What do we do about the Sentinelese and other uncontacted people?
What do we do about the Sentinelese and other uncontacted people?
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ignore them
Let them die. Restart the country now!
I need my fucking investments up, no down and dying! Only poor people need to die, not the fucking economy!
What in the fuck is anti white or leftist about this post? How about spamming more of these in obvious bait threads instead of 50 posters arguing with an obvious troll.
Send them sex toys and porno magazines. They'll be wanting to join western civilization in no time!
checked and undisturbedpilled
Leave em be
bomb the shit out of em
I say leave 'em. Leave 'em until the sun swallows the Earth, even if all the rest of us go offworld and populate the galaxy. Someone should stay to the end. Why not them?
COOF on them
Would be interesting case study.
I want to fuck one. Real tender and gentle
Why do you keep making this thread?
what the fuck do they eat on that island
Bring them white women
>Andaman islanders
These types left Somalia, 10'000 + years ago. Then made it across the Levant, and into Europe. Obviously mixing with the incoming Neanderthals to produce modern Europeans. Some splintered across Central Asia, and down India and into the Pacific region. Becoming the ancestors of all the people in between. Interestingly, East Asians and the Ainu share the same paternal haplo groups with them (D). Which means Ching Chongs are a recent cousin. These twig body niggers raped A LOT all over the world. And are literally responsible for Humanity. Just keep them as an exhibit untouched.
Leave them as an example of what Australia and Africa would be like today without colonialism.
Australians wouldn't have bows and arrows though.
Hi Schlomo.
They need to be welcomed in here. I will gladly give them asylum in France to protect them from COVID-19.
Contact them and inform them about how the white man is holding them down.
Send them free shit and build them houses like you do for niggers and wetbacks.
See that yellow branch in pic related, they're that. In case someone thinks they're just another nigger people:
Original Kangz of Eurasia. Weird to think East Asians, Sand nigs, Europeans, poojeets and everyone else outside Africa descends from them.
Urbanite detected.
what you always end up doing anyway
build a McDonalds in the middle of their village
Coof on em
We should be fucking with them tbqh. Pretend to be ghosts or aliums. Kidnap one and give him a werid tattoo then send him back a week later and see if his m8s kill him. Coom in one of their women and see what they do with the mongrel babby. Teach one to shoot and see if he becomes the king. The possibilities are endless
Kill the stupid spear chucking chimps. They are worthless vestigial penis of society.
what a surprise
Anything we do to them can only hurt them.
Try leaving them the fuck alone.
Ask them to join the NWO
give them coronavirus
Leave them alone. We have nothing good to offer eachother.
last thread had the right answer
When these ancestors of the rest of the humanity escaped Africa and did not return, the Africa was simultaneously getting populated by half-human half-apes.
There is an unknown primate component in modern African DNA.
It seems they found a chimp who was a little more closely related to humans than modern day chimps are, so they hybridized with Africans
Imagine, if humans did not leave Africa in time, maybe 60 000 years ago or something, everyone would now be half human and half ape and thre would be no civilization, no internet on the year 2020
This COVID thing isn’t back again, surely?
>imagine still believing in out of Africa theory
uncontacted people are a hoax
Learn their language so you can warn them about the Jews. Aside from that leave the the fuck alone because they’re way more based than you’ll ever be.
This leave them be
Are they based? Think about it. They keep to themselves and do no harm to anyone as long as they are left alone. They are racially homogeneous and only live among their own kind. They don't have issues with depression/anxiety and all that shit that comes with modern society and tech. They live simple yet extremely fulfilling lives and have more close friends and family than any of us.
Kek it’ll be funny
They’ll come crawling back knowing how savage men can be if they wanted too
It’ll be scared straight program
loved that movie
Do not falsely glorify the noble savage. That false ideology became the premise of liberal leftism and globalism. See Rousseau, Margaret Mead and Franz Boas.
Pol nation in the making, say we conquer
Brutally rape them...all of them
Leave them alone, it wouldn't do them or us any good to "civilize" them. Besides, they're the last people around with no contact with the modern world and that status is worth preserving.
thats a nigger in a proper environment look how happy it is and it loves its children instead of the miserable whiny violent niggers we got
I'm jealous of how happy this guy seems. Simple living
An isolated tribe in Brazil just had their first Coronoavirus case
Fact is they have been in contact with people from India for 100 years - they know all about us - they made the decision to avoid us which is why they speared that idiot christcuck - and why any one that shipwrecks there gets eaten. If they didn’t eat them - the survivors would report back that they speak the kings English perfectly that was taught to them by a boat of shipwrecked pirates 309 years ago. They do enjoy WWW on their coconut televisions made by the professor from Gilligans island.
Send 1 blond mud shark and the whole island will be white in 50 years.
Dumb as a fucking bricks but they will pass as sand niggers.
It is decided
Really. Leave them the fuck alone.
What is there to do about them, faggot? Let them live their life. You stupid arrogant fucking retard.
Leaving them alone means allowing rape and slavery.
Kidnap and sedate them
Put them in a box
Send the box to new york
When they wake up, shoot lsd in all of them
Am I wrong in thinking that this dude is upwards of 80% of Yas Forums's dream? Even though it's as rudimentary as possible, the dude's life has a clear purpose and motivations.