Why aren’t you MGTOW?
Why aren’t you MGTOW?
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You are just an incel in denial
Because it was founded by homosexual Jews and because it is founded upon an incorrect axial basis; furthermore it commits a self-refutation. "Wamens bad, cause is bad men. Wamens is children, but wamens is cause. Hedonism and selfishness good."
Gold is more expensive than platinum and it has been for a very long time
Why aren't you making white children, faggot? You going to just sit back and let the niggers march into your homeland? You going to let them ruin everything you love? Grow some fucking balls and stop trying to come up with reasons why you don't need a woman. You KNOW you fucking need one. You just want to stay in cozyland, where you're never challenged and everything is easy. Pick yourself up off the floor you sad sack of shit
Too handsome/sexy & hot
White men that don’t make white children are race traitors.
Getting married and having kids to “save the white race” is a fool’s errand. The fact is that I could have 100 white kids and it wouldn’t even be a drop in the bucket in the racial demographics of the West. The only way we’ll save the white race is through an indefinite moratorium on immigration and mass deportations of non-whites. Unless and until those things happen, why should I sacrifice my own happiness?
MGTOW in a nutshell
Why be mgtow when you can go full Kaczynski and train your post net whore right?
He can have a white children through surrogacy.
You won't be happy, you're going to die alone having accomplished nothing of worth. You'll game and fap and rot away, and you'll look back on your lonely life with immense regret.
That is a lie created by the drumpf administration to distract people from the fact that America is doing nothing to help fight the virus.
Per ounce yes, but 2 rings of the same volume would mean that the platinum would ring would cost more because it is a lot more dense. In general. Also, most gold rings are 14k or 18k where platinum is 850-950. Even though there has been a flipping of the values for the better part of a decade, platinum is still seen as more desirable. Higher end pieces are typically in platinum, sometimes 18k
This whole exercise is stupid tho cause gold is softer than platinum.
because im not a weak man and my wife loves and supports me in my decision making.
>inb4 she gonna leave you and take half your shit
no. with out me she would fall apart, I without her. we are a team, something you incels will never understand.
If I had found a good woman I wouldn't be MGTOW. They don't fucking exist in 2020 and you're coping if you think otherwise
If you're MGTOW because you'er afraid of being controlled by women then you're being controlled by women.
>picture of an animal
how about a piece of shitappotamus?
>This whole exercise is stupid tho cause gold is softer than platinum.
Don't forget the melt temperature, user!
>Virgin 1615F vs. Chad 3250F
That shit is not even close. Wouldn't you like to be able to recover the ring after a tragic house fire?
>imagine not buying an iridium ring
Because I'm not gay.
Anyone else here sad about the death of MGTOW\MRA stuff as a movement? I miss 2008-2014 r9k and the mgtow stuff by youtubers like Barbar. None of them are active anymore, it feels haunting.
I like fucking too much
I just cheat on my gf all the time, it's based
Very moving user. I hope to achieve this one day.
You can foster codependence most effectively through shared drug use.
Every single one of your ancestors reproduced. But not you. Every one of them from bacteria to fish to primate managed it. Your human ancestors percerviered through plague and war. But you quit. Fuck you
dont use my waifu in images like that please
This. I was actively looking for a good one for years, but im done making myself miserable over it. If I stumble into a good one then great, I'll stop the MGTOW shit. I dont think it's very likely.
I married my HS sweetheart, a debt-free virgin with no tattoos who never so much even kissed another male before me. Just like every one of my ancestors before me, like JEBUS intended.
Why did you waste your youth, anons? That one cute, sorta homely, trad girl from your classes who was perfect for you, but you squandered your opportunity and now shes with some other rando lucky enough to woo her.
bro you're wasting your time. these niggers are never going to stand up to woman, they are simps, they worship pussy, it's over for the white man. praise allah, may he take womans rights away and restore the patriarchy.
>work with niggers, spics, and asians while avoiding commitment to a white woman and preserving your genes
What could Jews want more than this out of white goyim?
I am
not sure what the goal of migatow is..
>don't get married
>don't have a family
>no more white kids
oh wait i get it now, its a jewish thing.
Thanks rabbi, very cool.
i know you are trolling but i literally did this and am rocking my son to sleep right now.
Memeflag Moshe strikes again
>cute, sorta homely
I grew up in the 570 and either women were used up or homely. There was maybe 1 or 2 women that I had a chance with if I wasn't retarded. Look back on it all now and wish I could have that chance. BRB going to grab the parachord.
I'm not gay.
>MGTOW is for inc-
funny how you people aren't afraid to talk about jews, but you absolutely will not ask yourself the big wahmen question.
not lying, user. MGTOW threads always make give me an ego boost. hopefully, I can also reach out to some teen anons before they gobble up the kike lies from these bots
>I catfished some women
>I am a perfectly reasonable functioning member of society from posting a screen grab of a screen cap that may or may not be me
you don't fix the sinking boat by changing your wet socks. You plug the leak.
>"Wamens bad, cause is bad men. Wamens is children, but wamens is cause. Hedonism and selfishness good."
K. how to fix?
Because im in a loving relationship. Perks of not falling for the white women meme
>>Virgin 1615F vs. Chad 3250F
>That shit is not even close. Wouldn't you like to be able to recover the ring after a tragic loss at Mt. Doom?
keep up the good fight. Its worth it
I was and still am ugly and retarded, like the majority of the fucks here are. Simple as
>Islam is right about women
Also fuck Jews, every like should be in an oven burning to hell, niggers too
because i'm not a gay boomer whose salty about his previous marriage lmfao.
K. how?
woooooow, that ratio
I wish I could, I got the worlds greatest divorce 5yrs ago where I lost nothing, no money handed over and got full custody of my kids. I did self improve, lost over 100lbs look fucking awesome now desu. Had one night stands over the years with much younger chicks (im 35 average age was always around 8yrs younger than me.) cause well I wanna get laid from time to time. But now ive been talking to this girl for the last few months and I dunno if its worth it bros. Been hurt multiple times so my trust issues suck beyond belief which is why I just didnt 1 nighters. She says shes true to her word but my doubt overrides everything regardless.
doesnt the jew want men chasing women because that fuels consumerism
Idk I dont really hate women I am just not into dating. It is kinda annoying. In my experience it is like walking through a minefield. Unless you are a convicted felon/drug abuser/alcoholic/insane or "mysterious" they are gonna get real bored real fast. They generally hate history and politics, or simply feign interest.
Pretty much everyone else they want to exploit for resources/status (and you will therefore, never be able to compete even if you have millions of dollars... they will drop you the second when better option comes along). That means they wont love you if you are just a simple 9-5 guy who pays his bills and works a good job. They are there to live with you and have sex but they aren't there because they are interested or love you.
All this said, the most amount of sex in my life was when I was a degenerate drinking/drugs to blackout 3-4 nights a week. Sometimes I didn't even know their names. Now I work full time and dont drink at all. GUESS WHAT no girls hitting me up to randomly bone. My life and mental health is better, but goddamn, the tradeoff is no poon
I had 100 matches within 1-2 weeks and I hate the majority of women. Not even catfish. Could probably get more if I spammed swipe on the fat bitches too lmao
Most of us on here never had a highschool sweetheart. I am a virgin nearly 27.
Instead you marry a white whore and get divorced within a year, forced to pay child support for Tyrone's kid?
Sure thing, Karen.
>I hate the majority of women.
So why would you make a dating profile?