We the jews are nordics.We are not arabs or italians

I from Israel
I hate all arabs,pakis,turks,africans,persians,afghans,bosnian,albanian,german,russian,polish,ukranian and lgbt

We the jews are nordics.
We are not arab or italian.

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faggot kike fluoride nigger

you wish.

The digits do not lie

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I love when jews larp as whites...

I am nordic

kikes are all sephardic
oven dodger fuck off

White? You mean light skinned? What about your Dna? Your nose, eyes, hair - this is like a man saying "I'm a woman because I wear a skirt" ... Dumb motherfucker

Ok here's your diploma....

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Chosen to burn.


They did genetic studies on bones of the 'original' Canaanites and the closest living relatives are from the Ukraine.

Yes. Brazilians and Amerimutts are jews.

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LMAO. You are delusional. The Aryan looking-ones got those genes from Gentiles who intermarried into your "tribe."

Wasted trips. Get in the oven.

>Jews literally believe every non-Jew is a slave born for the Jew.
>Jews find out about an ancient family that is said to be the chosen that will inherit the world.
>Jews then pretend that's their ancestors.
>Based Christian's catch on and call them Synagogue of Satan.
>Le Blood Libel
>Jews kicked out of 109 countries over time til modern day.
>Jews create banks.
>Jews illegally occupy a territory and force the natives out and attempt to annhialte the entirety of history for this cause (Israel does not exist. That land is called Palestine. The Balfour Declaration should not be honored.)
>Jews may or may not have killed/had ordered killed/or volunteered millions to create the story for history about the Holohoax.
>Jews use old (faked) tragedy to enforce racist laws that protect criticism of their entire created "race." (they're white-washed Iranians [Khazarian ancestry which was founded by northern Iranians] , not "Jews" which technically don't exist because that family died off a couple thousand years ago)
>Jews infiltrate govts around the world.
>Jews currently believe they run the world and they are indeed in a position of power to do a great deal of damage to humanity as a whole.

This red-pill goes deep enough to turn black.

Fuck Jews. Fuck the Synagogue of Satan. By the purity of Saint Simon, shall they be wiped clean of earth by Corona.


In Ashkenazim, there is a slightly higher proportion of Haplogroup K.
There's more of a differential between the French and Germans than there are between Germans and modern ''Jews''.
Most are converts, so that isn't that weird.

i am blonde with green eyes

Your ancestors were a bride-gathering cult, and some of you have succeeded in washing most of the semitic blood out of your genes. Alas, it's all in the service of your evil, primitive belief. Your Jewish souls ruin your Aryan bodies - to the extent that they are Aryan.

jews are meds mixed with shitskins
which explains their subpar IQs and bouts of rage

Be who you are. Jews are a great people with lots to be proud of. Don't be a loser who wants to be someone he isn't, that makes you no better than the fats and mainlanders.

The worst case of "WE WUZ'ing" I've ever seen in my life.

>I'm an albino in Africa therefor i am white

Jews are Aryans.
Christians are niggers.

>t. italian turkish arab mutt

They look like meds if anything

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Defund Israel?

>coming from a gypsy

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BDS, Pilpul, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, Dancing Israelis, Metzitzah B'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision for Jews and slaves of Jews, Circumcision brain damage, Goyim, Kapparot, Tay-Sachs, Jesus according to Talmud, Yebhamot 11b, Simon of Trent, Blood Libel, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Al Goldstein, Shiksa, Loxism, Jacob & Esau, New Haven Jewish slave markets, Black Hebrew Israelite, 70% of Jews v 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, Karl Marx, Moses Hess, Holodomor, Dresden Holocaust, Israeli Nukes, Samson Option, Wooden Doors, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank Typhus, Masturbation Machines, Bear & Eagle, Shitting Diamonds, TGSNT, David Irving, Magnus Hirschfeld, R@ygold, Epstein didn't kill himself, Sackler family, Sassoon family, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, Bernie Madoff, גויים יודעים, אוי ואבוי, The Melting Pot: by Israel Zangweil, Poem on Statue of Liberty by Emma Lazarus, I'm not white I'm Jewish, Kalergi Plan & Prize, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, Hart-Celler Act, Lavon Affair, Khazar Milkers נשים יהודיות אוהבות זין שחור גדול, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Gotthard Tunnel, Anton LaVay, Moloch, Black Cube, Red Shield, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, AIPAC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, אסד עדיין חי, Deut 6:10, Rev 2:9 יָדַעְתִּי אֶת־מַעֲשֶׂיךָ וְאֶת־צָרָתְךָ וְאֶת־רֵישְׁךָ וְאוּלָם עָשִׁיר אָתָּה וְאֶת־גִּדּוּפֵי הָאֹמְרִים יְהוּדִים אֲנַחְנוּ וְאֵינָם כִּי אִם־כְּנֵסֶת הַשָּׂטָן, Das Judenthum in der Musik

Nope. You can’t be. I ban you, gene thief. Be gone Netanyahoo jnr.

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Jew is not a nationality or ethnicity at all.

A lot of them fell for their own propaganda.
When Moshe was in, there was a clear distinction, especially between Ashkenazhim and Mizrahim. (Mizhadi are the Arab Jews). There was an open immigration policy when the USSR started failing in the 70's, now most of the 'white' Jews are from Russia, not Germany.
They all got high paying, powerful positions and treated the mizrahim like shit.
Lots of those cunts probably became 'Palestinians'.

>I’m net an yahoo
Yes you are


Jew will always be a Jew

Goddamn, I want to fill a jewish womb with my arab seed.

Why do any of you put up with it?
There are much better imageboards around, albeit slower.
And not just 8, their new captcha is worse than here.

what is this

Jews have been in Britain for over 2,500 years. Everyone has Jews in their lineage somewhere.

If you're an Asian doing your best to undermine western civilisation you should know the CCP dislikes the jews.

Your wording sounds like a chink.

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Imagine stealing Caucasian genetics from the Europeans and then claiming it as their own. I'd be mad at you but your Arab cousins suffer from this delusion to a greater degree.

Built for BBC

Fuck off dickhead. It's just history.
The 'Seafarers', the same ones that kept fucking up the Egyptians and Carthaginians built a port in the southern British Isles around 500bc . The reports of it were pretty cool, most of it would be underwater now and the isles were mostly joined together because the water level was lower.
Another interesting thing is that at the time the stereotype was red hair. Like how now it's a big nose. All the early fresco's of Madonna and Child and especially Judas, depicted them as red headed.
>Scots are the true Jews.

Dream on.

Dumb fuck.

>hating russians
>when most attractive jews are russian descent

you are nothing

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I’m sorry, but no you’re not. You really really aren’t Nordic.

Why didn't you create the jewish state in some part of Germany like was suggested? You had to put it in the middle east because of reasons

how can genetics be 'stolen' ? by that logic some of your ancestors are also 'stolen'

You come from the middle east, therefore your not western.


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Nords aren't white.


You might be right but also I don't care. Fuck off chink.

Fuck the white cunts.

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>because of reasons
Because of Jerusalem.

Built for BBC
check' em'


Jews are closer to meds and other middle eastern. Cope.

So now you're spamming Yas Forums with your dumb threads, shahar? What a loser

Because you're supposed to be dead but you keep doing vampire stuff to prolong your lifespan. What you're doing isn't necessarily theft, but the fact that you're doing it makes it theft.

Survival here is irrelevant, you will all be processed. You will all be reconstructed.

Your kind are a literal example of stolen European phenotypes. Turkey did a race transplant with their ficki ficki as did the Levantines who turned millions of European women into breeding dcows for centuries. It was Uncle Sam that put an end to this indignity.

Also, if you have ancestors in any 'better off' part of British history, they're more than likely kikes.
They went there in droves after they were exiled from Spain and Italy.
With their gold.

>1 post by this jew



Ask national socialists about that.

For all the work and resources spent on keeping the arabs at bay they've could have built 100 exact replicas of Jerusalem anywhere else on the globe.

*yID, ffs...

He's probably a Mizrahdi charade. Or a Palestinian that hasn't worked out that he should fuck off to Jordan.

for all eternity

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What happens when a matriarchal and a patriarchal society mix bloodlines? The society with the stronger culture wins. In this case the patriarchal society won. Now fuck off jew puppet.

A jew is below even the greasiest most brown arab

i am national socialist

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I can smell the garlic from here Pierre.

So here's another post faggot, OP is a known troll who always spams Yas Forums and /his/ with his bait threads
And Yas Forums is generally a low-iq board so why not fishing for (you)s here as well

The Arab's would've wanted that too.
It's not that big of a deal in their culture, they should've just stayed in Medina and Mecca.

dont disrespect /ourguy/

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Do you guys feel embarrassment when you piss your pants in combat or is it just normal for you?

>We the jews are nordics.
>We are not arab
That said, doesnt that means that you are japhetians and not semitic at all then? Then the term "antisemitic" or your prescense in palestinian lands makes no sense amd its invalidated, then you are not real jews but europeans LARPing as hebrews while the Christians are the REAL continuation of Israel.

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jews are arabs who believe in a different stickman than the rest
keep coping, Rabbi

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it's our southerner primitives using garlic
I for one am Normand, which means you're below me, faggot

This isn't a personal argument, there's no need to be like that.
We're all sock puppets with the facade of free will for them.

That's how I was born Bruce

desu, Israel is arguably the most NatSoc country in our modern world.

That line ended a long time ago Francois.

Your abandonment of free will is due to propaganda. If the battle was over their propaganda would be unnecessary.

natural order never ends, nigel

what did the blood sucker mean by this

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Don't pretend that you're above it.
There are no independent, pure, original thoughts.
Left, right, third position, it's all fucking manipulated and anything they're selling (including ideals) is a sales pitch that all circulates back.

Now as I recall the rape of Normandy rendered your population significantly English. Well, not a rape, more a consensual frolic with the recently widowed womb carriers. I assumed you meant the upper classes, but if your argument is population wide, well, I have news for you cousin.

I wish Cyrus the Idiot slaughtered all of the Jews.

Your abandonment of free will is due to words you incorporated in to your worldview. If the battle was over their words you incorporated in to your worldview would be unnecessary.

You're not. Only the Anglo is white. It is the Anglo the creator of all nations and the inheritor of Christ Jesus teachings who are white. Nords are snow niggers. A disgusting race equivalent to sand niggers. The only Nord thing of note in history is how they acted like Muslims, invading foreign lands and raping and murdering women and children before having to flee from real men. The only reason snow niggers are considered white is because Hitler an otherwise great man though you filthy low iq inbred snow niggers were Aryans. You're not. The Aryan became the Anglo. Snow niggers have no civilisations. No claim to technology or innovation. You are a race of the most disgusting and retarded of niggers.
Your entire race should be talked about alongside the Ethiopians, Nigerians and Congolese because you have far more in common with those subhumans than the white man, the Anglo.

>jews can get away with racism like the Japanese
>actually smarter than any asian on average
>mostly attractive, don't look like albinos
>control most business in the world
How the fuck are white people even remotely superior to jews?

i didnt say they are we are superior

Because we'll win.

You are trash tier sumerian garbage that steals the good genes of the lands you invade yet keep those that make you prone to schizophrenia, sociopathy, and selfishness. At least you before rhinoplasties you were easy to spot.

Even if I had 'true' free will, as in actual original thought and drive to pursue it, the system is owned and the means of achieving anything is sold to you. There is no undiluted freedom, and very few of us would want it anyway.

oh, the admixtures are phenotypically pretty blatant
and it shouldn't be news to you the few looking like anglos are considered worthless twisted monsters (which they indeed are, like you)
fortunately, I'm of those with Normand phenotype (noticeably, 6'3", grey eyes, red beard, fair hair, stout build)
rage moar, anglonigger