>muh only 600,000 dead >but don't you dare destroying my econominos, it's more important than some thousands of "people"
No respect for each other, no respect for human live, lack of ethics and norms of social co-existence, their only value is enslaving people for profits
>No respect for each other, no respect for human live, lack of ethics and norms of social co-existence, their only value is enslaving people for profits Basically. This has never been an intellectual country.
Michael Gray
There is huge cultural gap between Europe and America and I just learned how big it is currently.
People in America are a resource not a human beings.
Colton Johnson
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Eat shit and die faggot.
Justin Foster
You realize a tanked economy CAUSES people to die, right? A mere 1% increase in unemployment correlates to about 40,000 deaths. A lot more people will die as a result of the economic devastation than of the virus itself.
Also, they’re now projecting approximately 60,000 deaths, not 600,000. But given that the models have proved to be spectacularly wrong so far, it probably won’t even be that many. In any case, get your facts straight.
Jackson Harris
Why are you so hostile? Does the thrill of anonymously attacking strangers over the internet get your chode to tickle? Perhaps you should consider paying attention to your overdue bar tab. Oh wait im going to guess you dont leave that crusty old basement you call your home. Perhaps if you took one moment, one day, nay, one passing second to think about your situation in life you would realize that in the end nothing is worth while and that the most you can do to positively impact this world and all other worlds in the known universe is to finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch in the back of your mind. The thought you dare not acknowledge lest you finally man up the cojones, balls for your impoverished foolhardy ass, to FINALLY take that power cord, sticky and grimy with caked on layers of doritos crumbs, sweat, and semen. A frothy, disgusting mixture of bodily waste that so accurately sums up who and what you and your lifestyle represent: Absolute scum. Not one more second should pass where you continue to contribute to the enthropic heat death of known reality. Take that power cable. Take that disgusting mound of semen, rubber, and disgusting food particles. Take it. Take all 8 feet of it from the very wall in which its plugged to the half dismantled box that you use to type this message to me. Take it, and finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch. Tie it as tight as you can around your neck, make sure that one end is securely fastened to the ceiling, and take that final plunge. That final step off your bent and mangled chair, the unfortunate piece of plastic used to carry your morbidly obese welfare person. Take that final step. Take that final step into the halls of darness and obscurity. Do it. Kill yourself. For the good of all mankind you mother fucking piece of shit.
Caleb Phillips
Have some empathy for your seniors. Give the geezers a chance to walk off into the woods with some grace and dignity, instead of shitting themselves to death on the altar of your reverence for waste.
Landon Reyes
So then don't come here you mud eating peasant. Stay in your commie block country that is completely made up in the first place and you'll never have to deal with us.
Landon Cooper
>3rd world country >says the Eurospic who has a lower GDP
Economic shutdowns have a body count too. In the Great Recession, suicides spiked. And who knows how many ODs came out of that period which wouldn't have happened otherwise? How many guys ended either dead or close to dead out on the street because they were living paycheck to paycheck with no safety net and lost their job? How many domestic abuse cases are turning fatal right now?
Lucas Kelly
Nobody comes to your shithole except Mexicans and other 3rd worlders from the latin america fleeing cartels that exists only because of the high demand from the junkie capital of the world
Xavier Davis
must be nice to live in an ethnostate where you actually give a shit when some of your countrymen die. Corona-chan wrecks New York and I laugh myself to sleep thinking about dead New Yorkers.
If 30-50% of America becomes unemployed a lot more than 600k people are going to die, and America will finally become the third world country Europeans always claim it is
Connor Lewis
Bill gates is going to hang when his involvement in this Bioweapon release is publicly announced.
That's based though. The capitalist class is using this crisis (that they've created most likely) as a smokescreen while they enact anti-4th amendment legislation. There hasn't been a single peep on Yas Forums about EARN IT. Gates and his puppet Fauci can fuck off as well. I'm not getting a shitty tattoo because some little dweeb is a control freak.
America is a hellscape of atomized, arrogant, entitled narcissists all coping with the bevy of mental illnesses brought about by a lack of community, a society in which you are actively pitted against one another, and deeply unhealthy life styles. The cultural obsession with freedom has morphed from the founder's visions of 'freedom from' external forcings towards the modern 'freedom to' engage in antisocial, self destructive pig-shittery that satisfies short term impulses with zero awareness for long term consequences. This pattern plays out across our entire culture and in many ways the artificial propping up of our economy by the bretton woods system/petrodollar/American naval supremacy over the last seven decades has spawned a deep and intractable malignancy in the form of the insane self obsession, hostility to experts, wanton materialism, and worship of greed which are beginning to destroy the social fabric now that the cocaine rush of coasting as a global superpower despite being a swarm of chittering retards is falling apart.
Welcome to the new world order fren. Watch your culture get subverted, your people replaced, your values inverted, your rights gone, your quest for autonomy illegal, your security fucked and your property redistributed. We either fight it together or lose everything.
Bentley Sanders
touche, so lockdowns are unconstitutional?
Robert Rivera
No european ever claimed that, remember how they lose their minds when the euro-ban happen? They live like rats and afraid of the government even in the best countries, Europe is over.
Ayden Campbell
Who cares about GDP when you're underdeveloped?
Luis Gray
Charles Ramirez
are there currently any lockdowns in the USA? are people still allowed to gather in large groups?
Joshua Richardson
This is a CCP agitprop thread.
Connor Anderson
Imagine supporting an economy where not wage slaving for literal kikes means hundreds of thousands will die, this is truly a country for the Jews.
Isaac Green
they are some of the dumbest fucks if i ever, but that includes 99% of the world's population.
And yet, the religion of Judaism has been established as the state religion.
Jacob Fisher
good for you you're 0.004 units higher on a chart than us we're proud of you
Dominic Wood
checked Excellent post, my friend
John Lee
Wow someone watched the big short
Henry Wilson
Yes, no.
Nolan Murphy
I don't support the lockdown because boomers dying out of the workforce and housing markets is ultimately good for me. The lockdown is the worst of both worlds.
Cooper Smith
I actually haven’t.
Evan Rogers
>are there currently any lockdowns in the USA? are people still allowed to gather in large groups?
All essential businesses are closed same with big planned events
However a shit load of people are out being retards
Gavin Thompson
Whiny leftists pretending to be humanitarians, never gets old
Ryder Edwards
It’s IHDI, not HDI, fake and gay, fuck off.
Adam Peterson
He's right you know. Unless you're a MIGAtard, he might as well have posted in Polish. You bootlickers don't even understand English anymore unless the sentence starts with Trump and ends with MIGA.
102k deaths and globally we have 7.4 billion people. even in france or spain who have 15+ k deaths its a drop in the bucket for total population and it leveled off in many places already
china france and spain dont have significant increases in deaths over the past week. sure they had a bunch early on but it seems to have run its course
you have a fiat currency even if 4 million people died you damn well better go to work if you want to pay bills. they wont get another tax refund advance through and wont pay for you to exist. you go to work and act like nothing is wrong or you die . laugh but when the rape gangs are upon your house and your children and dragged into the streets and passed around because hyper inflation killed your possibility to survive in a capitalist world and lots of guys dont want to die a virgin remember that i told you it doesnt matter even if 4 million died from gook flu you had to go to work like everything was normal
Liam Jones
do you want civilization to fucking collapse? there will be 6 million dead when people start looting and fighting for scraps on the streets.
Leo Scott
this should be taught in US schools
Gabriel Howard
yea chemically wash the infected ohh no it killed the zombies.
(((humanitarians))) are literal profit peacekeepers, the money they get from penny diamonds in africa far outweight the funding of a shitty untrained army riding around in white painted APCs.
but THINK OF THE AFRICANS, if only these stupid fucking faggots actually realized why the government OKs their gay donation idea. no one truely gives a fuck about 70 iq niggers dying in some 3rd world mudhole because their parents had 7 kids with 5 different men, half of whom has aids
Juan Johnson
>6 million Welcome, newfriend. What brought you here?
Jackson Gonzalez
Our niggers on welfare have 5x the amount of money you do. Let that sink in
Lol virus is net good for human population. Weeding off all the old people who should have died decades ago, the diabetuses, the genetically weak.
Easton Bailey
Have you seen the 60k deaths chart?
It literally has zero deaths after August first. It just follows the current path, no acceleration to 60, and flatlines.
It's like Trump demanded 60k, and someone got pissed off and said "ok, I'll make it look retarded."
We have China tier lies now.
Jaxson Wood
seems like a lot of you Americans have no clue about what GDP even means, first, you seem to forget that your population is very high and your GDP per capita is the 13º, all the first ~40 are high enough to have a very good life
But way more important than that, when you buy 2x more food than you need to become obese your GPD goes up, your life quality does not, when you pay more on drugs and health inurance to solve your new obesity caused diseases your GPD goes up, your life quality does not, when you buy a ton of cheap imported chink crap, advil and adhd medication to take it everyday like it's candy and clothes that you're going to throw away in less then a year because it's out of fashion your GPD goes up, your life quality does not
GDP is not equal to life quality, most of you make high income and are 1 salary from getting bankrupt, get your priorities right
According to Soros, China must lead this New World Order, “creating it and owning it,” in the same way the United States “owns the current order.” Soros’ plans for China are the exact opposite of Donald Trump’s policies regarding the Asian giant. ... ' corona
Nope. Also here are some nice studies > The higher risk of dying for minimum- and medium-skilled unemployed Americans, not found among Germans, suggests that the unemployment–mortality relationship may be mediated by the institutional and economic environment.
ching chong, carrying weight for the ccp is the same as being a buglet. Sort yourself out you scared little slavmutt, this is the biggest charade for the century