/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3115

► Detected: 1,699,631 (+796) ► Died: 102,734 (+50) ► Day: 93 (-23:01:53)

— 4.6 billion people under lockdown —
— 214 countries and territories infected —
— 5.6x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,252 strains have been sequenced —


Evidence of ADE has surfaced, according to Nature article

Spike in deaths in NY already visible in mortality rates

91 fully "recovered" cases test positive again in South Korea

54 patients under 30 have died in the US

Dr. Tedros was accused of terrorism in Ethiopia

CDC recommends wearing masks in public, against WHO advise

Leukemia-like symptoms in blood samples from patients

Virus causes damage to heart, kidneys and liver

Under 1 year old baby dies in the US

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

China underreports number of infections and deaths

H1N1 only had 18,500 confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

Coronavirus is now 1st cause of death in the US

People are not being tested in Japan despite symptoms

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

00:38: 447 new cases and 13 new deaths in Japan
00:18: 403 new cases and 39 new deaths in Mexico
00:12: 214 new cases and 6 new deaths in Texas
00:06: 133 new cases in Brazil
00:01: 226 new cases and 16 new deaths in California
23:47: 222 new cases and 8 new deaths in Panama


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Other urls found in this thread:


Narmaya is a shit and a tryhard wannabe onee-san, NOT a mommywife.

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Everyone will die from ADE
>And that's okay, great actually

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The end is nigh

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Is India going to be ok?

What was the total deaths score for yesterday? Are we going back up?

>Dead: 102,832
lol, still only 102,832.
How many days has it been stuck at 102,832? Four days? Five days?

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Why was the surgeon general dropping some serious redpills about Blacks having inferior genetics, no wonder somewhat educated blacks worship white females. They know how inferior they are.

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Massive Spike in NYC ‘Cardiac Arrest’ Deaths Seen as Sign of COVID-19 Undercounting

Hundreds of people are now dying at home in New York City daily

The FDNY reported a nearly 400 percent increase in "cardiac arrest" home deaths in late March and early April, a spike that officials say is almost certainly driven by COVID-19, whether they were formally diagnosed or not.

Between March 20 and April 5, the department recorded nearly 2,200 such deaths, versus 450 in the same period last year, according to data it provided on Friday.

The numbers are dramatically higher across the board -- the numbers of calls, the number of deaths and particularly the percentage of such calls that end in death.

In just the first five days of April, more than 70 percent of cardiac arrest calls ended in a pronunciation of death every day. Some days, the numbers were up tenfold versus a year earlier -- and everyone acknowledges there's only one likely cause.



That's a good album to listen to, as well.

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Gary where you at?


You'd think they'd leave some thicc for her knees.

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There'll be significantly more corpses in the ganges than usual.

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Don't give bad advice. If he starts shitting water he needs to lower the dosage, it doesn't matter if its at 20g, 16g or 4g.

Nuke China

I listen to it while studying

Where can I see how many people died today in America?

Pretty sure I've read about this but to be sure, just in case.

Do you guys know if it's possible to be infected, but never show and symptoms during infections then "recover"?


gary is slowing down in his old age

They are under mandatory lockdown with compulsory masks in Delhi. There's so many damn people per square mile it's hard for them to isolate.

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Is there anyway to see most countries, or at least region's, monthly death rate as compared to 2019? I feel like that's the real way to tell how dire this situation is.

I've just recovered from the corona virus. I feel like the six million dollar man. My physique has noticeably improved, my skin is clearer, my teeth whiter, my hair thicker and my dandruff gone. My resting heart rate is lower, I haven't felt the least bit sickly, rare for me this time of year. I've had a common skin condition called Keratosis Pilaris since birth. That was gone by day 9. I used to run less than a mile at the gym, now I can run 7. I have more energy than I know what to do with. On day 4 I caught myself balancing on the curb and jumping on and off the sidewalk when crossing the street like I used to do when I was a kid. People gave me strange looks but I just smiled back. Even my scars look better.

My mental performance is also higher. My inbox and to-do list quickly emptied. I 'get' new concepts in my reading faster than before and can read my textbooks twice as long without mental fatigue. I read a book on Number Theory in one sitting, a Differential Geometry book in a weekend, filling up a notebook in the process. Mathematical notation that used to look obtuse is now beautiful. My working memory is noticeably better. I can grasp larger software projects and longer and more complex scientific papers more effectively. My awareness is higher. I find music more enjoyable. I notice beauty and art around me that I never did before. The people around me seem sluggish. There are fewer 'ums' and pauses in my spoken sentences. My reflexes are improved. I walk faster, feel lighter on my feet, spend less time analyzing and performing basic tasks and rely on my phone less for navigation. I sleep better, wake up more refreshed and alert and never feel drowsy during the day. I still drink coffee occasionally, but I no longer need it, which is nice.

Got the fever tonight boys... upper 99, not too bad. The heart/lungs have a burn to them like you inhaled smoke at a bonfire, except lingering. Started with sniffles no fever for last two days. And the smell thing is real like I'd think for a second that I smelled something odd that totally isn't there.

Had a good run lads. Going to bed early, this shit makes you lethargic - feels better lying flat.

In case I'm not shitposting tomorrow let me go out saying:

We are all already infected. This is the fever dream as you die.

give us some examples of these red pills

>Surgeon General
>Is a Vice-Admiral

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apparently all I can do is try and file a paper return and wait all year for them to try and fix it.
Not to mention its not a traditional tax return, not sure how it even works
I just wanted my trump bux, now I don't care if I get it or not but I definitely don't want some jack off benefiting from me

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I didn't get mine yet ;_;

if you have the symptoms from Corona-chan, then it's 50/50 chance of recovery already

Cured. Nice copy and paste. Can't wait to see this spammed for the next few weeks by chink spambots.
The only cure is lead.

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This is the first Stop A Douchebag video I have seen that mentioned chinkiepox in Moscow.

United States 502,876 (18,747) Spain 158,273 (16,081) Italy 147,577 (18,849) France 124,869 (13,197) Germany 122,171 (2,736) China 81,953 (3,339) United Kingdom 73,758 (8,958) Iran 68,192 (4,232) Turkey 47,029 (1,006) Belgium 26,667 (3,019) Switzerland 24,551 (1,002) Netherlands 23,097 (2,511) Canada 22,148 (569) Brazil 19,943 (1,074) Portugal 15,472 (435) Austria 13,560 (319) Russia 11,917 (94) South Korea 10,450 (208) Israel 10,408 (95) Sweden 9,685 (870) Ireland 8,089 (287) India 7,600 (249) Ecuador 7,161 (297) Chile 6,501 (65) Norway 6,314 (113) Australia 6,238 (54) Japan 6,005 (99) Poland 5,955 (181) Peru 5,897 (169) Denmark 5,819 (247) Czech Republic 5,732 (119) Romania 5,467 (270) Pakistan 4,695 (66) Malaysia 4,346 (70) Philippines 4,195 (221) Mexico 3,844 (233) Saudi Arabia 3,651 (47) Indonesia 3,512 (306) United Arab Emirates 3,360 (16) Luxembourg 3,223 (54) Serbia 3,105 (71) Panama 2,974 (74) Finland 2,769 (48) Dominican Republic 2,620 (126) Qatar 2,512 (6)…

Mexico +403 (+39) Brazil +154 (+6) China +46 (+3) New Zealand +29 (+2) Bahrain +73 Uzbekistan +45 Uruguay +21 Guatemala +11 Sri Lanka +7 Paraguay +4 Jamaica +2 Myanmar +1…

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He told the truth that being a fatass and eating junk food is the reason for the higher rate of disease and death of Blacks.

Watch that edge fag

Americans are butthurt.
>develop SARS2 virus in America
>unleash it in Wuhan to try and destroy China
>China rapidly takes draconian measures and btfos the virus swiftly
>dumb mutts didn't expect the virus to reach the west
>it does and massively infects Europe+burgerland
>Zion Don trying to do damage control by calling it the Chinese virus
>can pinpoint the exact date when president Xi called him and told him to shut the fuck up, telling him they have evidence the virus was made and deployed by the jewSA
>suddenly doesn't call it the Chinese virus anymore and deflects all questions about why he doesn't
>China on its way to reinvigorate itself while mutts are too dumb for social distancing and too greedy to open up the economy early

Americans got their ass ravaged by their own virus. Let's call it what it truly is from now on:
The American virus.

This afternoon I spot a young couple in the park with a stroller. I wait for my chance, pounce from a tree, mandatory six feet in front of them. What the hell is this about! I scream. On the way to the doctor with the kid. I use my shepherds crook to pull the stroller away from the mother. Pick the baby up and fling it into the bushes. The dads all like, what the fuck! He’s safer there than with you reckless shit for brains. Go home! Watch the news, people are at risk!

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Wtf is there anyone who still thinks that its not extinction level event?
I follow cvg from the start.
Do you really think its ending?
Braindead normies desperate for any good news think its ending.
Yeah how many times "they" said its slowing down?
How many times they changed their minds about almost everything?
They can say any fucking shill thing they want.
They cant deny the exponential growth.
Its growing.
They say just a flu.
Its nothing and then you hit 100k infected worldwide.
Then they say LOOK ITS JUST 100k its nothing.
Now its 100k deaths.
And it is growing faster and faster.
1 Milion was last friday.
Now its almost 1.7
They running out of fucking cards.
Look how they say in march.
And now what we have?
You cant even buy gold.
Now in poland you must wear them.
Its over. I know it.
Stop lying to yourself.
The quarantine wont be over.
Until everyone is dead inside their homes infected.
The world will be ruined.

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Fuck off faggot

if the islamics are killed off.....maybe.

Nuke it twice

>give us some examples of these red pills

tldw, niggers don't live that lone because dumb

Okay, conventionally bomb China then.

That's some effective distance shaming there. Good job.

hello chang

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US broke 500,000 infected

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> 我反对 Wǒ fǎnduì 不同意 Bù tóngyì Disagree 人格崇拜 Réngé chóngbài Personality Cult 1984 年 1984 Nián 动物农场 Dòngwù nóngchǎng 皇帝的梦想 Huángdì de mèngxiǎng The emperor's dream 我的皇帝 Wǒ de huángdì My Emperor 皇帝 Huángdì 称帝 Chēng dì Proclaim oneself emperor 皇帝元年 Huángdì yuán nián First year of an emperor's reign 奴隶制 Núlì zhì Slavery 不要脸 Bùyào liǎn Shameless 移民 Yímín Emigrate 无能的尺子 Wúnéng de chǐzi Incapable ruler 登基 Dēngjī Ascend the throne 敦促权力人物正式占领王位 Dūncù quánlì rénwù zhèngshì zhànlǐng wángwèi Urge a power figure to formally seize the throne 换火车 Huàn huǒchē Change Trains 逆流而上 Nìliú ér shàng 大河,大海 Dàhé, dàhǎi 统治世界 Tǒngzhì shí jiè Rule the world 古往今来 Gǔwǎngjīnlái Throughout the ages 修改法律 Xiūgǎi fǎlǜ Change the law 年号 Reign title Nián hào 普遍庆祝 Pǔbiàn qìngzhù 中国皇帝股票 Zhōngguó huángdì gǔpiào Chinese emperor stock 黄袍 Huáng páo Yellow gown 卷起袖子 Juǎn qǐ xiùzi Roll up sleeves 董事长,终身控制 Dǒngshì zhǎng, zhōngshēn kòngzhì Chairman, lifelong control 习泽东 Xízédōng Xi Zedong 恢复权威 Huīfù quánwēi Recover one's authority 美丽新世界 Měilì xīn shìjiè Brave New World 歪颈树 Wāi jǐng shù 历史的车轮 Lìshǐ de chēlún The wheel of history 我愿意一生都吃素 Wǒ yuànyì yīshēng dōu chīsù 反对清,恢复明 Fǎnduì qīng, huīfù míng Oppose Qing, restore Ming 重返大清之梦Chóng fǎn dà qīng zhī mèng Dream of Returning to the Great Qing 从天上来的伟人 从天上来的伟人 Cóng tiān shànglái de wěirén Great men sent from heaven 皇帝万岁 Huángdì wànsuì Long live the emperor 对于生命系统 Duìyú shēngmìng xìtǒng 终身 Zhōngshēn 几千年来 Jǐ qiān nián lái 不朽 Bùxiǔ ñ Ñ

Why would try to destroy a country that makes all our stuff. That's like a junky killing his dealer

why these niggers always lying?

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Anyone know where I could get an archived version of the first 1-80 threads?

Ruined? No...

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>was planning to buy a new PC this March
>can't buy new PC
>current PC is dying
>has to use company provided laptop


Actual data


>not using company laptop to mine crypto

Third strain must be redhead, the brown haired one is interchangeable with the brunette

Attached: three strains.png (2318x1911, 2.66M)

>can't buy a new pc
I ordered some used chink xeon parts about a month ago and they just arrived in NY from China. I will get them by Monday.
You can for sure order parts even cheep used parts just be ready to wait a while

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Nuke it again and again

In times of desperation people will believe whatever they want to hear. First symptoms of zombie horde. Pompeii is just some stupid smoking mountain btw...

Do tell

They didn't have numbers until #89, except one or two

>80% of people get better at home without help
>mostly old people and fat smokers dying
>of the 20% that go to the hospital most dont even end up on ventilators and get better with oxygen + meds
>planet wide mitigation efforts

Extinction level my fucking ass

Those 3 are the most iconic 3 tho

Nice story :)

Not technically, because nearly 20K of them are dead and others are recovered. We've never had 500K infected all at once.


Anyone know someone who has taken an antibody test?

fatstinction level event

Don’t forget the drinkin and smokin with pop pop

Medical Staffing Companies Owned by Rich Investors Cut Doctor Pay and Now Want Bailout Money

Companies that employ emergency room medical personnel, many owned by private equity firms, say they are reeling from vanishing demand for non-coronavirus care. But critics worry that bailout money would be a windfall for rich investors.


Rain Temple is better imo. Both are really good, though.

Get A grip schizo

>The end is nigh
But the sign says it's the beginning of a new day.

Not true for the brunette, I think that one has to have long hair on her back.
Or something else, it's strange how the brunette is the one with the most content yet has no consistency

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Some do, yes. It's around 25% that have subclinical infection, meaning they have no symptoms.

They'll most likely have little antibodies, though, so reinfection risk will be there in weeks to months.

Company laptop is cucked as fuck. Fucking it monkeys locked up so I can't install shit

can't make money of treating corona-chan patents that pay medicare rates when they could be doing elective surgeries that pay big bucks.
Fucking doctor/pharma kikes need to die same as every other kike

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I literally did this. took a bunch of old workstations at my company and hooked them up under my work table. had them all mining 24/7 using company power. used all the coins to buy multiple years worth of vpn service. still using it today.

wonder why?

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Based knee coomer

Why are Chinese dresses so good?

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Going along with the Village People tangent, while the Surgeon General is a Vice-Admiral and wears the US naval uniform, he is not actually in the Navy.

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We may need to wear masks for 'at least a year,' experts suggest


wtf CтoпХaм is still around? i thought they got formally disbanded

hurts to laugh but this was worth it

It's a transition. Modern society ends and a new day begins

>usa has about 500000 infected
>China's population is about 8x that of the states
>absolute best case scenario they have 4m infected
LMAO @ chinks

user, there is no such thing as "getting better". The virus lives on in your system indefinitely. Even if you rid yourself of it, there is no immunity to getting it again. It damages all of your organs. The damage accumulates over time. The old and weak are just the first to die, not the last.

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Malaysian infection rates will increase next week or the 20th

Coronavirus is a Chinese bioweapon meant to disrupt economic activity and give China a geopolitical edge

I don't think I will go out in public again without a mask. I love it. Watching people scatter is great. No one troubles you and everyone stands far away.
Now to buy some cute anime masks

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Because that dress especially that kind of cut was used by prostitutes.

lay on your stomach, makes breathing easier. smoke weed to clear infection and reduce pain / improve sleep.

mullein if you can find it will also help

oh and they also reported standing up , the correct position for the body to remove crap from lungs somehow. not laying down :\

If you're not full of shit, then drink lots of water and wrap up extra warm tonight. You want that fever to fight off corona-chan.

Hospitals Warn Nurses and Doctors Not to Speak Out on Coronavirus


You are the fag. The gooks will get theirs and they will puke their guts up from fallout radiation.

Wonder how long I can make some 3M p100 filters last.

Must be odd in your area. Masks of all types around here. I saw an older woman at the grocery store wearing panties around her head. Wish I caught a pic of it. She was showing it off.

Exactly. They think you are sick, but with that mentality comes trouble because it means when and if they get sick, they'll feel like they're doing all that is necessary by going all around, but while wearing a mask.



It didn't start looking good until the excesses of the 30s.


>not applying for a grant to use the supercomputer for materials research and submitting multi-day, multi-node jobs to mine bitcoin

More than half of passengers on board Antarctica bound cruise have coronavirus


Well I have not been out of the house in a month so maybe things are a bit different now. It used to be odd at least.
Regardless I like the privacy the provide

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This virus doesn't exist. It is still a happening. A massive move to make people dependent on the state. At first before it went mainstream and it was on Yas Forums I knew we were on to something that was upon us. Now with the massive MSM aligning with CVG threads on Yas Forums. It's a bit frightening. We must have the willingness to adapt to multiple new platforms. They saw Yas Forums, they subverted it. They couldn't subvert 8, so they shut it down.

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I want to cum in Lain's mouth and make her swallow it all whether she likes it or not

Fuck off.

True they do offer that.


Actually Tyrone from Somalia already cummed in here mouth with his gang of bodies. Fucking Simp. You should die now you live a meaningless existence.

Nice digits, the can’t let them see the ice wall, or the marvels that lay beyond

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It's not even original content. You could have posted the NYT article, faggot.