Part 1: I almost forgot, but when Eric Weinstein's brother Brett Weinstein was on Joe Rogan a couple years ago, Brett said that he was working with a secret group of Silicon Valley intellectuals to create a crypto-currency that required owners of the currency to think and behave in all kinds of "correct" ways.
Brett Weinstein was saying that if you behave badly, then your crypto-currency is locked and you lose your money for wrong-think.
That secretive group obviously involved Eric Weinstein and his Silicon Valley (Mossad?) pals.
And the whole "Intellectual Dark Web" is obviously a Zionist propaganda campaign, probably Moss@d.
Anyway, I'm glad most of you guys can see the probable relationship these guys have with Israeli intel. The youtube comments were just sucking off Eric Weinstein like he was the genius of our time. EricRWeinstein · Aug 3, 2012 Met with the president of @CFS_org . A nonpartisan team of Nobelists, senators, & visionaries for financial stability. Twitter Followers?
Xavier Davis
So this is exactly what an intelligence operation would look like. Random non-profit/think tank, and immediately get together a bunch of Nobel winners, Senators, and other heavyweights. Just like Brett/Eric Weinstein's secret crypto-currency probably has massive firepower behind it, even though it's still secret:
EricRWeinstein Met with the president of @CFS_org . A nonpartisan team of Nobelists, senators, & visionaries for financial stability. Twitter Followers? 4
Camden Stewart
fucking hell that picture is fucking cringe
Asher Stewart
And remember, even after Epstein got out of jail for pedophilia, his reputation was still significantly trashed. I know he still met with and worked with Bill Gates and others, but as a public face Epstein was toast.
So the sexual blackmail/other recruitment of scientists for Mossad would have needed to be picked up by other people.
Not sure if Eric Weinstein is one of those people.
Jackson Thomas
It's a literal Mossad Operation, far as I can tell.
Also note the use of "Dark Web" in the title, which is where child porn and snuff films are trafficked.
Real time brain scans would dovetail with a behavior-dependent crypto-currency:
EricRWeinstein · Mar 15, 2012 Great talk yesterday by D. Tank at Simons Found. on real time in-task observation of individual neurons. Mice in VR
William Sanders
You absolute freak, shill liar. So MONTHS AND MONTHS after the fact, Eric just DECIDES to release his "construct" podcast describing his meeting with and interpretation of Jeffrey Epstein?????
Ayden Sanchez
Okay so I remember Eric Weinstein talking about his friendship with Mossad-type science literary agent John Brockman.
Brockman organized The Edge Foundation as a front for JEFFREY EPSTEIN'S RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTISTS.
There are photos all over the web of these Edge parties, of Epstein and Brockman and all these blackmailed scientists.
Elsewhere, Eric Weinstein declared that his good friend Brockman couldn't have possibly known about Jeffrey Epstein's pedophilia, but there's photos of Brockman and Epstein's girls at these Edge parties.
EricRWeinstein · Jan 16, 2012 My answer to the 2012 @Edge Q: What is your favorite explanation?
A: The New Geometric Quantum as Einstein's revenge.
Weinstein talks like someone with a 130 IQ trying to convince people he has a 160 IQ.
The way he acts like his brother (a community college teacher) is some wronged Nobel tier scientist and he (a glorified bean counter) is the next coming of Einstein is some serious mental illness.
Anthony Roberts
I just want to stop being multi stalked
Dominic Perez
Eric Weinstein confirmed connections to Jeffrey Epstein:
2014: Met Epstein at Epstein's NYC mansion, at Epstein's request. (Weinstein also lied about the year and tried to say it was 2002 or 2003).
2014: Weinstein has at least one phone call with Epstein, after the initial meeting. Weinstein claimed he was revolted by Epstein at the first meeting, which is obviously a lie, as we could also tell when Weinstein went out of his way to describe Epstein as extremely handsome and charismatic at their first meeting.
2004 or 2005: Weinstein admits that he dropped off hedge fund documents for Epstein at Epstein's (Mossad) office in midtown, directly behind St Patrick's Cathedral. 2010: Eric Weinstein congratulates Epstein for getting out of prison
I can just imagine Eric Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein shooting the bullshit for hours, during and after rub downs from the girls, with Epstein trying to act like Weinstein is being all profound, and Weinstein trying to act like he pulls hot young tail on his own all the time.
"How Jeffrey Epstein Bought His Way Into An Exclusive Intellectual Boys Club The Edge Foundation runs what has been called the “world’s smartest website” and held annual “billionaires’ dinners.” It was also financed by Jeffrey Epstein and gave him access to elite circles in science and tech.
That's John Brockman in the middle, Epstein's scientist blackmail recruiter and Eric Weinstein's good friend. And those are Epstein's girls, the ones who recruit 14 year olds for Epstein and friends. Imagine the nerve of Eric Weinstein to declare that Brockman surely didn't know anything about Epstein's pedophilia:
Yo these threads are straight full of bots and shills.
>who did this guy piss off?
Andrew Hernandez
We're going to stumble across some old photos of Eric Weinstein and this crowd.
Eric Weinstein is exactly the kind of blowhard Zionist nerd would would live and die to attend these Edge Billionaires dinners, or to go to a science conference on Epstein's island.
Anybody want to search the Epstein flight logs for Eric Weinstein?
What do you want to bet Bezos got his willie wet with Epstein's girls?
Mackenzie Bezos, Jeff Bezos
Zachary Butler
Shallow, empty FUD \ Ah yes, Project Veritas is recently brought in to shine the spotlight on Epstein because.......????? WTF IS HAPPENING???
John Parker
Association with Jeffrey Epstein In 2019 it was suggested that Brockman was the “intellectual enabler” of Jeffrey Epstein, the financier who died awaiting trial on charges of sex trafficking girls, who kept Brockman’s Edge Foundation on a retainer fee.[7]
Brockman's famous literary dinners—held during the TED Conference—allowed Epstein to mingle with scientists, startup icons and other tech billionaires.
Here's Weinstein tweeting to John Brockman in 2009:
@EricRWeinstein · Jul 21, 2009 @edge "Dear G-d, please let Nature accept the revised paper on selection for publication...." #unificationofscienceandreligion
EricRWeinstein · Feb 2, 2018 John Brockman retires the @edge question after 20 years. This was the first prominent general venue that let me speak as me. With this last entry, I will have submitted 9 controversial answers; John published 8 of them.
Bret Weinstein Theoretical Evolutionary Biologist BRET WEINSTEIN is a theoretical evolutionary biologist focused on adaptive patterns within complex, dynamic systems. His work revolves around trade-offs that force selection to balance competing values within fluctuating or patchy habitats. He has worked on the Darwinian underpinnings of senescence, the origin of species diversity gradients, the lek paradox, and the evolution of moral self-sacrifice. As an undergraduate, he studied under Robert Trivers, and his graduate advisor was R. D. Alexander. He earned a PhD in Biology from the University of Michigan, and for 14 years taught evolutionary theory at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington.
RESPONSES TO ANNUAL QUESTION 2018 - WHAT IS THE LAST QUESTION? The Last Question BEYOND EDGE Bret Weinstein's Website John Brockman, Editor and Publisher Russell Weinberger, Associate Publisher Nina Stegeman, Associate Editor
Eric R. Weinstein Mathematician and Economist; Managing Director of Thiel Capital ERIC R. WEINSTEIN is a managing director of Thiel Capital in San Francisco. He is also a research fellow at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University. Weinstein speaks and publishes on a variety of topics including, gauge theory, immigration, the market for elite labor, management of financial risk and the incentivizing of risk taking in science.
New Mossad ops (Intellectual Dark Web) being linked to old Jeffrey Epstein Mossad ops.
Eric Weinstein is all nervous and unhinged, but he's also trying rapidly grow his following among the goyim, and he's nervously lying about about his business relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, while also SCREAMING for REVOLUTION on the Joe Rogan podcast the other day.
So John Brockman claimed to have shut down his Edge website in 2018, no doubt due to the Jeffrey Epstein exposure and public scrutiny.
But the web site is still going, and John Brockman is still up to his old tricks with new front groups.
Remember, Epstein was just one honey trap operator, you can use the same honey trap with a different operator. Epstein was never supposed to get high profile in the first place, he was more effective that way.
So right now there's some new, low profile honey trap operator working these same science rackets, probably.
John Brockman @edge · Nov 27, 2019 The complete "Possible Minds Conference", an update from the field, is now available as a Thanksgiving Weekend Special—10 hours plus of audio and video, as well as a downloadable PDF of the 77,500-word manuscript. Enjoy. edge . org
Good stuff. Look into "The Mindshift Conference" It was held in 2010 on Little St. James Island, aka Epstein Island. In attendance were a who's who of Silicon Valley techies, Nobel winning scientists, AI specialists, and crypto types like the actor Brock Pierce, who was implicated with Singer in the DEN/Hollywood pedo scandal. It was held on the island itself. Hmm, wonder what could have happened there?
Carson Campbell
Jeffrey Epstein’s Intellectual Enabler How did Epstein meet so many luminaries in the worlds of science and technology? It all might trace back to literary agent John Brockman. By EVGENY MOROZOV August 22, 2019
>nervously lying about about his business relationship with Jeffrey Epstein
Again, he seems to me to be the only semi-significant person who will even talk about Epstein, why doesn't he ignore it if he has something to hide?
Brayden Torres
Thank you, not a lot of commenters here.
Brody Richardson
It's NBG set theory meets the technocrat movement (alla Hubbert). They're not wrong, there's just no way to implement it that is moral.
Declining EROEI faggot. Deal with it. State of Nature don't give a fuck.
Anthony Wright
Because he's worried about news of his relationship with Epstein getting out, so he jumped in front of it. Remember, he's pushing hard to boost his audience and influence, so the Epstein revelation would have killed his public image.
Merle Haggard did the same thing in 1972, Johnny Cash convinced him to announce to the world that he had spent 3 years in jail for robbery back in the late 50s. Haggard needed to get in front of it, before somebody leaked it to the public and ruined his image.
Coming forward in front of it made him the most popular country singer at the time.
Asher Rodriguez
Yeah it's all this weird Jeffrey Epstein transhumanism creepy stuff that I don't really understand or spend much time on.
"Can humans set a non-evolutionary course that is game-theoretically stable?"
I'm guessing that it was Eric Weinstein's close ties to Jeffrey Epstein and John Brockman that helped him get the job running Peter Theil's fund, but I don't know.
Remember, his brother was just a community college professor, and Eric probably would have been a nobody too if he wasn't riding with Mossad.
Dylan Hernandez
John Brockman will probably be remembered as an Israeli Superspy, like Arnon Milchan.
It's not just the sexual blackmail ops he was running with Epstein, it's all the crazy, diabolical science projects/social engineering Brockman could do with all that high profile science talent.
I mean, this is how Climate Change type propaganda campaigns get started.
We'll keep paying attention and try to observe it all as it happens, to some extent.
I bet Bill Gates was up to his balls in John Brockman's circle, just like he was up to his balls in Jeffrey Epstein.
And remember, Epstein tried to make Bill Gates' science director be the executor of Epstein's will, which was written two days before Epstein died.
This whole Bill Gates microchip stuff is directly connected to Jeffrey Epstein/John Brockman/Mossad.
To fly in drugs/children/organs/money across the Mexican border, to land on his isolated private air strip.
And then the money gets laundered through hedge funds, perhaps like his business associate Eric Weinstein's.
Ian Martin
What's weird is how Epstein built that NM mansion on the edge of the hill facing the highway, so all the peasants could see it as they passed by. He could have built it 400 yards back and nobody would even know it was there.
Also check google maps satellite view, I think he might have had burial grounds out towards his back entrance to the mansion. Just like Michael Jackson probably did at Neverland Ranch.
Cooper Wilson
Based and bumped. Fuck kikes fuck pedos
Brayden Cooper
Thanks brah
Lincoln Hughes
literally who for 90%
Isaiah Wilson
The 'Intellectual Dark Web' Is Just Rehashing Old P.C. Controversies in New Media The leading figures of the "Intellectual Dark Web" are incredibly popular. So why do they still feel so aggrieved?
"Intellectual Dark Web" (IDW)—think of it as an Island of Misfit Ideologues—declare themselves, Trump-like, to be underdogs and outsiders.
Mathematician Eric Weinstein, managing director of Thiel Capital, coined the term Intellectual Dark Web some while back, but it only became a subject of mass controversy after Bari Weiss published a recent New York Times profile of the crew. Weiss lumps Weinstein, his evolutionary biologist brother Bret, and about a dozen other high-profile, often controversial folks in the IDW ranks, including "New Atheism" guru Sam Harris, American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers, comedian Dave Rubin, conservative pundit Ben Shapiro, author and academic Jordan Peterson, and Quillette founder Claire Lehmann.
A diverse group in terms of work backgrounds and political leanings, what they share is a disdain for modern center-left orthodoxies—and a view of themselves as victims of unfortunate and intensifying forces: identity politics, feminist militancy, transgender activism, illiberalism around speech.
Cooper Allen
"Presenting themselves as brave and imperiled truth sayers facing down an increasingly "politically correct" populace, they offer their fans an immensely appealing proposition: It's not you, it's them, and liking us is a sign that you are not like them. We are rational, radical where it's called for, able to take a joke, and part of America's great intellectual tradition—everything the speech-policing, biology-denying left is not. And anything we say or share that angers the left is just proof of how insane they have become."