i like s.o.y
I love Q and Trump! America!
This is being slid hard
built for bbc
Built for BBC whitebois mad
TUNNELS 60Ghz optics tower cia mossad take meds not white nords arent white amerimutt europoor
china bioweapon D.U.M.B.S. donald trump bernie sanders holocaust holocaust fake balkanization national socialism hitler jewish hitler 5g qanon qposts schizo conspiracy towers check check WWG1WGA Qanon 5G Response nigger nigger Trump Alex Jones Coulter Qanon Boomer white black mexican white women bbc cuck cuckold tuo meht ward lliw taht sdrowyek llihs dna segami gnisu stob eht tuo deew ot gnitpmetta er'ew ,yllacisaB wall zion don israel jew kike 5g corona coronavirus china ccp WWG1WGA tunnel 60Ghz optics tower cia mossad take meds not white nords arent white amerimutt europoor china bioweapon D.U.M.B.S. donald trump bernie sanders fake balkanization national socialism hitler jewish hitler 5g qanon qposts schizo
LOLZ...I hope you did that on purpose....
>>H-hey guys, use my Wolfram capatcha generator widget that totally doesn't track anything
>>You can trust me for some reason
This is a good idea but there are hundreds of sites that do the exact same thing.
D.U.M.B.S. gnitpmetta
>This is a good idea but there are hundreds of sites that do the exact same thing.
Do this, dont do that.
Don't forget to bump
Captcha is chugging real hard, never happened before
this is working, well done lads, now to make it a normal way of communicating on here.
Q is our only hope. Trump is saving our country. Heard Hillary is getting justice today. Drain the fucking swamp, America #1 bitches!
captcha please don't fuck my ass
fuck niggers and fuck kikes
Why is beastiality being posted on Pol and other scat degeneracy? The motive has shifted, it went from posting blacks and Jews are better than white people to straight up while male degeneracy. How do we fight this? Also, how do we combat the 5G and chip degeneracy effectively and efficiently using text, no everyone can make an image like this fast enough to combat shit. We need more strategy.
user basically its 5g wifi trump Q Qanon drain the swamp TUNNELS skyking king sky medicine COVID coronavirus chan hillary lock her up bernie bern outs mossad NSA fake national hitler qposts schizo chan desu CIA larp mossad iran korea north south uguu
Yes we can identify shills, but that’s not enough to combat them.
Also google captcha just added static
We know.
We will now create a shill-pasta. I'll start with the first line.
Easy for you to say, but Trump is running the show now. Did you know Qanon drain the swamp mossad? Didn't think so, 5G.
ords arent white amerimutt europoor china
user basically we CIA 5G the boomer ok Dora is white kangz MAGA.
Theres no such thing as random, every code can be cracked comouters are all a.i. designed with structured code
bump this seems big, looks like Yas Forums’s becoming an imageboard again
Fuck pussy getlaidlaidlaidaidlaid pussy pussy pussy sex sex sex whore boob
bumparino i love qanon
Trump is a hypocrite. Why can't he build that damn wall?
Trump Alex Jones Coulter Qanon Boomer white black mexican white women bbc cuck cuckold tuo meht ward lliw taht sdrowyek llihs dna segami gnisu stob eht tuo deew ot gnitpmetta er'ew ,yllacisaB wall zion don israel jew kike 5g corona coronavirus china ccp WWG1WGA tunnel 60Ghz optics tower cia mossad take meds not white nords arent white amerimutt europoor china bioweapon D.U.M.B.S. donald trump bernie sanders fake balkanization national socialism hitler jewish hitle
# Create a botproof image
# usage ./botproof "text"
if test $# -ne 1
echo "usage ./botproof \"text goes here\"" >&2
exit 1
pgmnoise 500 500 | ppmchange -closeness 40 black blue white purple > temp1
ppmpat -squig 500 500 | ppmquant 128 > temp2
while [ "$i" -le "$MAXCHAR" ]
LINE=`echo $1 | cut -c $i-$j`
ppmlabel -size 20 -color green -y $j -text "$LINE" temp2 > temp3
mv temp3 temp2
i=`expr $i + 25`
j=`expr $j + 25`
ppmrelief temp2 > temp3
mv temp3 temp2
ppmmix 0.8 temp1 temp2 > temp3
pnmtopng temp3 > image.png
rm temp*
the fuck is this bollocks you spastic prick
He is not. However, i trust q, he was always right
Damn you, what will we do with china?
drumpf! bumpedy. Sha na nigua ta ba halla wa nata. Op fagot wolonday citpo. Sha tra qua na nigbo chan. Cap tcha hata loda balanca badda bong.
5G Qanon MAGA awoo Alex Jones, user.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nigga what
Trump Alex Jones Coulter Qanon Boomer white black mexican white women bbc cuck cuckold tuo meht ward lliw taht sdrowyek llihs dna segami gnisu stob eht tuo deew ot gnitpmetta er'ew ,yllacisaB wall zion don israel jew kike 5g corona coronavirus china ccp WWG1WGA tunnel 60Ghz optics tower cia mossad take meds not white nords arent white amerimutt europoor china bioweapon D.U.M.B.S. donald trump bernie sanders fake balkanization national socialism hitler jewish hitle