Huntsville, AL synagogue vandalized
Huntsville, AL synagogue vandalized
Sure thing Moshe.
Fake and gay. Rabbi Shekelburg did it himself
I wonder who....
probably fake, but Based if real
Quick reality check. With Jew constructed hate speech laws, vandalism is as bad as arson. Unless the person doing it has a reason to not want to burn it down...hey Rabbi, where were you last night?
I dunno looks like the Swastika is correct. When the rabbi does it, it's usually a spaztika.
Stop asking questions goy
who cares
I don't care if the rabbi did it, crazed leftist or it's for real. they want sympathy either way and I have none to give.
All they have to do is check whose smartphones pinged nearby in the middle of the night or early morning. Then check local video surveillance footage.
Watcha doin', Rabbi?
is moile a jewish word for pedofile?
I'm pretty sure they did it themselves since they went through the trouble of getting the ADL and another national jew league involved before they even filed the police reports
No one I've talked to about it cares, a couple of the older nogs even said they deserved it
Whatcha doing there rabbi!!
How could jews have done this to themselves. What a tragedy.
sure thing rabbi
Huntsville resident here. AMA.
Oh no. If that's the case, it's exactly the same as anotha shoah. Oy vey
did that "news" reach you outside of this post here?
>a swastika is graphic content
These people have never seen violence have they.
No, but I haven’t checked the news here today since I’ve been busy with work. It is showing up in my local feeds, 2nd time this week I think. Pic related from news feeds.
false flag
it's actually the first one this week. the second one was today
>oy vey! our synagogue was vandalized
>we've set up a donations page for the repairs, link here
What a surprise, guess someone took a five minute break off of fucking their cousin to do that.
>jew watches Hunters
>takes the segment on Huntsville literally
>false flag bullshit commences
i knew this was gonna happen
It's all so tiresome
Fuck diaspora kikes
You will never be safe outside of zion
Rabbis fuck their cousins?
I'm sure they have security cameras.
Hey rabbi, ...
Based bama bros
I want to see 6 million "Hey Rabbi, whatcha doing?" replies
Didn't write kike. Not again rabbi
I live in huntsville, this place is heaven on earth
what did it say on the left?
Oy Vey. Who could have dun dis. It is an attack against owah whole community and is a sign da hatred of owah peaceful places of worship. It's like anodda shoah.
Me too. What would happen if i welded a big steel swastika out of box tubing and left it on the doorstep?
>those digits
it was obviously a faulty, chinese-built synagogue that vandalized itself when they turned it on.
Based niggers. It was probably them
too good
So the Jews felt a lack of attention again ...
Fuck kikes
I'm fresh outta give a fucks for the synagogue of satan. Jesus is King, repent beady eyed devils.
What could be so terrible that they have to blur it out rather than display it for how horrible it is?
Also, it uses /ourlanguage/ - it probably wasn’t a black. Was either a goy or a with-it Jew.
This, fuck kikes. I hope someone burns it to the ground
jews wouldnt do this to themselves, would they?
Watcha doing there Rabbi....
you seem like a cool guy wanna hang out sometime. im not in the fbi im just a fellow racist looking for cool guys to drink beer with haha
Rabbis fuck everyone
We’d all know it was a high-effort goy.
Why are you jew fags doing this?
>during passover no less
>sit around the table
>eating matza balls
>made with real babby blood
>you know what we need?
>more shekels?
>always more shekels Chaim AND
>a good old fashioned hate crime!
>yeah! spray paint the temple!!
>we'll make the schlamazel do it
>get the gofundme page ready !!
Rabbi is getting better with the swastika art work.
They got the Swastika somewhat right this time. I guess they were concerned, because we kept laughing at their last attempt.
Watcha doin' Rabbi?
>when ur place of worship has sin in it's name
Awww, are corona Chan victims getting too much attention Aaron? Not enough pity parading for the poor poor Jew? Have to trash your own synagogue again?
Sloppy job, rabbi.
OP, come back when some actual happening will happen next time.
Is Normal still infested with negroes?
This wasn’t some rabbi shit unless they’ve upped their game. This is actually based
No that’s when white middle class revolutionary communists do them. And niggers. Little to no difference between those two
meanwhile in jewish Yas Forums
>ok, which one of you did this?
“Fuck kikes”
Maybe he outsourced some local talent to give it that untraceable touch
are people here acutally nazi's. i mean you actually wanna kill jews?
Do people still buy this shit? I think the public is waking up to the jewish victim card bullshit.
Anudda' Shoah, send shekels to 666 Holocaust Road NOW Goyim!
it usually is legit. just good optics to say it's the rabbi doing it. leave your mobile at home people and wear a hat.
This, also get some fake plates, a siege mask to hide your face and do it between 1 and 3 am, ive never been caught and i never will
checked and I wonder who it could be hmmmmmm
>not using a common bicycle bought from a large chain store
What the fuck is blurred out?
Sucks Babby DIcks?
>Huntsville, AL synagogue vandalized
Holy shit! I guess I'll believe them this time. It's literally Kristallnacht 2.0!
A lot of time it’s jews doing it to themselves, because if there’s one thing kikes love to do it’s be the imaginary victim. The usual tell signs are really nuanced. I mean I’m not about to do the police work for them but there’s a chance it’s legit.
>When the rabbi does it, it's usually a spaztika.
They've been practicing for years trying to draw the stupid thing, eventually they had to get it right no?
Maybe it is the salty Bernie bros.
Okay, this thread is officially based
Thought this was a Neanderthal before I enlarged.
>misaligned swastika
Yep. That's a Jew.
If your nearest synogogue is too far away you have to drive in the states, although you could just park a few blocks down. The one i tagged a few years ago was an hour away and that was the closest one. You shouldnt shit where you eat either in case you get filmed and recognized by a friend, boss or family member.
End the FED
literally if the swastika is done right it wasn't a rabbi. they are physically not able to draw a swastika as they fear it will drain their imaginary powers.
Hahaha, dude that's so cool! I'm in a pickle right now with some alt-right stuff, you know how it is! Could you tell me the digits on your credit card along with the date and three little numbers on the back of that card! I'd love to have some help by a fellow kekerino, hail hortler!
>Wringing his hands as he walks away
extremely underrated
well just a reminder in cities at least most cctv are useful for 10min of tracking to and from destination. so ride your bike the last 10 mins.
This, use a cardboard stencil. My shit looks professional
I love how these kikes know how bad they are so their graffiti is passable to everyone but us.
Get in here boys, this thread needs some help!!!
Looks like
Yeah whatever, fuck kikes, HH, carry on
practice on a large whiteboard using your arm to do the strokes rather than your wrist. it will translate when you use a spray can.
to be fair, that is a little too high up for a jew to have reached
should have just glued a quarter to the front step
If I haven't strapped a suicide vest to my chest yet and went to shabbat yet theres no fucking way this is real.
they have jews in Alabama?
>What a surprise, guess someone took a five minute break off of fucking their cousin to do that.
you're just butthurt we don't have a waiting period for guns
The jew fears the swastika. Supposedly Jews won’t draw swastikas or even crosses properly out of fear of giving them power. That’s how the got the name kike in the first place. See picrel
who wants to bet it is either an 16-22 year old Jew from the area or a 45-65 year old Jew from the area that did all that?
@Lushsux Is that you you long haired fag
Ill remember that. I try to park near wooded areas and parks where there arent any cameras. I just walk through the woods, ditch the stencil and drive home. Most importantly, leave your fucking phone at home. If you lie and say you were home asleep if you get caught, theyll ping your phone and know everywhere youve been, so leave it at home and get a stand alone gps if you cant navigate
this one may be us actually
holy baized
>Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin'?
Suspect description: fashy haircut, white, spends too much time on Stormfront.
Motive: Nazi fuck who hates jews. It's Passover and they're opportunistic scum.
holy shit I just noticed the WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT
bahahahaahahah what a bunch of fucking faggots
I need to do that shit quick and get the hell out. A stencil swastika can be done in 2 seconds
hah no but very close. suburb over from me.
>Most importantly, leave your fucking phone at home
this is the biggest part
Get in the oven, kike
someone posted this gem on it
so can a normal one. it's basically two S or sig runes drawn into each other
Sloppy job, Mossad.
>they have jews in Alabama?
dude there's a Holocaust museum and a synagogue on the same street in Birmingham lol
there's also other ones in the surrounding area
Ky Kel Klan
Yeah it was the antifags. Still trying to keep the dream alive as society pulls more toward nationalism and not giving a fuck about college kid pipe dreams as Corona plays out and their Jew leader walks off to the retirement home.
Tell him hes mossad because he participated in dismal land that sent the wood from the set up to Calais and I've called him out a few times.. hell know its me.
Especially for zoomers who wont even consider the idea. Thats how most criminals get caught, including murderers who wouldve gotten away with it but their phone trail led right to the grave