>"They literally put us out on the streets. We've been on the street for a week; before we lived in the hotels," said Marina Rojano, who has been a sex worker for 24 years.
>"They literally put us out on the streets. We've been on the street for a week; before we lived in the hotels," said Marina Rojano, who has been a sex worker for 24 years.
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>tfw prostitutes and druggies can survive without jobs for years and "supposed" intelligent high school graduates can't figure it out
It’s like when the sexbots will take over in a few years. Corona is forshaddowing the things to come.
All people out of work now (shop clerks, field workers, bar girls, whores etc.) will be out of a job within 15yrs due to robotics.
>said Marina Rojano, who has been a sex worker for 24 years.
>who has been a sex worker for 24 years.
>24 years.
I was going to say something nasty, but I just teared up. That's really fucking sad bros.
Imagine the smell
>a sex worker for 24 years.
imagine the smell
She’s 35yrs now
barefoot is creepier.
That's what was I expecting, which just made it worse.
Probably some good pussy under there.
why is it sad? its not like she tried another profession im sure. shes a slut who gets paid. you dont know whores very well
too bad she didnt get murdered 20 years ago and her troubles would have been shorter
Pretty cold where you are user.
Also, should probably stop using chrome.
Wizard sleeve.
How do people fuck these streetwalkers. they are so poor, dirty and gross. It's not sexy. Its a boner killer.
No, not my whoreareanos! My beautiful sexworkerinos!
Thats a fair sized Gunt
Nobody deserves that life, bud. Mexico is a bad place to be a whore.
I don't think there are any good places to be a whore.
Relatively speaking.
Now imagine a woman being a surgeon. Why are they even allowed to work anyway, jesus.
>AI improving daily
>chip implants being pushed
a day will come where you can download a virtual gf into your head that will give you dopamine hits
unreal so in mexico hookers charge so little that they're basically living hand to mouth while some hookers in the usa live like queens because it's illegal.
Who the hell actually fucks these streetside prostitutes?
Probably safer to put your dick up a sewage pipe
i wonder how much prostitution keeps the hotel industry afloat
Oh shit I just got reminded now would be a good time to go to Tijuana
I lov3 aids and corona (pacifico will do)
The answer is a fucking LOT
t. misso is a hotel GM
Fuck wrong tag. See
Mostly its their unenthusiatic attitude, money grubbing, bait and switch, and scammy attitude that does that
1 post jew
That's just being Mexican, not whore specific.
>I was going to say something nasty, but I just teared up. That's really fucking sad bros.
>>a sex worker for 24 years.
>imagine the smell
And because mexiwhores are paid in pesos.
>She’s 35yrs now
I'm laughing so hard here my back is hurting.
It's ok, Achmed. I know it's hard for your kind to have empathy.
I wonder how much for the two smaller ones for an hour?
And then how much for an entire night..?
>sex worker
Can some spicbro answer?
>sex worker for 24 years
>It's ok, Achmed. I know it's hard for your kind to have empathy.
It is very sad
Being pimped out at age 11 fucks a person's brain up for life
when I was in TJ the street girls were - and I'm not fucking joking - about $15 for 15 minutes
>Nobody deserves that life, bud. Mexico is a bad place to be a whore.
Life is what you make it. Never forget; Mexico is 3x wealthier than the USA.
3x the oil
3x the gas
3x the gold
3x the silver
3x the copper
3x the aluminum
and no winter basically with rich soil and plenty of water. They can grown 3 or 4 crops a year. US and Canadian farmers have atrocious weather to deal with.
Mexishits shit in their beautiful bed and then wallow around in their own filth crying for someone to come and change their beddings, and failing that, they want to come and hop in bed with you so they can have the ineffable luxury of emptying their assholes into your nice clean bed too.
>being so naive you don't realize 11 year olds get pimped out
In poor asian countries they are also violent
God damn I got bait and switched out of a fresh one or two
You think she really started at 18? Prostitutes in America don't even start at 18.
>in mexico hookers charge so little that they're basically living hand to mouth
and their hands and mouths are so filthy that they rival your anus after a big sticky peanut butter textured shit for pure dirt.
>he thinks they start that late
how old were they, 5?
Are those actual hookers in the pic, or just regular "women"?
>It's ok, Achmed. I know it's hard for your kind to have empathy.
It's a French flag too. "As happy as a man living next door to a brothel". That's an old saying.
Equality bitches.
lots of american hookers are crackheads who charge only enough for their next fix
the only rich hookers are pretty white women
>meme flag
You fucking Jews just can't help but out yourselves.
Every goy has a point where they stop laughing. You don't laugh at an 11 year old getting pimped out.
don't forget at least half of white collar jobs. most office jobs are not necessary already. AI based software is going to make design, programming, and engineering jobs nonexistent, and companies will gradually figure out that they don't need middle management once boomers retire
You're probably right. I'm just wondering what a Mexican girl who gets pimped or sold off is supposed to do with 3xs the natural resources that an overwhelmingly corrupt government chooses to sit on and keep its people poor, enable drug dealers and human trafficking. Nothing, it seems.
Maybe they should of been saving money by renting instead of living in hotels, but I guess being responsible doesn't come naturaly to whores.
>>about $15 for 15 minutes
"too much money"
i've a mortgage nigger
Stratification is a natural ocurrence. If you can afford the less riskier option then you deserve it.
Not that I condone prostitution mind you, but most hookers here get weekly checks and whatnot... which is pretty fucking stupid considering they might be fucking a literal kilometric fuckton of strangers on a daily basis.
>>being so naive you don't realize 11 year olds get pimped out
being so disgusted with mexishits that you wish the entire nation would be wiped out by neutron bombs.
mmm fupa
The average Mexican street hooker makes about $40 American dollars per fuck when dealing with tourist at Zona Nortje
What did that entail, and where did you take them?
Age of consent in Mexico is 12
>You don't laugh at an 11 year old getting pimped out.
YOu sure do when they're Mexican. Those broads are sprouting moustaches by the time they're 14.
Is this meme still funny in Germany? You post it in literally every thread.
That's not bad to get sucked a little then just bend her over for ten minutes till cum
I'd probably get 3 hookers a day at that price.
Maybe pay $5 dollars extra to wear no condom and cum in their pussy.
Time to tackle the age old question again: Who is worse, a slut or a prostitute?
So... They've decided that eye protection is appropriate... Yet the other girls, without eye protection, all gather around and lean in close...
>You're probably right. I'm just wondering what a Mexican girl who gets pimped or sold off is supposed to do with 3xs the natural resources that an overwhelmingly corrupt government chooses to sit on and keep its people poor, enable drug dealers and human trafficking. Nothing, it seems.
Riddle; Where do mexican men come from?
Answer; they crawled out of the filthy cunt of a Mexican woman.
The pretty white hookers still fuck black drug dealers for drugs
they work outside short time hotels; you go in and rent a room for 20 minutes for about $10, she gets clean sheets and a towel and you fuck her
Anal might be more but it's not my thing so I dunno
>Maybe pay $5 dollars extra to wear no condom
That will be a hard pass. Most hookers will just fuck off. They gotta feel comfy with you before you can even bring up rawdogging them. And this is after a couple more fuckings.
Just make some alter ego, use burner phones and whatnot. Shit's pretty easy to pull.
boomers usually want to fuck sweaty holes not sweaty neckbeards
>AI based software is going to make design, programming, and engineering jobs nonexistent,
as an engineer who does design I can tell you that is false. if you are wondering which jobs are going to survive automation, it's exactly the engineering jobs