Bill Maher lays the hammer down

>Viruses come out of China like shortstops come out of the Dominican Republic
>This is not the first time, China has habits that on numerous occasions spread disease around the world.
>MERS, Zika Virus, Ebola, West Nile, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever...when Lyme Disease was named after a town in Connecticut, they didn't throw a shit fit. Why does China get a pass?
>This is a country that built a skyscraper in 19 days, there's been a pothole on my street for 19 years. China was able to keep a one-child policy under threat of forced sterilization for decades. And you're telling me they can't shut down the farmer's market from hell?
>It isn't racist to say that eating bats is batshit crazy
>We're gonna ask Americans to keep two ideas in their head at once here. There is a pandemic that came from China, but that has nothing to do with Chinese-Americans.

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we know this bill, ooooh kaayyy

he can't even pick up a hammer that little manlet jew.

they just uploaded it.
i think my quotes are accurate enough tho from memory

You dropped your coronavirus, chink

His masters have told him to bang the war drums this doesn't look good

>Why does China get a pass?
kek, who was punished for the Spanish Flu?

This is the guy who said he's hoping for a recession so that drumpf will lose the election. He should be thanking China right now. What an ungrateful bastard.

it's in reference to people bitching about being called the Chinese Corona Virus and by extension acknowledging that this whole thing is China's fault.

He’s an unwitting tool of the CCP repeating the “wet market” origin lie

>implying you weren't hoping for a recession so you could post in a habbening thread
blow your righteousness out your ass.

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watch the vid, he references that it might have been a bioweapon (and that that would mean war)

What's stopping it from ending up like the Spanish Flu: without consequences for starting it?

Almost like Jews are pushing for the new hegelian dialect to be China vs the US

White spirits

This, but it's nothing new. Jews fear China

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>Viruses come out of China like shortstops come out of the Dominican Republic
fuck, actually kek'd on that one

the only based liberal

>His masters have told him to bang the war drums this doesn't look good

No, Bill Maher is a maverick

Now screencap the wiki origin explanation

inb4 chinkoids try to get him fired fail and then fap their microscopic pee pees to 2d women

Bill Maher occasionally has pretty good takes but he can also be insufferable. He's right to call out China and we should move towards manufacturing in the US or countries with better labor laws.

Unfathomably based, saved.

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Eating bats is batshit crazy. This jew is a good jew.

Remember when Bill Maher interviewed this rabbi?

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Bill used to have amazing takes. But his personal beef with Trump in the early 2010s destroyed his ability to reasonably assess the situation.
Then he turned to his elitist, hollywood and DC inner circle filled with Never Trump neocons and Hillary people for answers, and it ended up with him being the only person in America to have supported single payer before 2016, but no longer after it
why do people think altar boy Bill Maher is a jew? he's as irish as they come

Hearing two Jews argue about the holocaust is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Maher is a pedo and he gets the bullet.

Cover-up cope

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His mother is a Hungarian Jew. He's an ethnic Ashkenazi(?)

Should have added


Clearly a bait.

Unironically based and redpilled.

You know Bill Maher is just the kind of retard too where if one of his powerful friends told him behind closed doors they were planning this he'd squawk it to the world like a hypothetical


as a teenager, this dude had a huge impact on me

I'll stretch that to my early 20s, too

No he wouldn't... he's on the team

Based Bill

MERS is a corona virus, but it came from camels, not bats. If you are a conspiracy theorist then every virus comes from China laboratory, even before they had laboratories.

Why didn't he fill in the pothole himself? Not that hard to do.

Don't forget black death

Listening to Bill without the laugh track / fake audience laughter makes his comedy monologues really uncomfortable to watch.


Without the laugh track, I still got some chuckles.
So he really is pretty funny at times.

And he made correct and logical points there.

yes goy, attack China destroy our last enemy.
Shame them but don`t sperg about them

Nothing to do with Chinese Americans... Who the fuck do you think they’re flying over to see?

I liked it. Without all that laughing shit to fall back on, the logic of his points hits harder.
And with the way the modern left and the entire internet seem owned by the chinks, talking sense like that might be dangerous to his career.

>give ridiculous amounts of your money in taxes for exactly this type of thing
>fill in potholes in your neighborhood on your free time
Bill Maher is retarded but so is the state of a lot of north american infrastructure. This is exactly what our taxes should go to, not taneeshas 6 kids

I don’t get why people think people in China love eating bats when the only reason they eat it is cause the Chinese government failed to help the impoverished areas and allowed them to eat exotic animals to take responsibility on the poor. Bill is right about hating the Chinese government for scapegoating and not apologizing for covering it up.

It doesn't have to have been a weapon, it could have been dangerous scientific research and carelessness. But yeah, weapon is a possibility.

You can say that about everything that relies on laugh track. Try watching Friends without it.

if you are replying to this thread you are retarded

The jokes weren't funny to the brainwashed audience.

kid love productions he also has a movie where he delivers pizzas

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Bill Maher is shilling for Israel and the comic book jew is a Holocaust denier. Now I’ve seen everything

>>if the sun was exploding

uhh, guys?

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he sounds like hitler

>but that has nothing to do with Chinese-Americans
Except for the ones with ties to China who go back and forth transporting diseases.

Kek, Maher cant handle the Pilpul

Bill is a jackass, but he can be smart every now and then.
That being said he is rick and morty before that was a show.

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Maher edited that rabbi a lot, in-between speaking. Maher was thinking, "I've gotta get out of here."

What the fuck is with the Mao statue in his back yard?

Is anyone even american-american anymore?

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Hes ready to crack.
Can we push him?

Only mutt-americans. And they don't get to be capitalized.

Credit to Maher for that single segment

America is not a nation. It is an economic prosperity zone where people bring their own heritage and are supposed to sample other people's.
I have never met somebody who identifies as purely "american" who wasn't a

>Expecting a like to do manual labor.
It’s the only way Judah P Benjamin made it to England, he larped as a dishwasher when the US navy boarded the ship he was on.