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BDRP here, someone call?

MAGAtards 4 weeks ago:

"Just the flu.....15 cases going to 0 soon...thankfully Mango Jesus stopped flights from China."

MAGAtards today:

"1,500 Americans dying per day isn't that bad....COVID being the leading cause of death in the US isn't a big deal....curve is flattening."

Statistically, almost 10,000 americans die every day.
They are merely claiming that an increasing share of these statistically normal deaths are caused by "coronavirus".
Eventually the average number of deaths per day will increase due to increased suicides, homicide, overdoses, alcoholism, and stress-related causes of death resulting directly from the economic shutdown and unending "shelter in place" bs.

Yeah, hi. I think some bluecheck faggot may be based. What should I do?

That’s right! I’m sick of a bunch of old peple dying making President Trump look bad! We had the best economy in years, and we aren’t going to throw it away over fucking grandpa dying! We need everyone to get back to work and get productivity up and running again! America was not designed to be closed! Reopen the country!

God bless Trump! MAGA 2020!

MAGAtards started and continue to run /cvg/
They called this virus before it was even a happening

Or maybe people about to lose their small businesses and homes just want to not go bankrupt.

This, but unironically.

hes right. party time soon.

That is pretty based. I had the hoax flu about 3 weeks ago. It is not bad at all! It's slightly worse than a regular flu, but I am 62 and a smoker and I was done with it in 6 days. Open the fucking economy up.. let the pussified young and niggers die.. they should all be dead anyway.

Normal flu season: 60,000 deaths nobody bats an eye

I'm tired of this fake hysteria nonsense. I want to go back to shitposting about Biden


please tell me more about your time sick,
symptoms at start?

>Thinking saying fuck repeatedly makes people care about your message more.
Fuck normies and their lackluster arguments.

this. pol was reporting on it 24/7 whereas the MSM was busy with other shit and corona only gets mentioned as a side note.

You "10.000 people living in America". You need to deduct:
temporary workers
illegal aliens
permanent resident aliens
niggers excluding black people
I'd be surprised if there's more than 6k Americans.

yay! SWEAR words!

Stop making Trump look bad, liberal faggot! I was just about to retire and I need my investments to be back where they were! Get back to work!

OK boomer

...and most of all, fuck the Jannies.

Yes sir, some chap on twitter has been identified as based and redpilled, I repeat, BASED and REDPILLED.

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That nigger needs to be shot in the head, and any of you contrarian, autistic, lolbertarian larping faggots who support him, you deserve a 158 grain vaccination, too. As an essential worker who has to expose himself to this shit everyday, I've started carrying my .357, and if I see any of you faggots violating social distancing, so much as walk the wrong way down an aisle in the grocery store, I will blow your fucking head off.

I'm getting real tired of your shit, Yas Forums. There's a time and a place to be edgy contrarian nihilists, during the new Spanish Flu is not the time, and nowhere is the place. Stay the fuck inside, shut your fucking mouths, stop bitching about "the state" oppressing you, because it ain't gon' be an agent of the state that kills you if you fuck around, it'll be me, or someone like me.

oh yeah and fuck jews most of all

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You're retarded

when are the protests going to start? we need to show that we aren't scared of the flu. we aren't scared of fines for not wearing ineffective bandanas. we aren't scared of liberal governors' orders for house arrest


Literally who
>Twatter check mark
Opinion discarded

ok now that's based
the mad lad

This, but not with 3 nigger dicks pushing in and out of my mouth and asshole.



check'd and freedom pilled

Flu killed 94 people a day last year, Corona is doing 2,000 a day and still growing even with a total shut down. Even with the shut down, we're going to see a 9/11 a day. Without a shut down you were looking at 1-2.5 million. Retard.

If that many people were dying, we'd be shut dwn anyhow.

based. fuck the police. fuck the government. fuck bill gates, microsoft, and google.
>2019: incel uprising uh...soon
>2020: normie uprising RIGHT THE FUCK NOW

initiate first contact protocols asap

Wait. What did Dr Facui do wrong?

Answer the call

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Heres the biggest bunch of BULLSHIT about Gates, Virgin Air faggot and the rest of those billionaire boys faggots.
They're constantly claiming,
Blah blah blah, we donated meds, vaccines, foods etc..
Third world niggers?
Find me 1 single person that any of these ASSHOLES has EVER actually helped out.
Where's the ONE FAMILY that one of the hundreds of Billionaires helped out.
Like actual real help, ie bought them a house and put 100k in the bank for them type help.
They all want to tell us how to live act breathe , they want OUR money but never ever return the favor.
They can all go fucking die somewhere , just like that Apple faggot. Jobs. Alot of good all that money did for him.

You do realize if cases kept rising exponentially it would within a matter of months eclipse all other forms of mortality combined and reinfection would hollow out metro areas right

the rights grifters will lead them to the slaughter

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How high up the hierarchy is he talking?

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careful with that edge, faggot - lots o' people have guns and less and less patience. Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens.

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I hope this fucker and his entire family die

I think your wife's boyfriend is calling you, user. He's ready to be fluffed


The rejects of society makes states about what the society that has outcast them should do.

Honestly, why do you think you non normies matter? We're not stopping industry because of your wellbeing but ours...

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>not even 20k
Current at 103k 2 months in

This, but not in a faggot attempt at satire. America will never recover from this and its anyone's guess just how bad it will get. I get it, you wanna save grandpa so he can spend his final 3 months sitting by the pool yelling at birds. What makes your shitty grandma's life more valuable than anyone else's? The message essentially is dying from corona is bad but dying from anything else doesnt matter

>reddit spacing
fuck off nigger faggot

>r/donald closing was a mistake

Mutts' laws 1-3

He's saying how he's going to be looking into 'immunity cards' and making them mandatory. More draconian bullshit from unelected officials.

How long did you have a temperature and how high was it? My moms on day 8, doing well but temp is still 37.4

>shut down
>virus kills mostly niggers and boomers and not much else
Why the fuck are we shut down?

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lol! let the religious kill themselves off, what a beautiful day.

Buy a face mask and goggles. If you shoot someone for this stupid shit you're very likely going to jail for murder.