@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/10/20
>DefSec Esper on CBSThisMorning 4/10/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 4/10/20
>LabSec Scalia on F&F 4/10/20
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on F&F 4/10/20
>SG Adams on FoxNews 4/10/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 4/10/20
>TrumpAd: Biden stands up for China 4/9/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/9/20
>Women for Trump Empower Hour! 4/9/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on 960ThePatriot 4/9/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on Fox11LA 4/9/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 4/9/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 4/9/20
>DefSec Esper/JCSChair ArmyGen Milley/SEAC Colon-Lopez @VTH 4/9/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on FoxNews 4/9/20
>NECDir Kudlow on Spicer&Co 4/9/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/9/20
>NECDir Kudlow @FBN VTH 4/9/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: bidenpollingworse.png (1546x1268, 364.17K)


The more I see of Biden the more likely this gets.

Attached: siren trump 2020 super big.png (543x770, 445.75K)


Ok ok I get it that’s fine




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>not using the MAGA version
Come on!

Attached: SoBigf.png (543x770, 474.21K)

>Qtards have been claiming a major happening would occur today (4.10.20) for weeks
>they were wrong and nothing happened

My shock- imagine it.

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Your edits suck.

the lemon presidnet is shit and should be gone. Yes. He will be shot this yaer because of awful gun law. america and NewYork will be waring in the streots and harm will appear in all.

Attached: huandi.png (796x629, 385.85K)

you know biden is just an attack sponge right now right?
its michelle obama/cuomo ticket or cuomo/warren ticket cap


Attached: Russiandisinfo.png (1188x1106, 365.95K)

Post your edits

SOAK THE DEGENERATES! Contraception is treason and we need to do everything we can do to SOAK IT!

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Raj, kids who had their lunches ruined by Mike Obama can now vote. There's no way they're running that nigger tranny.

Attached: Bearversor takedown Stains of Time plays in my head when I see this.gif (331x240, 3.75M)


Attached: DiFiIran.png (1228x1240, 357.7K)

lol wtf guns are novelty items
you know about fire?
world's first WMD

>Owen had been diagnosed with “high-functioning autism” four years ago and struggled to fit in, her sister said.

Attached: emily-owen-56.jpg (412x540, 50.71K)

we did it before the retaliation comment.
fake article nibber

No, they don't.

Attached: ChibiMeiya.png (486x485, 313.86K)

It’s not just that Portugal declared people can’t leave their cities. Police is actually at the chokepoints our of the major and middle cities making sure people are complying.

Portuguese are naturally compliant and fucking hypochondriac to the point media was going “do we have a confirmed case yet? Do we have a confirmed case yet?” for two weeks before the first confirmed case.

The difference in cases and fatalities between Portugal and Spain will be a case study in the future, no question about it

DELET! Spider legs best legs

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The degenerates don’t need a tax, they need a stimulus

Free bullets for all degenerates

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The longer we go without a convention the less likely that is. Democrats are Ridin' with Biden all the way into the ground. They know they can't win this one, so Biden's incompetence is actually a feature. Blame it on the candidate matchup again and avoid any attempt at self reflection.


Qtards nearly another word for boomers these days... including the 30yo variety. Personally I blame that big headed douche david wilcock and his incessant drivel

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Maga Maga! This is you. It has not been no great country from the beginning. It a drug land and a gun land that die to many. Use thinking. Yes I said this.

I did. Here's another.

Attached: trump space force armor bot.jpg (1150x1284, 1.71M)

Once I get done with Azur Lane I'll take a whack at Monster Musume.

Attached: __graf_zeppelin_and_gangut_azur_lane_drawn_by_luzi__d15e69bb55933bf72a7d5af4c441cec7.jpg (1600x1200, 831.97K)

Literally who

also more proof of corona-chan being really underwhelming when you look at the real numbers, here's italy deaths by age:

Format: [# of deaths] ([CFR for this age group, the general chance of dying if you are infected])

90+: 939 (26.3%)
80-89: 3,984 (28.1%)
70-79: 3456 (19.8%)
60-69: 1,162 (7.1%)
50-59: 369 (2.0%)
40-49: 89 (0.7%)
30-39: 20 (0.3%)
20-29: 2 (0.1%)
10-19: 0 (0.0%)
0-9: 0 (0.0%)
no data: 5 (2.2%)

it's truly just the boomer killer. can you fucking believe the world has shut down for this?

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I don't see your flag on the moon, nigger.

>both Cook Political Report and and Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball have moved the special election in CA-25, Katie Hill's former seat, from Lean Democratic to a Toss-Up in the last 24 hours
Reminder that the California GOP hasn't picked up a formerly Democratic congressional seat since 1998. These political pundits and forecasters must be seeing something that the public isn't that is scaring the shit out of them. I can't wait for the tears when this seat flips back next month. Bernie dropping out already has these people mindfucked, this special election will be a sign of what is to come in November

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>Qtards have been claiming a major happening would occur today (4.10.20) for weeks
Durham grand jury subpoenas got announced today on Hannity's radio show.

not bad

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Take on me

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>live in state with 5 million people
>only 40 people have died
>governor decides to cripple economy and kneecap business anyway
>people ignore stay-at-home order

forgot pic

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he makes a fair point

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awoo lads, is the presser still on? What was the big decision Trump came to?

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Worse than Hillary? So he’s still polling way ahead of Trump then right?

It's better you don't know. He's the proof fake news comes from both sides

Someone didn't read Zeihan. Boomers have the most votes and the most investment capital right now, so they get catered to.

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This is unironically the biggest political scandal in American history. It makes Watergate look like a kid taking an extra piece of Halloween candy from an unattended bowl left out for trick or treaters.

If people don't hang for this, literally or figuratively, the US Justice system loses all claims to legitimacy.

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>mfw the seat flips

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your translator is busted, paki; double negatives and all. kys

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Is this peak boomerism?

So how was the presser?
Same shit or anything new?
Is trump still allowing fuci and brix to shit on Americans unabated?

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> it's truly just the boomer killer. can you fucking believe the world has shut down for this?
I can understand Japan, Portugal and Italy being extra fucking cautious due to advanced age but the US? Other than the obese and the generally unhealthy (niggers and NY jews) they should have gone with Boris Johnson plan

Trump did dodge a bullet tho, he got to sweep the collapse of the US energy industry under Coronachan rug

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How new are you?

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Everyone still in the FBI becomes a traitor

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A flag on the Moon is not impressive. America can't do it if they could do it they have not done it in a long time so no you do not have a flag on the moon, you have a fat illness.

Any details on when the names on the subpenises get released.

ok retard

Attached: 68.gif (250x250, 401.66K)

Grand jury stuff is secret squirrel

He's goin to force states to open up and create RWSS in all areas that don't comply and degeraters, unemplopyed, and homeless can either job up or get the bullet. Probably take a 5 point approval hit but it will be worth it in the long run.

Waiting for WWIV to kick off tbqh

Attached: GFN.png (1109x1464, 1.49M)

Funny thing about this headline is that it was said in this very thread a week prior
> Hillary was +13 by this point in 2016

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Really hoping Trump goes full protectionist on energy and starts slapping oil tariffs.

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Is energy ducked in the US?

is there a press briefing today?

Attached: AWOOnurse.png (900x900, 340.13K)

>they should have gone with Boris Johnson plan
We're doomed if we don't have a lot of Boomers to vote GOP in November.

Attached: DabrenaMAGA.png (853x480, 512.82K)

If the US doesn't clean up this mess, I'm defecting to Russia.

6 points ahead of Trump.

If you don’t eat your meat you can’t have any pudding

you missed it. he did it early on account of Good Friday

When do we start the executions

Already had one company go bankrupt and North Dakota has suffered so many job losses they've been declared a disaster area.

>the Fedora Cup

I am happy. Just lockdown here till lockdown no longer here in this country. I have visited USA tree times/ Each time it was rich. Now it's bad/ Worse than bad/ New York will be a gun show and America will still say maga maga while it burns on fire from fights. I have friendships inside Boston. They may be hurt from American mental illness of stupid.

> We're doomed if we don't have a lot of Boomers to vote GOP in November
Brunt of deaths isn’t boomers, it’s ****urban and college educated retard boomers****.

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Funniest thing about the FNN poll is that the result is the same as 3 weeks ago but this time it's tied because the sample changed from D+9 to D+0.

It truly is, and I truly think that nothing will happen because the deep state is too entrenched

yeah i don't doubt that's a factor in the decision making here. it's fucking ridiculous though, validating everything the younger crowd has been arguing about for some time now, the boomers borrowing from the future to pay for their now. not a single other generation in the history of the planet has ever considered just mandating that everyone throw away all their wealth and work so that the elderly can cling to life for just a little longer
there's good and bad about it, if this was simply just going to purge boomers (and especially the fat and non-white) i'd adore corona-chan without any caveats, except it's causing some very bad ripple effects because of the fucking godawful response that i'm worried of it breaking some other things here.

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no, this one is for the trancap

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What happened at the press briefing?

Why is this administration so inconsistent?

Saudi-Russian oil price war hurts EVERYONE'S energy sectors.

When the time comes the saudis and Russians get a bullet for this.

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if only you knew how bad things really are

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What is going to happen?

True, rural Boomers wouldn't be as vulnerable. I still see them being important to winning in November though.
>and Russians
No, but we should at least tariff the KSA.

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Oil under 20 means it’s cheaper to get a barrel of the best oil of the world delivered from across the world to your doorsteps than it is to pay the cook in the oil rig that pumps the same barrel out of the ground in the US.
They say Trump is kisses by an angel and he is, the oil crisis would have sank him harder than it did Carter but nobody even notice because Coronachan sucked all the air out of the media lungs