>be consistently disproven, debunked for 3 years
>still pretending that the government officials that are destroying this country are going to arrest and prosecute themselves
Q-ueefers are the gold standard in mental illness my god. Either take your pills or just fucking kill yourselves you morons
Every time Barr and FISA ramp up Mossad spams more Q threads.
Israel is scared.
There he is. There he goes again!
Look everyone he posted it once again. Isn't he just the funniest guy around! Oh my god.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little bane thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha, maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Yas Forums pass so you just choose the picture. Oh we all know the picture, the uh epic twitter screencap isn’t it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that’s right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You’re a fat fucking fuck up and she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yas Forums posting about tweets. Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic twitter posting NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even talk try to you because all you say is WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS LMAO
You became a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now.
And that’s all you’ll ever be
Q boomers validated
Wow, a tweet confirms everything!
Qfaggots and retard boomers need to fuck off.
Trust sessions
>Jumping the gun again
Qtards really are mentally ill like says
Happy D J T day
>Year of Our Lord 2027
Every time Trump types out one of his jackassed tweet you faggots look to some larper on the internet to give you "breadcrumbs" that lead nowhere. Every single time since Q predicated and flopped on that prediction that hillary would be arrested. No one's scared except for the loved ones in your life that have to deal with your rapidly degenerating schizophrenia.
give it up already you downies, honestly it's embarrassing just to watch you guys make fools out of yourselves.
When we see, on national T.V, These people IN HANDCUFFS and they're having mugshots taken, I'll believe this shit. Otherwise you're all living in a fucking fantasy world.
but muh disinfo necessary
Fuck off faggots, Trump is gonna go full fashy in 2021 once he no longer has to worry about re-election
Lol, GP had this before Q
They indicted Hillary that year. Truly glorious. Trust the plan indeed, but disinfo is necessary.
Nothing ever happens.
Alex Jones is a mossad. But has no proof
daaaa انها ثا فوكين ‘D O مزدوج G (سنوب دوج) دا دا دا دا دااا تعلمون im mobbin’ مع D.R.E [كوروبت] نعم نعم نعم ، أنت تعرف من هو الاحتياطي في هذا المتحرك * أصداء * [سنوب] ماذا ماذا ماذا؟ [كوروبت] حتى الحريق الاعشاب هناك [سنوب] احترق [Kurupt] الحريق الذي القرف nigga نعم يستيقظون سنوب الآية واحدة: [snoop] Top dogg شرائهم جميعًا نيغا يحرقون هذا القرف DPGC بدوره nigga هذا القرف CPT ، LBC نعم نحن ربط ‘N احتياطي N’ عندما يقرعون هذا في نادي الطفل يجب أن تستيقظ niggas ، المخدرات التجار نعم يعطونها “حياة منخفضة ، فتى الحياة الذي نعيشه” انتهز الفرصة لذلك نحن نرقص “في الحفلة” لتنزلق حوزي على أربعة وأربعين ن ‘أنها تسللت إلى الوراء تفعل’ العاهرات تبدو “أنا غريب لكنك تعلم أنني لا أهتم بالتقدم في هذا المشاكس لمجرد أن يتأرجح” شعري ترك الكلبة تتحدثين “Crip walk إذا كنت مع المجموعة خذ رصاصة مع بعض ديك خذ هذا المنشط من هذه الطائرة النفاثة انه لوالد الراب n ‘إذا كان مؤخرتك تحصل على الكلبة الكراك أغلق فخك عد مرة أخرى هذا جزء من النجاح n’ إذا كنت تعتقد أن X ثم ستخفف من توترك الموسيقى بينهما [سنوب] دا دا دا دا دا
>They indicted Hillary that year.
Sauce please
What came first, Q or all the stupid people who would believe a thing like Q? You know, it's analogous to the chicken or the egg thing.
Original Q posted “you have everything you need”. Then trip changed and BS started
I love watching you all implode. I really truly do. Sorry you picked the path you did, but nobody here is forcing you to be here. So the question is, who out there, is? Lmao
DC subpoenas on Hannity’s radio show. John Solomon reporting
No faggot.
Full globalist socialist.
john podesta caught doing 51 in a 35. q deniers btfo
damn, you guys work fast. not even a minute.
here, have a (you). feed your family
imagine the smell MIGA cucks btfo? 5G flu predictions Q was God Emperor Trump tunnels!
Prepare yourself Yas Forums the shills are going to just tell you that each indictment, each conviction, is nothing, not important, small potatoes, all the way to the end. Its all they have at this point.
What you need to prepare for and DO NOT let them succeed at, is convincing you that if you dont rise up (in violence, not in unity to expose truth) that you will never gain your Country, your Freedom again. If anybody stokes any form of unpeaceful unity or action, call them out with the FIRE AND FURY of God, and send them away.
should make another square for assange
that's a win-win
Either he goes fash against the psychotic left and we get a civil war, or goes fash against everybody and we can finally get a happening and purge. This slow boil shit is getting difficult to stand.
whoa. let's dickbump in celebration
Fpbp Queefers are deranged loons
It's just a subpoena you dumb fuck
Q promises Hillary & Obama in jail
3 years later
John Solomon is on top of shit though. He regularly breaks stories and he pulls no punches. If he says something, you can take it to the bank. These are just Grand Jury subpoenas, so it doesn't mean that we are going to see perp walks tomorrow, but it is seismic activity for what will eventually be an earthquake.
They will either have to produce documents in court or testify in court. This could be huge.
Proof for that claim? Or are you just another retarded faggot?
Nobody understands nothing can stop what is coming... it has nothing to do with Q. The solar flash will happen whether or not we prepare. Meaning when the true nature of the universe is reveal and people are still brainwashed it will literally drive people insane and kill some people. The Q thing is merely to make people ready for the ascenion that will happen regardless. Nothing can stop what is coming.
nigger breed.
reminder to say nigger and kike and chink in everypost for the (((dataminers)))
meow- siamese please
Q is a faggot and boomer porn
Trump has done everything he can to screw us. I don't see myself voting for him this year.
Based af
This stuff is hilarious
Yeah he maybe but anons on qresearch does great digging. You should check it out. I don’t pay much attention to Q post it’s self.
Hello bot.
A list of questions and none "H and O will be arrested on x for y." These things take time by the way. Barr has already addressed it.
Do you believe Hillary has been detained for years ? lol I could have sworn she went on a book tour.
It is a statement , not a question, go do your mental gymnastics now, tell me to trust the plann, this is 4d chess, airtight case against Hillary in 2028
You mean the man who covered up Iran Contra and Ruby Ridge and started the Waco siege? Unless he flipped he’s a dirty swamp creature.
Wahahahha, QTARD BFTO.
le butthurt
>pic related
None of them are actually in jail, though.
>Boomers with senpai
Pick one
Before I do mental gymnastics why don't you show everyone your flag. I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary was allowed to be in the public to not disrupt the public and Trumps opposition. You have to build the case first.
He probably flipped seeing as his dad was connected to Epstein. If Zypher is true then thats something else.