Is discussion of Yas Forums itself political discussion?
Given the impact of Yas Forums on our poltical environment being the place that meme'd Trump into office. Is discussion of the health of the board, the quality of anons and their posts, promoting real Discussion and lively Debate shilling, sliding, shitting up of threads and all of the above's relation to the Impact of Yas Forums on our current political environment a worthy politically related thread?
I posted a thread called (you) thread/discussion thread stating that /pol is lacking in good discussion with anons going back and forth with each other over topics and it got 404'd and I have been warned.
risking a banning here, but want you jannies to know, I am not shitting on you or trying to be obnoxious. I am merely asking the question because the health of this political board is political discussion because that quality effects the impact on the political climate IRL.
If you disagree, please move it to bantz and i'll have my answer You could be the Judge or let the Jury of Anons decide
I just feel that we have had a surge in new anons posting and that the actual Discussion part, the back and forth anons to anons has fallen significantly and wanted to bring it back because this boards quality is on us anons.
and it effects ALL politcal discussion and the quality of those debates in all threads, which then effects our impact on the political environment/culture war IRL.
I am sorry if I am wrong on this but I care about this board and IRL impact in politics better discussion leads to better impact is the case I am trying to make and want to know what other anons think as well. pic related
thanks for the thread like user, I was OP as stated above. I feel the more fun and more quality /pol is the more people will want to participate and the effect on political climate IRL has greater impact. so to me, it is very much about politics because the greater the impact on politics the greater the change in the political environment and discussion with people irl from anons who frequent this board.
thanks for showing up fren, have a hottie, in fact has a couple
I've spoken with the staff in Rizon. They don't care about Yas Forums, they only care about the rules being enforced and they don't want to do anything about the board's quality because people are treating it like the new Yas Forums. Really it's up to us to increase the board's quality, make threads for discussion and debate. /nsg/ is making a comeback and I think the board is starting to improve little by little. They increased the posting cooldown so that's a plus.
honestly i've started to monitor /bant more now to see if such threads pop up there instead, so if this one gets blacked i'll see you over there lmao
may I ask for an aryan man desu maybe one with a bit of facial hair and a penchant for mediocre art
Nicholas Ortiz
and that is my point, you are right, we are losing our board and the back and forth of anons trying to best each other or sway the other's opinion by making the superior point.
and again it is on us anons to police the board in that regard and try to up the quality by calling out anons who just add nothing and shit up the threads.
and i'll post this again because it is a perfect pic related for those snarky know nothing newfags
i'm debating on elevating my position in life by joining the jannie ranks. i will keep this place so clean.
Xavier Hill
/nsg/ always has quality posters.
yeah its on us, the board is the anons. jannies and nuke threads but really I don't want over policing and boards getting nuked left and right from snitch nigger anons trying to get them deleted
I want US ANONS to up our game with our post and not only that but actually respond to each other and drive a debate point by point again and get that progression of the debate as the thread grows back. to be able to watch the discussion develope again
Adrian Bailey
We're inching there. I suspect the election will be the high point and then we can slump back to genuine political discussion again.
Juan Gonzalez
>Is discussion of Yas Forums itself political discussion? Depends on the fucking janny
>/bant >/pol God these fucking newfag reddiors piss me off.
Mason Garcia
>humour thread is considered as slide thread But that's my favorite...
Brayden Sanders
sorry that I don't want awkwardly smash the period and slash key with my finger a second time
Zachary Rogers
It's literally just ylyl though.
Ryan Bennett
Indeed. Proper moderation requires employment of both the letter and the spirit of the law. You need to understand what those rules are meant to prevent and adjust your approach in order to keep the board operating properly. Its not hard, it doesn't take effort. I do expect greenhorns to take a bit to adjust though.
Adam Mitchell
nice digits and nice pic related. I should just make something like that on this topic instead of making this thread and just post that around other threads for awhile
but I am boomer tier when it comes to making shit like that and meme's its probably easy as fuck, if you grew up with it and have friends into it
but the internet was in its infancy of getting popular when I was in highschool and then I spend my time getting drunk and trying to get laid for all of my 20's and early 30's so I'm a 40 yo version of your grandparents that cant figure out how to use the VCR in this regard.
is there a how do I become a meme creator thread on Yas Forums? idk, I mainly just like the discussion part of this place but quality memes do help make your point and add to the discussion so I should up my game I guess.
Aiden Jenkins
Memes? Social intelligence, clever juxtaposition of the right elements, in the right place at the right time. Luck is an element in this even with good skill in reading the thread.
Xavier Murphy
post too late, thread related got nuked
but if you boys are still in this one, this was for (you)
OP from original thread here to thank the OP of this thread. thanks for having my back fren and making this thread to keep discussion alive
and this anons thread like is WHY people come to /pol too. because it was fun. and the thread related is /pol to a T. its as much about the Culture of the board as much as it is about political discussion
user idk if you have the thread link to the 1776 thread, but that look like fun and the other thread got nuked so I lost the link
I wanna lurk for the keks. god damn I wish good actual specific humor threads like that would never get nuked so we could sprinkle some fun threads into all the other
but even a "lets pretend its 1776" thread is political, it would be about the politics of the day and about the founding of this nation and our political history. so why would it get nuked anyway its threads like that , that keep me here. I need one of those every once and awhile to recharge my battery that gets drained from scrolling endlessly past shit threads on here
Noah Torres
how much do moderators get paid here?
Joshua Cooper
it died quickly but here
Kayden Price
you know anons WE could just become the new /pol just sneakily move on over to /bantz and make it our own and have way more fun and better discussion
why don't we just move to /bantz for reals. like an underground night club where the real party is happen instead of drinking at the lame old bar with the frat boy douche bags and vapid stacies?
correct on a good meme, but I am saying I don't know how to even make them, as in the making of them this new tv/radio/typewriter thing, the com pew tur
Kayden Lee
im not that old, not even close. I envy you old niggers so much. and even though I have been here for years I still consider myself a newfag and will never refer to myself as an oldfag because im not, and never will be. in honor and respect of you true oldfags
Logan Long
I remember when we had full on tripfags here. The posting volume was much lower so you'd see them around.
Even in the early days we were anti-semitic. Ron Paul was our boy in 2012 though. When he got knocked out you did have a few types go full retard ("Repeat after me, President Romney" was a meme at that time.) /new/ goes for a walk was the most common meme. Wojak didn't exist at all.
I know, get over it. I don't care but I should learn to hit the space bar more and not the return key, I just type fast and misspell shit and use little to no punctuation I have to learn to find the happy medium between a wall of text and reddit spacing
there are bigger fish to fry
Andrew Murphy
the glory days, sounds like fun. sorry your board got nuked. you made it your own and you were too damn cool for your own good but at least you were there to see it, you lived it and I missed it so i'll be a newfag until I die
sucks that the 1773 thread died and this thread is dying too, which im less sad about. but I guess not many anons left these days who give a fuck.
tell me more user, tell me stories of the good old days *sits wide eyed by the fire with a rosey red cheeked smile in anticipation
good thread, OP if the moderation was performed with some type of consistency it wouldn't be so bad
However, Yas Forums has moments of intellectual brilliance from time to time that delude us into thinking this is a place of open discussion. Then you turn around and its a flood of obvious repeated spam that could be easily jannied, but isn't. Those days of "brilliance" have faded and are fewer and fewer in the past half decade.
One afternoon, the gallery is full of shitposts and you're getting banned for reporting one of them A morning, the gallery is full of "is, was, should, do" questions. You post a traditional Nigger Hate Thread and are b& for eternity.
Imagine being butthurt over your stupid politics thread being deleted
Imagine thinking Yas Forums is the place for serious political discussion
Kevin Rodriguez
I posted above that we should all move over to /bantz/ and not tell all the niggers on Yas Forums there would be less going on but what was going on an the anons involved would be of way better quality.
I'm making the move after this shit, I cant take it here anymore. but if we just showed up there it would be fun, if none of us do we are just stuck dealing with this shit forever on Yas Forums so its on us to make the move. because user you know that wwg1wga... pic related
It was considerably less. I remember my friend from krautchan getting upset as it started to get more popular here. I don't recall seeing it until 2012, though my memory is getting fuzzy.
Not THAT long ago but in 2015 I witnessed the shift here. When Trump announced you know we were far from all on board. We thought it was 2012 all over again where he was just doing it for attention. I was one of the first to join that "Trump train" as coincidentally I had watched a documentary on Trump a few months prior.
The first /ptg/ thread appeared in 2015 ,but it was not called /ptg/. It was run by a Polish guy, who was online 18 hours a day simply to keep making new threads and keep the momentum going. He vanished with some drama that I can't recall but it was a big deal at the time.
Like I said not all time was spent even on this site. Our community shifted a lot prior to this. We were on /new/. When /new/ was deleted (someone emailed m00t and said it was full of neo nazis, a few days later it was deleted along with Yas Forums). When we were deleted we went to aa site called 4ch8n (again, change 8 to O, the name is STILL censored on this site to this day due to our movement there). We stayed on that site for a while and it was a great community over there. IT was around that time the community shifted to an even stronger nationalistic position as only hard liners had the energy to move onto a new site to continue the conversation. I remember more clearly being on Tchan (Change T to 8, again, censor) as we had a great British community there. We supported UKIP amongst other things. 2014 was quite a good time.
I'm not saying the board is any worse now. It's just very different. I've seen this community grow 20 fold in size as long as I've been here... yet I can't stop browsing... I can't fit in on any other community I try to join. The outside world just keeps decaying.
With the popularity of Yas Forums in 2016, the influx of normies was too great in numbers. I believe that the fact that Yas Forums became mainstream, which was kind of a good thing because ppl got to see the power of Yas Forums, but it backfired. For each good quality posts you would now have 30 shitposts –this number might be even bigger.
That's just my theory, since I came to this place after 2016, I might be wrong. But the truth remains that when something become popular will it bring more ppl, some unwanted ones with them. The proof is the huge amount of slide threads and shitposts. As for myself, I always try to improve the quality of my posts by studying whatever topic. When I don't know something I just lurk, ask questions or simply google it.
user, what if it was the Jannies this whole time trying to hint to us to do that very thing like a shepard leading his sheep away from the wolves I finally get it now, tfw jannies are actually based?!
I can't recall any race porn back in the early days.
One thing I will say: The AM/WF spammer was there. The AM/WF spammer has been a fixture of many boards on this site since at least 2010. I can actually spot his threads very easily. He uses a proxy to create them (usually with a girls photo) then changes to his real IP to start unloading the photos of said girl with their Asian boyfriend. Ten years....
James Carter
Hiroshimoot said it was fine to have a meta thread about the board. If the mods or janitors yeet it, they are in the wrong.
Ryder Sullivan
user, did you reply to the right post? Serious question.
Ayden Hernandez
I don't even know, I'm tired and miss old times right now.
Easton Ortiz
i believe the most remarkable thing about Yas Forums culture is that botspam and zoomie posts are indistinguishable
The board culture of "call & response" with known phrases or memes is too much of an allure for attention-starved zoomies who just want some (YOU)s. This is no different from copypasta bots.
If you wake up everyday to ABC Demoralization thread, it will become part of your ritual so much so that YOU will be the one to start an ironic ABC Demoralization thread to get ironic replies as a parody. You're spamming yourself now
>zoomie posts zoomies, bless their heart, want to participate, but have zero life experience to contribute to any meaningful discussion. What are some of the great threads you've participated in? What were they? LOTS OF GREEN TEXT personal stories.
Zoomies simply can't do this. Sitting an 8 year old at the adult table doesn't mean they can talk with the grown ups. Their only agency is to just regurgitate what they've heard from some derivative of a derivative (i.e. e-celeb shit)
thanks man, that was great. I like that , that community existed and stayed together and shit and its fucked how much censoring and banning of boards you guys dealt with.
fuck now that I know all that, fuck this entire site I guess. if we even moved to bantz it would just get fucked with once that got popular. maybe Ochan is a better option but idk, I have been going over there when I need a break from Yas Forums anyway.
Caleb Lopez
>miss old times right now. Yeah, that's because you don't know me. I miss it too and I wasn't even a part of, this feels user. To comfort and expand my knowledge, I read the them all those sweet, top-quality, funy screenshots of the posts.
Alexander Smith
That's probably what's gonna happen. But we have to wait a bit more until every user worth his salt ends up having the same conclusion of migrating to bant.
Jaxson Wood
>Is discussion of Yas Forums itself political discussion? No. The "meta thread" concept has been shitcanned too. Complaining about moderation policy is literally a bannable offense across Yas Forums and, while other boards (Yas Forums) have faggot commie mods with their faggot commie policies Yas Forums is easily the most poorly moderated board on 4 chan
Xavier Parker
>migrating to bant. the good news is that bant doesn't have the traffic that other boards does, so you can keep a thread alive for more than 20 minutes it wont happen overnight, but nurturing decent discussion is more likely going to happen there. Yas Forums is a lost cause
The namefag that spams pictures /nsg/ is literally telling people not to say "nigger" and referring to those anons as "haters". politically correct national socialism - kek
Hudson Diaz
I can in after that first wave of new fags and before this last wave of newfags about 2017 and lurked for a year or so and then joined in and didn't make my own threads for over half a year or so after that. so I am a newfag but neither or those I mentioned above. my favorite thing is to lurk on a good thread, its rare though. but lurking is way better because its when something amazing is happening and you are in awe and just want to watch it do its thing.
I watched something like "when Yas Forums became romans" or some shit before even showing up and that's what got me here I was impressed and it was funny as hell. very knowledgeable and funny posts, I was like , who are these fucks anyway it was amazing.
Alexander Reyes
i wish i would've archived more threads, but here are some that offered some good discussion
> the one live thread that went through Podesta's iTunes account and ended up recovering his email password in the summer of 2016 was a good one, too