For any of you fucking Holocaust denying speds

I dare you to watch this shit and then tell me it didn't happen.

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Other urls found in this thread:

False flag directed by Hollywood and CIA

This, Holocaust denial is a crime against humanity.

It didn't happen

Didn't watch and didn't happen

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it didnt happen but it will happen mutt

Oh look it's this faggot's same youtube video that he has been shilling on here nonstop all day

Stop denying the Holocaust you filthy goy slaves.

It's not about if it happened or not, it's about whether it was justified, here's an example:

if you see several cockroaches in your house, you fumigate.

I'm not watching your video. If you have evidence that there was a German extermination program during the war then post it.

FYI the reason why there is no evidence is because it literally never happened.

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>People that has contributed the most in the sciences and economics field (highest number of Nobel laureates)

The cockroach here is you

It definitely happened. I don;'t think there are a lot of actual deniers. Just people who hate Jews who want to minimize the Holocaust. I've actually been given the JQ and agree with a ton of it but the Holocaust ficking happened..It's recent fucking history. To go against this is to not give a shit about how you're perceived or true intellectual honesty.

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it didnt happen

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It did not happen.

250k in jews died per american red cross. did they die on hollocaust rollercoasters? no.
they starved to death when the troops cut off supply lines to german camps.
end of thread.

Hitler is innocent until proven guilty, buddy.

Mo evidence, mo "holocaust".

Not this red cross shit again, it's debunked

My grandmother got turned into a diamond in Menegele's evil experiments. She was put on Hitler's wedding ring you evil nazi fuck

Im guessing somewhere between a half million and a million jews died. Some by mass execution firing squads but mostly from sickness and famine caused by the British Royal Air force bombing the supply lines for the work camps they were being kept.

how did 6 million jews die in a place where 6 million jews didn't exist. go fuck yourself. wiki is compromised as fuck.

>where 6 million jews didn't exist

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They did even have 6 gorrilion jews to kill period!

Is this your idea of humor you dirty goyim?

It didnt happen, kike. Now fuck off.

Lever forget the 11 gorillion fellow hebrew..or was it 9? 8? 6? I forget

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I have some questions for you, friend, since you seen to know a lot about this subject.

It didn't happen but it needs to happen.

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Your spongebob meme implies that we can find these dirty stinking piles of dead jews just EVERYWHERE... we cant even find their burned up 'supposed' cremains -- even in documented sites like Treblinka, as soon as the goyim bust out out the Ground Penetrating Radar to find the mass graves its all 'oh no Goyim, this is a sacred Jewish cemetary!'

Fuck off lying kike

What was the definition of 'Jew' used for this study in '39 and '14? For example: are half Jews counted, quarter Jews, only those who self-identify as Jewish, religious Jews, or what?

250k-300k Communist kikes were executed in WWII, this was a completely legal and just action

6million is a lie

It's a different meme to the one you are thinking of.

Show a single person who died from gassing in auschwitz

Damn, now that made ME diamonds.

How difficult is it for our modern Western nations to dispose of a few thousand extra bodies during this pandemic?
And you want be to believe that 1940s Germany was capable of cremating millions of people in a year?


Doesn't matter if it did or didn't, no one cares apart from the jews.

The holocaust happened!
But also
We just left all these fucking kikes standing around. We had explosives to blow the doors off the "gas chambers" but not enough arms to just end the kikes left.

Ay Tone...

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Difference is the Nazis purposely built these facilities to kill and dispose people in an industrial scale and efficiently as possible. The modern ones are on-the-spot facilities that handles a few cases. Totally different in infrastructure size.

They stripped off the metal door and converted the facility into a warehouse in the last years.

>I dare you to watch this shit
I dare you to find me a camp tattoo in the 7 digits. Go ahead I'll wait...

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how could they have ruined the main apparatus for killing in a death camp

>lenin wasnt jewish

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This is nonsense. The crematoriums are overwhelmed. These are places that burn bodies every day... and they can't keep up with 1930s technology?
Fuck out of here.

>half-Jewish means Jewish
Ok retard

Auschwitz was bigger and much more larger in scale

Retard didn't even fucking read it

Yeah and they also stripped the skin off the jews and turned it into lamps, right rabbi shlomo?

Are you full Jewish?

If i ever come across you i will curbstomp you until i split your fucking skull like pacman

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Negative. Not even close.
There are more crematoriums in NYC than there was at Auschwitz.

You can tell by the intonation of the host that he realizes it didn't happen and he's just peddling bullshit.

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Niggle me this, french kike, what was the prewar significance of 6000000?

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ok kike

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Um the volume of Jews in the East vs. the West is why they were located closer to the Soviet Union. How fucking stupid was the person who put this together?

You are fucking retarded

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Just coincidence?

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>All Jews were created in an oven
That's where you are wrong
>Cremation in the open at the Reinhard death camps (Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec) was discussed at Nuremberg on the 7th April 1946 by Georg Konrad Morgen, SS judge and lawyer who investigated crimes committed in Nazi concentration camps.
>By means of a special process which Wirth had invented, they were burned in the open air without the use of fuel.

nice ad hom, not an argument

It is intellectually dishonest to deny that jews are disgusting and that they do not belong among us.
What events happened between 1933 and 1945 were justified. Those events, however, did not include shrunken heads, skin lampshades, human soap, holocoasters, masturbation machines, and likely not widespread mass gas chambers.

Cruelty? Sure. It was a time of war, crimes surely happened. But the 6 million number and all of the other claims of the jews should absolutely not be taken as gospel.

Seems strange

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>photos of death camps

I saw an often lot of swimming pools and wooden doors

Please answer my question, merci.

Almost like its a lie

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It certainly wasn't 6 million

Ahh yes. Mass graves.
How many were buried?
Show me the graves with millions of bodies.
>b-but we haven't found them!
But we have found ancient civilizations and the " mass graves" from the "black Wallstreet" but we can't find MILLIONS OF FUCKING KIKE MASS GRAVES?

Hollow co$t is bolshevik lies

Dumping my holohoax folder. Kikes chimp out when they see it.

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Because your argument is fucking retarded, just like you. Here's a little homework for you, and get back to me when you've finished. Research the size/dimensions of a crematorium at a """death camp""" of your choice, and then explain how that crematorium was exponentially more efficient 80 years ago than the entirety of NYC's death care/crematory services. If you can't see how mind boggling retarded your argument is then you are a sub 100 IQ nigger confirmed.

The ashes were used as fertilizer on farms, of course you wont find them there
>There is well-documented evidence that other ash was used as fertilizer in nearby fields.[58][59] Photographs of Treblinka taken by the camp commandant show what looks to be ash piles being distributed by steam shovels

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How stupid are you? The Soviets lied about the camps they conquered, and retards like you can't tell when you're being lied to.

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How fucking convenient

Read They didnt only use ovens, they did it out in the open as well. They wont allow this kind of barbaric practice to be conducted on an industrial scale in modern times.

Weird. Almost like hitler was a zionist and just wanted germany to be free of jewish influence

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