Goverment announced lockdown at 10 pm only 2 hours before the lockdown. People flooded bakeries and markets there is a lot of fight videos
Goverment announced lockdown at 10 pm only 2 hours before the lockdown. People flooded bakeries and markets there is a lot of fight videos
Rolling for roachocalype
rollerino for da apocalipserino.
if tripplerinos, roacherinos will disappear from the eartherino within the next 15 years.
Goana be good.
bruh, why u sittin' here and no gettin' som' of dat good ol' bread?
two days?
that won't help
Roaches have primal instincts, goyim.
After months of this shit worldwide, why didn't they see this coming? Retarded roaches
because bakeries will be open in lockdown and i can make my own bread.
This is going to be a disaster, Istanbul will be the next Lombardy, mark my words
Fuck turks.
>i can make my own bread
based, but you won't find flour and yeast at your market soon. Don't panic, but you should still hurry.
well they start with two days, then it's 4, 8 16, 32, 64, you know, exponential growth
if they don't it'll be the india scenario: millions of people get the hell out of dodge the second the temporary curfew is lifted, spreading everywhere
I saw video of a turkish girl blowing a nigerian guy in istanbul, how common is this mehmet?
Damn. You're doomed, user.
Guess lemon cologne doesn't work on epidemics. Good riddance mudslimes
brawlers in police station
Is it already Thanksgiving?
yeah user if those people are not infected yet i don't know who is
turkish men are literal cuckolds
arab and black men run trains on turkish women while turkish "men" sit at home and play video games and browse Yas Forums lol
excuse me they are acting like this for a weekend lockdown? Because they have to stay home for 2 days? ffs
that is the first lockdown that made it worse
No bread is worth getting knocked the fuck out for. Panic buyers are subhumans.
Why are Muslims always so violent? No purpose
is kebab removing itself?
What the fuggggg? I thought Erdogan was the Sultan of Slack.
turkish cuckolds have to wait in line whereas arab BVLLS get free food delivered to their door step lol
Those are all crisis actors
Wtf all that line just for bread? Are people there that stupid they don't even know how to make their own bread?
why are they only doing a 2 day lockdown?
Roaches are extremely lazy.
>arab and black men run trains on turkish women while turkish "men" sit at home and play video games and browse Yas Forums lol
Can't say I blame them, women are a pian sometimes.
Remember how bad Turkey's economy is. They are doing a pretty good job of hiding it, plus they don't belong to the EU so it doesn't get noticed. It's quite obvious that Erdo is terrified of complete economic collapse (we are talking people ditching the lira completely - Venezuela style) so he delayed the lockdown as much as possible, and now that he has to do it, it's only for "two days". This will not end well...
everyone's got (literal airborne) aids
How do you lock down cockroaches?
well, the reaction of the turkish government was to call for donations TO the state. pretty sure you're right
errr thats bradford(new labour stronghold)
>47k infection in Turkey
You niggers weren't on lockdown? Niggers.
Russia is reaching 10k and it's already two weeks of not going to work.
govt turned on the light switch
maybe your mommy and daddy can finally buy a villa in kusadasi :)
because they believe they get 72 virgins in hell after doing something violent or something like that
someone should turn on a bright flashlight, so every turk would scurry under the nearest fridge
No need to thank me Erdocuck, just go back to selling watermellons in Taksim square
Turk bro why are u so late to the lockdown party WTF?
Seeing this reminds me how brainless sandniggers are
Look how retarded and emotionally charged they are acting, the Middle East is doomed do to dunecoons and not due to Western intervention
Also, regional administrations were basically banned from utilising their local resources, and forced to redirect funds to Erdo. More and more North Korea-like
Its only for 2 das
To make good bread you need sourdough, most of people don't even know what sourdough is.
How do you call that lockdown ?
Roachedown ?
Ok (((Erdogan)))
Aren't most turks mystery meat with only 22% Central Asian DNA? What else is there, Greek, Arab, Armenian, Georgian, Kurdish, whatever the hell was in the anatolian interior. It's the reason DNA testing is banned in Turkey. Calling us mutts is laughable, you remind me of Brazilians.
>just the gif
>no comments
>my sides
Based bro. Fuck Turkey.
Why Allah hates Muslims countries Anons?
Fact, Turks were a minority in the Ottoman Empire, like you said it was a mix of the above, why the whole thing is called Turkey today is still a mystery to me. Probably because they are the only ethnic group that wasn't already native, and thus the only unique identifier.
>roaches battle for supremacy over shit paper.
Well they are culturally Greeks
They imported a bunch of cirracians and converted people from the balkans
Does the lockdown include that horde heading for Greece?
lmao post more
hah your country is called Turkey.
>be crusty ass christianshit
>wipe ass with paper
>Chad Turks instead use Bidets since naroque times
Why are pigskin whiteshits SO subhuman
Turks were a nomadic people. Even during their great migrations, they didnt have the population to thoroughly replace the native Anatolians and Greeks. A process of assimilation was done afterward, with the irony being that the sultans doing it often had large amounts of european blood. This isn't unique to turkey, but turkey is notably very intermixed although they try denying it.
I've been following that. They didn't manage to push through the border. They ended up accumulating on the turkish side of the border. It came to a standstill with Turkey awkwardly trying to save face by staging propaganda videos where they showed "poor refugees beaten by Greek police", which is absolutely hilarious. See here:
Anyway, since then, the Wu Flu hit the turkroaches hard, so the Greek border force woke up one day to find all the "refugees" had magically disappeared. The whole situation is extremely humiliating for roaches