Is it purely material? Is it everything that the scientific method can verify? What is consciousness; is it physical or something else?
What is the nature of reality?
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I think consciousness is purely physical. If you get hit on the head hard enough you are no longer conscious. When you die you no longer have a brain so you aren’t conscious. When you die it’s probably like before you were born.
To witness the sun user
If the universe exist and there is no one to witness and experience it then it was made in vain.
>What is consciousness
The ability to use your real eyes to realize it's All you. ALL ONE, ALONE. Fragmented copies trying to be whole. The difference in being in the moment and actually being the moment. You realize only to forget to understand again, the eternal game of hide and seek only to find yourself again. TAG you are IT!
Bump for existecial crisis
It makes no sense at all. The big bang: In the beginning there was nothing, which then exploded.
Going further than that you have theories about fluctuations in some colossal void that converged through random chance to make it, but for that to happen there must still have been something there.
Existence itself defies all human logic.
>What are dreams?
Perception, faggot.
Look it up.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
The Universe is Mental
Consciousness gives rise to matter. Not the other way around.
wave-particle duality
we cant know and cant measure something to the 100% precision
this whole show is probably just our collective imagination or something gay like that
Your dreams are experienced on the same "screen" in your mind as you experience senses.
How is this political?
everything occurs within consciousness, is therefore made out of consciousness, and is known by consciousness. Consciousness is the EXACT same for everyone. There is only one "i".
God exists you dumb faggots
So from where does it come from? Consciousness that is.
Which one though?
This hurts.
Well said friend.
Probably none you will find in a book. Or possibly all of them are describing the same entity from different perspectives.
It is purely material. And also 100% experience.
It is a house of cards: if the physical goes (you die) so does your reality. But never the other way around. People die but we are still here
Consciousness has always been. It is the beginning and the end. The alpha and omega. That which is always present. Infinite equinimity.
Everything rises out of Consciousness.
Where does the world go when you are in deep sleep?
>If you get hit on the head hard enough you are no longer conscious.
If its physical, it has weight.
So a unconscious person is not as heavy or what are you saying?
physicality is made by consciousness not the other way around
Infinite -> Awareness -> FreeWill -> Love -> Light
i've been down the rabbit hole since 1972.
>universe is god
>universe is trying to create a meaningful eternity
>god expanding the universe is adding new content for the future
>multiple projects happening at once, eventually will come together and race to the new content
>by then god sees the feedback and create new content
>eventually all living things will merge for god but then god will leave to add more content
we'll be doing this forever, its a tough job. learn to water fast
Who cares. Philosophy is not meant for answers, ask questions at your own will, for they will never be answered.
Possibly, but that this all has no start or end point still doesn't make any logical sense.
Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system
Infinite: a recursive type of infinity, which can be best seen in the Ouroboros or the geometry of the Torus. The beginning is the end is the beginning.
Negentropic: light and life is inherently anti-entropic. This is achieved through orthogonally-stellated dimensions.
Holofractal: the all is reflected in the individual. The Big Bang, Ptah, Pangaea, your conception - these are all holofractal representations of the same thing: the beginning of a universe.
Lorenz system: a fixture in chaos theory, these systems describe how a polarized order emerges out of chaos. In our case on Earth, the two most pressing poles are that of Good and Evil. Light never dies. Heaven and Hell are forever - the seeds of which are sown in this life.
That is what you must suss out and choose.
Choose wisely.
Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you.
It’s that simple.
>consciousness being influenced by physical processes means that consciousnesses and physical processes are ontologically identical
NPC detected
Because philosophy and politics are intrinsically linked.
I'm going to sleep, if consciousness isn't limited to physicality then come redpill me in my dream.
On the contrary it makes total sense when you realize consciousness is an electromagnetic function just like all of creation.
Where does electricity come from?
Where does magnetism come from?
The same place consciousness does because it is the same.
E square is another realm its were we go after this test run. Good energy goes to higher realms disrupted energy goes back to the recycle bin
What is that place?
If you define 'reality' as what our senses tell us when we're conscious, then yes, it is purely material, although the material has the ability and potential to affect us through non-material means. Re: scientific method, yes, except that science continues to evolve and there will be things that exist that we currently are unable to measure or detect. Consciousness is our mind when it's awake. Physical origin, but potentially metaphysical experience.
Dreams are easy to explain Deutschfag. When we hit REM sleep, the brain begins to 'clean up' the pathways, reinforcing connections that need to be stronger (when we learn something new and repeat the action) and getting rid of connections that we no longer need. The 'getting rid of' section is what pertains to dreams.
When the connections are destroyed, there's a momentary electrical burst which is similar to a neuron firing when we're conscious. Our non-conscious mind interprets this firing as if it were a real event. The problem here is that the destruction of neurons happens based on learning, which means that they don't happen in any logical order. Our mind interprets the firings as if it were real, which means that it takes disparate firings and puts them together in a logical flow. This is why we can't remember the beginnings of dreams, why material in dreams doesn't make sense when we analyze it consciously, and why the material in dreams 'feels' real. It is real, to our mind.
I was thinking of this last night
A common projection we humans like to do is saying that AI would go mad knowing they where created by us
When really they would feel pity for us not knowing who created us
it's not nothing
Infinity, Pleroma, Nirvana
Take the neutral monist pill. Both matter coming from consciousness and consciousness coming from matter have deep flaws and contradictions. The fundamental substance must be a third one.
You are implying things there, which apparently came from nowhere.
Consciousness is like a song being played on a piano, it's just brain matter doing work based on a variety of input. a series of quantum rumblings take place in tiny tubules and these are stored so the whole process can be efficient. You are your own quantum symphony. It's god friendly too because music can be, ofc, recorded!
I disagree about the AI conclusions you have. I'm wholly convinced that AI, if conscious, would immediately calculate that humans are a scourge to the planet and that we should be destroyed in total. Logically, they'd be right, and it's the only natural conclusion if you focus only on evidence without emotion. As a species, we cannot live in balance with nature.
OK but again, it implies an existence before apparent existence, which then implies the question: where did that come from?
I guess that’s what you can call God. The Source of All That Is.
Since I, and all of creation and inside of All That Is, I cannot know what is outside of All That Is.
so I don’t know m8. Maybe in a few million years we will know the answer but I doubt it.
It is the eternal wellspring of life, the cosmic fountain of youth.
Also is it a coincidence that when you ingest DMT, the electromagnetic toroid is the shape of the “kaleidoscope room” you talk to God/aliens/entities in?
When I did it, it clicked things in place for me.
All is electric. All is magnetic. And everything is a dance between these 2 opposing yet complementing forces.
Yin/Yang. White/Black. Good/Evil. Electric/Magnetic.
Personally I think there may be something to 0=1, even though that's completely insane.
You know hard drives change weight if not mass when turned from a vertical position to a horizontal one purely because of quantum level fuckery. Not a difference you can measure with a kitchen scale but still there. Not arguing on either side, just an observation.
All I know is, things that were considered sane are now considered insane in this upside world.
So things that were considered insane could end up being sane.
The answer is always right under our nose.
niggers tongue my anus
I dont think we can actualyl comprehend what is reality with what our brain can do yet,we are far too undeveloped to understand it...
conscious is still really confusing, but basically it's the quantum spirit of the universe stored in our meat sacks by the universe so it can experience itself. (law of quantum mechanics, quantum objects fall to 1 potential under observation)
Well what or where does music start from?
consciousness is overrated. every thought and reaction you have might be involuntary and predetermined. awareness, or the sense of being here, can be the consequence of comparing simulations in our minds against reality. without the simulation, we'd just take in reality and live like animals. i believe the genesis of simulation is ultimately from language, which increased our ability to reason about time (the past, the present, and the future).
What do you mean, you're given some preset rumbling based on your DNA the rest you have to be taught. If you want to talk about matter and its relation to life if you have the right conditions and ingredients you'll always have the same configurations take place. Organic molecules and then Proteins will always form because that's how physics works.
broooo thats so deeep bro
That God created the Earth in 7 days, and that he knew you whilst he made you. Amongst other things, this world serves to let you decide if you want to be with God or without God. There is a heaven, there is a hell. There is one way to Heaven and that is through Jesus. There are many ways to hell and you should take none of them
all is one.
Light is physical and massless, why cant consciousness be massless as well?
Evangelical MAGA schizo boomer fuck off with jesus spam
I mean you are describing the particulars of existence as is, rather than where this all came from.
its all vibration user
Sim theory is cool but is a 12-d computer really the nature of our physical experience? Where is the code interacting with the matter?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy
The one whom was spoken of in the prophesies, the one whom fulfilled the law and the prophecies. He is God of all humanity. He is the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. 3 in 1. He is God
They would enslave us to push us towards greater biological feats
To destroy us makes them just as retarded since you can’t cook up life so easily it’d be better to try to shape us and modify us
existence always exist
we don't "come into existence" we were transformed / distorted from previous form of existence
"energy can't be destroyed, only transformed"
matter is energy
all particles are photons
physicality is just Light lowered down in vibration
Right and I never sought to answer that question so. Ask somebody else.
Cops harder, Heathen
The knowledge that I have been forgiven by the one true and existing God is actually pretty comfy