dates it’s ALWAYS anons “interpreting” the dates
And Q posted today asking people to stop fabricating dates, and said anyone who continues to push this is a shill
4/10/20, but they didn't say which time zone! It's still 4/10/20 in part of America!
Q is literally kike zionist bs and after what four years literally nothing has happened Q has been remotely correct about. Just complete nostradamist bs. When the fuck is hillary and the rest of the vampires getting arrested? whens the big wins? right, never. its really frustrating that i spent so much time and effort early on for a fucking LARP.
His first larp was literally the week running up to November 4th 2017 and he explicitly said "November 3, 4, 5, Podesta, Huma Abedin and finally HRC will all be arrested while Antifa is trying to pull their Novermber 4th revolution".
And when it didn't happen, you lot all went
>He didn't say what year!
Everything Q has ever dropped came from Yas Forums in the first place, usually weeks before he dropped it on his Boomer audience.
imagine being boomer enough to ever fallen fallen that bullshit
2018 will be gloryholius
But "Q" delivered
I've been known to do nine or ten jeffs if we are playing guiltygear or ncaa.
okay so when 2024 rolls around and Trump is out of office will you stop listening to Q or will you fall for "President Trump 2.0 will arrest Hillary and all the Demonrats if he wins the election!"
q:pol :: metokur:cow
Back in 2017 Q made a post of 4-10-20 and 10 days of reckoning. The qtards took this to mean April 1st would start the 10 days of deep state and pedos around the world being arrested by Trump himself. Then april 1st came and went and nothing happened, so they said it would actually start on the 10th. This was the rock they would die on. The basis of the Q conspiracy. With clammy hands and their reputation at their lunch table at stake, the 10th of April came.
This 100%
Everything REAL/TRUE that Q has ever posted was already posted on Yas Forums hours/days/weeks/months/years before Q.
Everything false that Q has posted = LARP bullshit = "disinfo is necessary"
Qboomers are stuck in the larp because Q is the source of the true things (for them). Even the Qtards who have a nagging feeling that something is off about Q have no idea where else to turn.
Qfags are worse than Democrats.
>you don't support Q? YOU PEDO! YOU SUPPORT THE CABAL!
Q was proven a larp in 2017. But the qtards are too qtarded to understand why.
sadly I doubt a single Qoomer changed their minds as a result. They'll just consult the elders to reinterpret the scripture and revise the confirmation
>Q literally has never given any dates
you didnt prove anything schlomo
Yep they are Groupthinkers Unfortunately only pic related could ever make them see the light...
I wish this schizo bullshit would stop but I'm very sure that they will find some cryptic hidden message that something somehow happened so their happening will happen later.
These people are so sucked in that they will never admit that they were wrong.
Yes, Q posted as anonymous for the first several threads. Everyone who followed the larp from the beginning knows this. The tripcode came later.
go fuck yourself
Religious schizo bullshit has been happening for thousands of years. You really think these low IQ qtards and qoomers are going to stop just because it's obviously fake? It was obvious fake from the beginning for anyone with an average or above IQ. That won't stop the stupid from believing it.
>two more weeks
oh wait, that's plague faggots
>Can't even bring himself to read a few 4*2-sama posts and decipher them
Put some effort in and stop projecting your medicine cabinet loadout and schizophrenia on others.
This is Yas Forums just post the pic so we can all see this instead of quoting it.
The final Atlantean Hall of Knowledge has been found, this virus is just a distraction
>his initials will be BDT
>oh actually bangladesh currency
How is anyone stupid enough to fall for this obvious bullshit? You'd have to be actually retarded.
This Nothingburger is endless entertainment, keep going Qtards we need this
>most recent was something BIG today
You know I have the chat log.
This was in 2017, I don't have screenshots or the specific CBTS thread it was posted in.
>what did they mean by this?
Fucking Qtards, fuck Trump.
Its a nothingburger and you should all take your fucking meds.
Nothing will happen, you just deluded yourself.
Yellowstone will erupt and kill you all anyways.
If the Wuflu powered by 5G won't get you that is.
Fml, you pathetic mutts will just sit back while the roaches
funnel rapefugees into greece and Germany succumbs to leftism.
You are all incel faggots that sit all day infront of your fucking
computers doing jackshit all day.
>pic related
Go fuck yourselves.
It's the NWO now. You wanna go to war? We'll give you a war
>Think Judge install.
>Think SC install.
Can not be overstated
Shills get btfo
>it's a larp
Q Deniers BTFO Thread:
nahh bro
give it 2 more weeks, we gonna peak bro...2 more weeks
Has a concrete non-vague prediction Q made EVER turned out to be right?
Nothing ever happens. Go back to facebook you goober boomers
People who believe won't be convinced otherwise and people who don't won't believe until it's public.
Who fucking cares.
Peaceful resolution with North Korea
Bb bb bb buuuttt the time stamps user! Trust the plan! Trump 2040!
Learn to read. You out yourself as not being able to do so. I'd recommend simple problem solving books before posting here.
if Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, and associated FBI/DOJ underlings get indicted, I'll be happy.
Honestly this
stop making these fucking threads
>read it
>durr a guy's initials are really bangladesh currency and somehow adam schiff
Is your IQ even double digit or is it just singles?
Try read it again, if you want to.
>american attention span or computiationally challenged
Did. You're still retarded.
>Try read it again
lrn2english, Chang.
Tr-st t-e Pl-n
Wolfpac to the rescue. Where's my homie Konnan?