Should women powerlift?

Why do they want to increase their testosterone?

Attached: BogusCelebratedBullfrog.webm (720x900, 1.37M)

Is coffee good for yoU?

Attached: assop.png (246x285, 18.57K)

Who cares what cunts do? Shit.

Its smart for women to powerlift. It's better for their bones because their bones are weaker, especially after menopause. Encourage your wife to lift so you won't have a lady with a walker when you guys are old.

i was prepqred for snap city but welcoming titty ville

>1.0125 pl8
fuck off

Shocked to see a truthful, useful post. Well done, user.

>160 lbs squat
>knee wraps
>meme lifting shoes like adi powerlifts



>power lift
>one plate
Thats like 125 pounds, you need at least 300 for squats to be a powerlift

She is doing easy sets of five with that. I doubt thats more than 60% of her 1RM, more like 50%.

In other words, she is probably stronger than you... and not just via Wilks coefficient.

>Is coffee good for you?
Now I dont know if coffee is good for you, but the question you should be asking yourself instead is: Is coffee good for the palate? Now let me tell you how to make a cup of joe so good you will shit yourself. First get a hand grinder, make sure its a conical burr grinder and for the love of God make sure the burrs are ceramic. Now let me warn you, if the ceramic is white more than likely you got chink shit, the ceramic MUST have a black color.
Now get yourself a list of your local coffee roasters and get the freshest batch of beans you can get, the fresher the beans the more flavour your coffee will have. Make sure the coffee has not been roasted to the point of burning the beans because this will cause the oils in the beans to taste bitter and will mute the flavors you are going for. If that roaster is burning the beans, switch to another.
Now get ready for the fun part! Forget the pour over brewers and get yourself my favorite coffee extractor of all time, an aeropress.
Now the aeropress has unlimited potential on how you can tackle brewing your coffee but me, I like to keep it simple. Get some water boiling, grind yourself about 3 tbsp worth of coffee grounds, pour them in the aeropress chamber then pour that water over. Make sure you pre soak the filter of the aeropress with some boiling water as well. Stir the coffee grounds into the water for about 30 seconds then let the coffee brew for about one additional minute.
Now comes the climax. Press that puppy slowly, just a bit of force works, let that delicious brew pour into your favorite coffee cup, take in every particle that makes it to your nose and enjoy the aroma of your hard work paying off. Once you are done pressing all the brew out, empty the aeropress and rinse it, the used grinds should come out in a nice puck. Prep that brew the way you like it (sugar, milk, etc) then enjoy your trip to flavour town.

once Yas Forums, Yas Forums, and /fa/ join forces, its over for normies

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user a grown man could work up to that in 3 months

>Imagine caring how much weight she can lift with milk juggz like that.

Attached: Come on now.png (598x369, 387.2K)

gib milkies

ok basedboy

fpbp, also is coffee good for you?

I really wouldn't call 160lbs a powerlift.

good for them, she is already there.

Don't forget /po/ we sorta need to extend a peace offering.

Attached: po raid.png (2560x1572, 1.59M)

would you let her fuck you?

Attached: AEC23270-47E7-4DD6-998D-06AE29072167.jpg (362x644, 223.14K)

They can make themselves unattractive if they choose

Yeah, their ass gets bigger

>Should women
When a question starts out like this the answer is almost always no

Whatever dude women are not that strong, we know you like to suck women with dick anyways.

Could you stop her?

can they do pushups though?

>No pause at the bottom, but good breathing and grip up top. A little inconsistent on her up speed.
I want her to sit her sweaty test swollen brown starfish on my face and fart while she eats a can of beans post-workout for optimal protein synthesis.

Fggots, narcisists and tinfoils and the powerhouse you think they are friendomine

Surprisingly good form on this sloot

Yes because dominant muscular women make my peepee hard

They should get back in the kitchen.

You simp because your weak.

So you don't lift at all do you.

I want her to put me in a choke hold until I stop breathing.

Her tits are too big.

And women do this for the big butt.

Which means that there's about a 50% chance the nice ass you're seeing is not natural, and is due to intense workouts

>she didnt pee herself

Bullshit. When you grab the bunda the last thing you want is a handful of muscle

where can i buy a cheap or normal priced weight set? my gyms closed and i was gonna home gym but everything is sold out or being resold or 5-6x price

a 250$ olympic plate set and bar is like 800 dollars or more now. fuck ebay/amazon/etc

>160 squat

LMAO pick one, OP is retarded. Sage in all fields.

This. We need a stronger society all around. The fit will survive, the weak must perish.

Why not, for the most part, none are ever going to get near men's records anyway.

>We need a stronger society all around

we need a stronger white society. girl in op`s pic is some chink or mutt

Coffee, sage, nigger

165lbs...that's not a 2.5lbs end plate

165lbs...lift more than a candy bar and you'd know that

speak for you faggot.


Plus like 30lbs of titties bro.

Whats with the ellipsis fag, go reply to me again

They should not do it, and because they want to be stronger than a man!

>calling anyone a fag while thirsting for a well muscled arse

dude its like 150$ for a 25 pound dumbbell on craigslist


So you prefer a fat ass woman instead of a fit girl with a toned tight ass? you fucking fag

but beware of thots who lift, they are usually emcels or are flying face first to the wall (most of them are past 26)
the women who lift and are really good at it dont make a big deal out of it, thots are the ones who love to advertise that they "lift" because they want chad's attention

Oldfag here, everything you have heard about post-menopausal woman having weak bones and teeth is true. Like Styrofoam.

fuck you nigger

Not only this. Women are always told "Men are stronger than women" so many women take this to mean there is no point in being strong AT ALL.

Every single woman can be trained to do a pull up. What % of all women on Earth do you think can do a single pull up? It must be like 0.5% or less. It's astonishing.

This defeatism has led to women asking their men to do everything for them. "Open the pickle jar honey", "Move this chair for me honey", "I can't lift this 35 lb sack of dog food honey". By the sweet green Earth, I'm sick of it.

I know women are weaker than men. But there's no reason a woman can't have basic functional strength, be able to do 5 pull ups, be able to throw a round a 35 lb sack of dog food, be able to open a pickle jar, etc.

Women NEED to get stronger. I am fucking sick of weak women who can't do anything for themselves.

Wat. A grown man can do this on day 1 lmao

No id prefer a fit girl with a fat arse