The America kikes dont want you to see

Attached: l.jpg (1021x768, 340.24K)

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Is that a frat house on the left?

More like the America likes live in while we all suffer


You drunk? I have no idea what you were trying to say


Literally a one letter typo auto correct, kike to like, and you were suddenly completely lost?
Fucking retard.

Ok thanks

Is that even real stone, or just the typical Amerishart cardboard house with veneers? Looks fake to me, just like everything in America, including the people.

Post more commieblocks that we paid for

Is that supposed to be special? Looks like a cheap cardboard copy of European towns. Pic related is what beautiful places look like.

Attached: 1584451807908.webm (642x800, 2.65M)

I recognize that video, its quite based but also in Switzerland. Within 10 minutes I could take a picture of everything I posted, nothing worth showing off there Hans?

Attached: 1585819531546.png (998x667, 1.86M)

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Looks like an Appalachian mining town, tbqfamalam. Except there you can climb the mountains without a pickax, a Saint Bernard, and yodeling.

Attached: l2.jpg (1024x588, 197.12K)

>no real structure, all facade
just like jews themselves

This is what the market place of a regular German town looks like.

Attached: Marktplatz.jpg (1000x666, 395.44K)

pretty good
almost a stereotype, but soulful
D-, apply yourself

Where are the bollards?

Attached: 1585988927324.jpg (1199x2784, 3.23M)

Kek this. The top 1% are mostly Jews.

Heres the difference my German fren. What would it cost to live there? On an average burger salary you could live in one of my pics, how many Eurobucks would it take to live in yours?

giant rocks ready to crush you, sleep below them, claim it's beautiful

Looks like Smithfield, Va. Only a very small part of town has houses like that. The place with the turret is pretty cool, the roof is copper. Sold around 10 years ago for about 4 million.

Based and krautpilled

hello 1930

Relatively cheap actually. The ugly globo-shlomo cities are much more expensive.

There's tens of thousands of homes like this, especially in the NE US. Don't be such a faggot OP

Yeah, in most places in the US these are nigger and crime infested shitholes.

wyatt bros.... we get it our traditional towns are beautiful. the Europeans are sadly 20 years behind us when it comes to cultural enrichment. unless something happens get ready for those beautiful european towns to look like our cities. As in beautiful homes turned into rooming homes for nigs. You laugh but just you wait.

The funniest thing to me is how Americans actually bought German castles after WW2 and shipped them to America.

This is Bern in Switzerland. I lived there. I miss that place. Switzerland is truly a beauty.

Fucking kek I found your city and heres what 150k Eurobucks will get you, give me a minute and Ill show you what itll give you where I live

Attached: asbolutekek.png (657x584, 359.61K)

That is "Rothenburg ob der Tauber" in Bavaria.

meanwhile in England

Attached: 20200411_051524.jpg (913x685, 460.79K)

if that's germany then why is the price in pounds?

That does not look like Appalachia at all you fucking tard. People drive hours to Seneca Rocks and the New because its the only big cliffs to climb. Applachia is baby mountains and they even fucked that up with mountaintop removal mining.

another stunning example of superior British architecture

Attached: 20200411_051508.jpg (774x597, 332.14K)

>your city
>Sachsen Anhalt
Are you retarded? Use reverse image search for fucks sake. Also, sure, you can buy a cardboard box that will fall apart after 10 year for cheaper than actual stone buildings, what a surprise.

110k burgerbucks will get you a completely remodeled home on your own slice of land in the based Midwest, stay mad Eurofags

Attached: lolkek.png (1920x657, 1.31M)

Not the second pic where the Zytglogge is.

Attached: B3D8AAC6-5969-46A5-881C-F9B58FB8C383.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

my shed has better construction , are most houses over there made of wood?

That thing is made from fucking plywood. We call that a shed here.

Cambridge in MA is lovely.

Attached: 4773C8D7-3227-4AE8-BBE4-062120B90864.jpg (1024x691, 246.01K)

Not very diverse, it's time to fix that!

Oh, right. The mountain one is Switzerland of course.

Piece of shit

Thats 100k Euros, post what I can buy in your town for that. Ill be waiting.

America is such a fucking dump. And so are America’s people. Some day I hope to look skyward as nazi made thermonuclear missiles from antarctica kill every last American goyim christcuck piece of shit.

What OP doesn't want you to know is that only old boomers have these nice properties. You might as well say that nobody has these properties, because these places will disappear in one way or another when the old boomers die. Which is soon.

Utterly based. This is why I’m an accelerationist. Americans are a fucking cancer.

>market place
>no market actually
ask your turks to make bazaar there

Lol. British live in actual cucksheds. So appropriate.

>8 bed self build
>"muh centuries old stone buildings"
one wonders how dresden firebombing was so successful against a city made of stone

Still waiting

I want to suffer life in one of these tower blocks. They look kino.

You can easily get stone houses for under 100k if you are willing to live further away from the cities or somewhere in East Germany.

>Appalachian mining town
Look out for the meth zombies

Post an example

Thun, Switzerland

Attached: Thun.jpg (5714x3809, 3.66M)

I've been there it's a trash tourist trap.

How much a Mcmansion cost in Detroit?

I'm not going on a search for you right now. Look in Mecklenburg Vorpommern, there is plenty to buy cheap. Also what kind of argument even is this "hurr durr you can't buy cheap shitty houses because you don't build cheap shitty houses". Congratulations.

Thts cheap as fuck for and 8 bedroom house even if it is ugly!

Still waiting Hans.

Thun, Switzerland

Attached: Thun 2.jpg (4150x2594, 3.35M)

I refuse to live around niggers user

> Behold the X that "they" dont want you to know about! Special secrets at a low-low price! Limited time offer, operators are standing by!

Attached: 51iIZbLjAkL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (333x499, 33.15K)

Cochem, I’ve been there. A lot of Reich stuff is hidden away in that “castle”. Plus there’s a good place for wine that’s basically a cave there.

Grindelwald, Switzerland

forgot image

Attached: Grindelwald.jpg (7602x2590, 3.76M)

you live in a rock a harsh stone that fucks up your body, might as well live in a god damned cave, you'll die young from it

they aren't nice - they are old shit, like the old brick and stone shit in europe - shit is patched and hacked together - FUCK THOSE

Hes not going to post what can be bought for that amount of money where he lives, just laugh at him at move on

You're such an annoying faggot, holy shit.

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It's rather empty I read the whole thing, and he didn't like the massive war machine he mentioned...LOL

Heidelberg, Germany

Attached: Heidelberg.jpg (6000x4000, 3.63M)