Prove that you're not a blind /ptg/ drone. Say one thing you dislike about Trump and/or his presidency so far

Prove that you're not a blind /ptg/ drone. Say one thing you dislike about Trump and/or his presidency so far.

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He’s red team leader, a part of the red vs blue goy games. The answer lies outside of the current political system entirely.

best persident ever

Sounds like a fag. He might be a good goy but he doesn’t wear a ducking hijab after a national hero kills invaders like your female “leader.”

But these are all excellent qualities

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lol what's a dislike even. fucking boomers

this. trump is a goy herder just like anyone who they'll ever allow to be president. after 2016 they needed a leader who could cool things down because zog flooded europe with refugees hoping their terror attacks would re-popularize war for israel.

so all trump had to do was tell people what they wanted to hear "we're going to put america first". he doesn't have to actually put america first, he just has to perform circus tricks in the media where he owns the libtards. if he does that his fools are perfectly happy if he puts america last

thank you ivan you are my greatest ally

He's destroying our economy because of a nothingburger.

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He makes faggots like you start threads.

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Hes doing s pretty good job honestly. Guess I wish the wall was built in its entirety. I do understand that hes not a magician and theres red tape and obstacles to get around. Especially when you consider even his own party fought him in the beginning. I think they've come around and if he wins reelection it's going to be a completely different story for the next 4 years. Theres no more John McCain to hold him back

Don't be antisemitic.

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He hasn’t deported all the illegal mexicans yet

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Corporate bailouts

He's corrupt. That's enough for me.

I dislike how he makes liberals so insane. It's hard to converse with them in an objective manner anymore because they're so emotionally invested in hating Trump.

He hasn't had Nancy Pelosi assassinated yet.

I disagree with his stance on steak preparedness. Otherwise he's doing a fine job.

there is plenty to not like or be disappointed by. he hasn't followed through on most of his campaign promises. still zero chance of anyone else getting my vote this year.

He always shoots himself in the foot with this stupid tweets.

The trafficking arrests have been nice, but there seems to be a lack of public inclusion in the mass killing of all sons a' bitches.


I'd kill the judge myself.

>obsessed with tearing down the christian right and family values
>full throttle paint gunowners as crazy and future mcveighs
>bush le war criminal fake evidence
>running palin into the ground because it wasn't "her turn" to be the first woman vp
>u hate onigger because u racist not because he just ignored financial crimes and did nothing for blacks besides push them out of jobs with more spics
they never changed. they have always been insane mockingbird shit eaters. all human garbage

i dislike the people he keeps around him, he keeps pedos and the elite well fed despite baiting us so hard

>Too many kikes in his administration.
>wants to increase worker migrants
>Looks and sounds retarded
>Annoying fanbase of smug boomers

He cuddles with everyone, but it's part of the plan.


I don't like how little credit he is giving himself lately. He cares too much. He works too hard. I guess his weaknesses are really his strengths.

I wish he was my president

And his daughter-wife

He lets the Canadian prime minister eye fuck his wife and daughter and humiliate him in public.
C U C K.

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He’s 100% right about China though.

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tricked by pictures?

God you are weak.

The pictures are legit. Show me another angle disproving them and their implications

God you are simple.
Show me the video noob.

Trudeau is a beta loser like all leftist "men" and thus not attractive.

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I dislike the fact that he gave billions of dollars worth of weapons to the Sauds.
Fuck those sand niggers.

>implying all pictures are derived from from a video, rather than just being photographs

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There is a video of that moment,

How dumb are you?

Link, faggot

So far I am disappointed in President Trump for not criminalizing homosexuality.

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I don't like that he doesn't give a shit about the environment. I worry that he's not being aggressive enough in trying to kneecap the Chinks... the biggest threat to the free world.

He also gets into fucking middle school fights on Twitter. He should be spending that time on more important shit.

That said i voted for him in 16 and will again in 20. You think Grandpa Joe is going to be more aggressive with China? They gave massive amounts of money to his son's company. Not only his he compromised, but he doesn't even know where the fuck he is half the time.

Trump may be flawed but better than the alternative.

Search it.

You shit scared?

His position on guns is pretty underwhelming.

You’re the one saying my picture, that clearly shows his cuckdom, is bullshit. The oweness is on you to provide contradictory evidence, fag.

>The oweness
Lol. You are a native speaker you niggerloving libtard.

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He is jewish and part of the Barr, Epstein, Sheldon Adelson, ... NY jewish mafia.

He is very arrogant, has a temper, and speaks far too hyperbolicly.

That said, his policies and work have been magnificent for the most part and it's been fucking hysterical to watch him as president. Voting for him again.


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The video is still out there, noob.

his family is blood-bound to Chabad Lubavitch.
no clue why this always gets downplayed and swept under the rug.
If George W.'s family was bloodbound to Combat 18 you would hear that shit 24/7

Printing money recently.
His 2nd term better be from the heavens.

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He's not strong on gun rights and I resent him for it.

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i don't like the way he speaks
i don't like that he's a new yorker
i want him for another term
the last thing we need right now is a president that will open all travel and borders right now

He win's too much, and people that criticize him all mysteriously die or their lives are ruined.

He’s a jew shill

>waaahhh you're not a real person unless you hate drumpf for stupid bullshit reasons
All of your reasons are fake and gay. The only people who shouldn't like him are fundies who think he's not holy enough and satanikikes who know he's pulling the rug.

Ok. One thing I don't like? He has to appease stupid populist demands because people are brainwashed to destroy themselves.

Hasn’t gotten us out of China yet.

Not a fan of his love for Jews, or the fact that most of his administration is Jewish, or the fact that his daughters are Jewish, or the fact that his grandchildren are Jewish, or the fact that he keeps receiving Jew awards, or the fact that his administration vetoes every single anti-Israel legislation in the UN, or the fact that he begged congress to increase aid to Israel to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, or the fact that his dad was so much of a Zionist that literally everyone thought he was Jewish.

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