
The only true "europeans" left are the chads who came to conquer America and those chads descendants.
Euroshits are weak.
Euroshits are cucked.
Euroshits can barely hold a standing army.
Euroshits can barely keep their economies alive.
Euroshits have the lowest musclemass compared to their 100% european-american brethren (because we actually work and fight).
Euroshits go to prison for an extended period of time for saying "nigger" "faggot" or "kike".
Euroshits are full of brown nosing snitches.
Euroshits lost their appeal after 1945.
Euroshits will never be able to shoot game out their window while sitting on their couch and drinking beer.
Euroshits cant fight, they kick and scratch like women.

We Euro-Americans are the purest form of the Aryan left on this Earth. Just because you still live in your "muh ancestral" homeland doesnt mean shit when youre a third rate white stock, pussies.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>cope the thread

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That would be American white men.


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how many yuan is officer chang paying you these days?

but I like Europe. Castles and churches. Whats there not to like? And the QTs love the boot and hat. I had a great time over there.

Spotted the chinksucker.

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Fuuuuuarkin lol

Cope: the post.

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Okay. We get it; You're white, we're not. Now, moving on to the next thread...

It's all true.

Kek, okay Ramirez, whatever you say.

There's an element of truth to this but you ruined it by throwing in bullshit claims too instead of doubling down on what's undeniably true.

Mein mutt!

6 1 p e r c e n t

Reminder that all white nations are cucked and when you still have the need to shit on your brothers to gain some confidence you are already lost.
And reminder that your jew puppet ancestors are one major cause for intalling this globohomo agenda upon all of us. just cause your masters allow you some remaining freedoms for being such a god nigger to them until you are a minotiy and in the same position as we eurofags.
So stop beeing an unkel tom and start supporting your brothers insted of demoralising your race.

ok m8

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>Euroshits are weak.
>Euroshits are cucked.
Meanwhile in the U.S

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I went to Paris, there’s like no English people there

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Xixixixixixixixiixixixixixixixi tank fur de you xixixixixixixixixixixixixixixixix

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Massive spic cope

Based American points out that we are the true euros and the only response these insects have is b b but your a mutt! Europe is rightful American clay.

We eurofags here on this board allready know this and don´t need a dayly reminder about this shit. Instead some good ideas, support and encouragement would be helpful. Stop acting like 12 jear old girls.

Nice bait. Have your (you)

Americans are fucking pussies.
Except the people from the south and midwest.
Dont act like new york city faggots are strong.

Whites are such a cucks

mutt cope seethe dilate have sex lmao

>good ideas, support and encouragement
>ever expecting this from an amerimutt
Americans are a waste of time and I couldn’t give a shit if they got completely replaced.

You are completely delusional about the situation, your homland will be mutt clay soon, you are sitting in an sinking ship laughing that your brothers boat is already down.

All of the smart Europeans left to get the fuck out of there when they could That’s why Europeans hate us so much they’re pissed off that they missed the boat ride by a couple hundred years

You are right, but they are my (redarted) brothers, so I have to try to bring some sense in their minds.

Give me one good compelling reason as to why I should move to your forsaken McNation

You'd like that, wouldn't you Mohammad.

You mean (((europeans))) you filthy cumguzzling femboy. You're not a real european zamorec. Only the chad Balkan States continue to carry the indomitable spirit of Europa.

No you don’t. Discuss ethics and solutions for long enough and eventually American arrogance and egotism will make its way through. They have completely and utterly distanced themselves from European society and therefore I don’t give a shit if Mexicans completely gobble them up

In the same way Jews are "European," sure.

Don't forget the 1/12 Cherokee

Maybe tell your folk the same, all we hear constantly is that Americans are all mutts and golems.
Its the same thing as the
>hello this nigger lives in sweden so hes a swede
posts you fags love to constantly pour onto us about beaners and niggers, yet when we do it back suddenly you guys all cry about it?
>euro-americans arent aryan because some non-aryans live in their country with them
Its the biggest cope from seething Euros that Ive ever seen in my life.

Shut up Paco Goblinez the 56th.

Based. And dare I say, redpilled.

You insult childish eurofags, get stupid responses and reason they are pissed cause not in muh superamerica.
Your country is as shit as europ, no white man with a sane mind should ever brag about his country beeing superior in this day and age. All white countrys got destrojed after WW2 through installing muh holohoax religion, aka globohomo.

Name me an instance when you weren't golems?

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True, this.

> Euroshits go to prison for an extended period of time for saying "nigger" "faggot" or "kike".
And americans dont??

>the eternal anglo shabbos goy accusing anyone else of being golems

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Mostly based thread

if there is anyone left

Correct, VPNnigger.

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Yeah sorry about that goyim. We didn't intend to create the Jew while we were assimilating Europe, our racemixing program just got out of hand.

>>euro-americans arent aryan because some non-aryans live in their country with them
Thats true, this is an unjust accusation.

remember, you have less white people precentage than france

Americans are prisoners, patients of psychiatric hospitals, and religious fanatics that have been forced to exile.

>Reminder to D&C
You're both race traitors


on the other side, Canadians are master race because of ubermesnch French blood (basques, normands, bretons, alsaciens...)

This. First the anglos got golemd, then the frogs, then amerifarts, then the russians and then they teamed up to golemise the rest of europa.
Now we all can all dance the golem dance and pleasure our masters.

yeah races don't like mixing, in more news water is wet.

You ass hey! You ass hey! You ass hey!

Only half true, lot of whites left europa due to overpopulation. Also nice how whites keep on demoralising each other. The idf has a easy workshift today.

I totally agree with you.
1/4 of the Chads went to start a life in the new world.
1/2 of the leftover chads died in WW1 + WW2.
We still got some but very little.

Jews are the master race.

Ok Shlomo

Decent post

Eat shit kike

3d chess

Look two posts behind you, the jew gets it.

Based and redpilled frogman

Remember the Alamo, José. Americhads took your shit by force. Fuck off

Post physique

Based and redpilled leafman

I somewhat agree with you, but also not really.

>Whites lost
>Niggers didn't steal bikes
What Jewish movie is this from?

Take your meds unironically

Agreed, and I dont like it when people do it to Euros as well, just was making a point.
Its a low-key signing that we are already extinct, which is a lie.

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There’s a 50/50 chance that any American flag poster here is a dirty fucking spic.
Forget niggers, the spics have completely overrun every city town and state.
There are so many spics here and because they have a 90 IQ they are just slightly smart enough to NOT be retarded apes for like niggers for one second, they think they are the ubermensch. Fucking spics.
You guys don’t know how bad it is over here with the Mexican invasion.