Because COVID-19 is a blood disease, Ventilators don't work, but Anti-Malaria-drug does

>Thousands of people may have needlessly died by putting them on high-pressure ventilators while at the same time denying them this cheap and highly effective generic drug that makes any experimental vaccines irrelevant.

>The reason chloroquine works for malaria is the same reason it works for COVID-19 — while not fully understood, it is suspected to bind to DNA and interfere with the ability to work magic on hemoglobin.

>we typically use ventilators to treat respiratory failure. But these patients’ muscles work fine. we are treating the wrong disease...he method that we program [into] the ventilator, one based on respiratory failure as opposed to oxygen failure

So virus acts like malaria does by attacking the blood's ability to carry oxygen, and therefore using ventilators is the WRONG treatment; while using chloroquine instead WORKS because it prevents hemoglobin from being damaged.

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump for visibility. There was a good thread going this morning but it was pruned, you know, gotta make room for the concern trolling and racemixing slide threads

Have a bump user

Doctors are literally retarded lmao.

Reminder that chloroquine has been proven to be INEFFECTIVE against coronavirus.
Keep up your Q delusion, retards.

Reminder that chloroquine has been proven to be INEFFECTIVE against coronavirus.
Keep up your Q delusion, retards.

My guess is that ventilators are pushed so the death rate is higher and it creates a panic. Without panic there is no need for Bill Gates' vaccine and chip.

patients develop pneumonia and pulmonary oedema. liquid in alveoli. alveoli is where gas exchange take place. positive pressure throug ventilator is necessary to push liquid out of alveoli. choloroquine helps with other stuff, nmely the inflammation response of the organism

A virus doesn't have dna you fucking mong. Go larp somewhere else retard.

>because covid 19 is a blood diseas

Full fucking stop right there, is not a fucking bacteria idiot, it gets deeper than blood, it gets inside your genetic strings

many viruses have dna, hepatitis b virus for example

after bro-science we got bro-doctors?


listen to this. 1hr long.

Reminder that chloroquine has been proven to be INEFFECTIVE against coronavirus.
Keep up your Q delusion, retards.

More like it's the cytokine storm that destroys your lungs and kills you. That's why when in the ICU they can keep patients alive with blood donations for quite a while to boost their blood O2 but due to the cytokine storm at some point they have no lung tissue left.

For younger people you can completely avoid most of the effects of coronavirus by taking strong antioxidants. For these 65+ year old seniors that already have 3+ underlying conditions they're beyond help though.

Corona virus has RNA not DNA.

isn't it the Rna that we look for to ID this virus or is it the RNA response created in unhealthy and affected host cells?

Attached: lesmechants.png (756x617, 71.59K)

has it?
>gets treated with chloro: 1% death rate
>without chloro: 1% death rate

It's the same person posting from their pc and their phone.

Last I heard they were using the presence of antibodies in the "new, better" blood test.

thanks doctor user. pol was right again after all. oh wait.

i know
virus rna is used to detect the virus. the body's response to the virus can do more harm than good and kill the patient. cytokine storm they call it, substances the body produces in response to an infection but in abnormal doses damage the bodys own cells

word is everyone who goes on a ventilator dies

Is the only reason this chloroquin thing discussed in the USA because Americans are retarded and scientifically illiterate?

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My dad works at Nintendo and he said chloroquine made you gay but hydrochloroquine makes you a chad and makes your dick 2 in longer and 25% thicker


dr. crowe says that hospitals may be puting covid patients on respirators to REDUCE exhaled hair exposure to nursing staff. not neccessarily bc they need it. and if u get intubated it is a very stressful and risky procedure.

dr. crowe also sites a study from the SARS epidemic from South Korea. 13 hospitals intubated right of the bat. 1 hospital did not. the deaths at the non-intubated hospital was 4X lower than the 13 hospitals who intubated.

They are saying it is more like high altitude sickness rather than pneumonia.

People take taladefil (cialis) for that, would this help?

Study that came out today in france indicates its a placebo. We need more research tho

based Eskimo

cialis, viagra caus an increase of blood flow by causing vessel dilation. more blood means more oxygen so it could help.

>covid causes pneumonia as the lungs fill with fluids causing scarring and shortness of breath
>i-it is the hemoglobing that can't carry oxygen

Attached: covid-19-lungs.jpg (1900x1177, 534.53K)

>Reminder that chloroquine has been proven to be INEFFECTIVE against coronavirus.
>Keep up your Q delusion, retards.

Oh, thank you for linking one with the other shill, thanks for the datapoint....

See you soon

Jesus Christ (unironically)
>Where Have All the Heart Attacks Gone?
>Heart Damage in COVID-19 Patients Puzzles Doctors

Have you ever considered the possibility that Covid-19 is being wrongly misdiagnosed instead of a whole other host of illnesses due similar symptoms? It apparently causes a tight or pained chest, along with a shortness of breath. Know what else causes that? A heart attack. I do not doubt that there are cases of Malaria being misdiagnosed as Covid-19 right now. Just about everything else is.

Coronavirus doesn't exist, it's just a psyop.

Ventilator is like forcefully blowing diesel out of the petrol tank and petrol cylinders.
Hydroxychloroquine + zinc is like shutting the fuel cap so the eco-jew can't chuck diesel into your petrol tank.



yet there is no fluid, no pneumonia symptoms, just inability to absorb oxygen

Imagine if Trump tweeted that cialis was the cure for covid

you mean 5G?
not a 5G conspiratard, but seriously, these symptoms are out of a sci-fi movie and don't come from any bat soup flu virus that doesn't even exist.
how many people have these symptoms btw? 3 on earth? otherwise we'd have heard a lot more about them.

is this just fake information that some bot is spreading on this site? why spread this clearly false information?
ventilators do work. They keep the people alive. They are not a cure. who the fuck is posting this misinformation? Russia? china? some group that wants to post fake news on the internet?

Wasn't it that in Interstellar the planet was doomed to run out of oxygen and everyone will basically suffocate.

What if we've sprung a leak or something and there is no virus, it's oxygen being depleted from the planet.

The ventilator isnt to cure you, its to stop you from sufficating you dipshit american.

Having more data on your hard drive doesn't make your cpu any faster.
Folks who aren't covered in medical doctrine may be better able to adapt to newer findings and more flexible.

dyspnea is a pneumonia symptom

The common cold is a viral infection of the upperrespiratory tract. The most commonly implicated virus is arhinovirus(30–80%), a type ofpicornaviruswith 99 knownserotypes.[29][30]Other commonly implicated viruses includehuman coronavirus
Coronavirusesare a group of viruses known for causing the common cold.They have a halo or crown-like (corona) appearance when viewed under an electron microscope.

Italy: Only12%of “Covid19 deaths” list Covid19 as causeReport shows up to88% of Italy’s alleged Covid19 deaths could be misattributed
Finally, on March 5th 2020 some Chinese scientists dropped a bombshell. According to their analysis, based on reasonable assumptions for asymptomatic people (e.g. contacts of other cases),“the false-positive rate of positive results was 80.33%”.[26] This is based on a mathematical analysis using reasonable assumptions for the actual prevalence of the virus, and the performance of the test.
The best case, with the most optimistic assumptions, was still more than 40% false positives.3

>no pneumonia symptoms
Why are you lying?

there are eassy ways to catch a stroke (cT neurlogical symptoms) and heart attack (heart dmage enzymes, troponins).

They wanna see how many people who have recovered have developed antibodies.
This can be used to retroactively test people who've already had it and couldn't (or wouldn't) get tested, so Trump's administration can get a bigger, more accurate picture of exactly how fatal Covid-19 actually is.
The purpose of which being to dump the WHO, primarily.

Reminder that chloroquine has been proven to be INEFFECTIVE against coronavirus. Keep up your Q delusion, retards.

>COVID-19 is a blood disease
Nigger what am i reading do you have even a basic understanding of what Corona VIRUS fucking is?

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Acetazolamide is what you want

dna = the atoms and molecular structures of the organism
rna = the atoms that have to deal with it being able to make more of itself and grow.

People in this thread thinking they know more than doctors and scientists

Doctors are coming out saying this disease is not pneumonia/ARDS. Purely hypoxemic in nature, no lung distress, just unable to absorb oxygen like altitude sickness.
The second link is more in depth, and the third is the reference from Italy.

the fuck

Take your meds.

Wrong and fucking wrong. Please stop talking if you failed out of highschool biology.

It's not about knowledge, it's about the application of common sense. Just because somebody is a doctor doesn't mean everything they say is right. Far from it.

>it's oxygen being depleted from the planet.

I like to run scenarios through my head and one I had is what if the Algae that supplies most of the oxygen for the planet were to die off.

Attached: Don't let Bill Gates WIN.jpg (600x438, 27K)

That's all bullshit, but thanks for playing

most people don't understand how to use covalent bonds to human dna in order to create a medicine that slowly starves the virus to death. they try to attack the virus or boost the immune system with the proper chemistry.

I can get my hands on cialis, where do I get this shit?

altitude sickness characteristic is pulmonary oedema,

based nero fagot.

Show us COVID patients CBC's/Blood Iron panels/urinalysis before you spout bullshit.
>inb4 HIPPA
These are not even complicated test, this is basic outpatient level shit.
I want to believe you--but until then, EAT SHIT


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Chloroquine has no patent retard

It's prescribed to old people with glaucoma, and is available without a prescription in some countries as an altitude sickness treatment.

Oxygen is too heavy to escape earths gravitational pull. Lighter gasses like Hydrogen and Helium do so regularly. We are actually running out of Helium because of this. Helium can only be obtained from alpha decay of radioactive elements deep in the earth.

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Show the bloodlabs NIGGER!!!

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Or oxygen limits can't sustain the population we currently have and will return to an equilibrium.

arterial gases is what you need

it's called science.
high school biology is a joke and gattaca can suck a plebe dick.

Yeah it's a plot to profit off an old unpatented drug that costs 10 cents to produce


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That anecdotal, it works in thailand and france but not here? Is it because of longitude and latitude

>durrrr I know more than the experts! Your facts don't mean more than my feelings!

Veinous AND arterial woulf be ideal. I stand corrected. Need urinalysis also


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you have a patient with pulmonary didease and you dont check arterial gas? thats nice


>dr. crowe says that hospitals may be puting covid patients on respirators to REDUCE exhaled hair exposure to nursing staff.
This is true in my hospital (north Jersey). Bipap, CPAP, and nebulizers are contraindicated not because it’s worse for the patient but because it spews COVID everywhere. Early intubation is what they’re pushing but its risky and invasive due to anesthesia, aspiration, there’s less nurses familiar with vents and sedation to keep people from self extubating, etc.

>Hmm this looks interesting, I wonder what the source is?

Fucking sage

There's so much disagreement amongst "experts" that I don't know how you can say that with a straight face, assuming you did.

>Hurr Sucharit Bhakdi and John Ioannidis are literal nobodies

Maybe--but show us the labs or KYS.

Doctor here, well almost.

I have been going through the CCP virus literature and there is still much we don't know about the virus. There seems to be some evidence that beyond causing respiratory failure SARS-COV-2 also affects other organs and those rich with ACE2 receptors. There is some evidence that it affects red cells and haemoglobin indirectly via glycoproteins located on in the virus, however at this stage it was a computer model with possible paths for molecular docking.

It would however explain some things about the virus. If indeed virus causes detoriation of the red blood cell heme, this would warrant treatment modification. However more evidence is needed before treatment protocols are changed. Hydorxychloroquine works most effectively in early stages of the disease, so this heamoglobin theory warrants more research. If proper approval is granted proper modified treatment protocol might be experimented on more severe cases with empirical observation of the results.

We have a long and hard way ahead of us anons.

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Source? Because the one that showed it as "ineffective" where using a control group getting placebo VITAMIN C in large doses.

It has been proven that mega dosing VC is also a way to treat this disease.

Also their ineffective rating was it worked 78% of the time.....

I am drunk

seems like a legit site OP

That's all great Doc---but I still wanna see blood labs of these PT's

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>respiratory virus being hyped into ebola, small pox, typhus, MERS, SARS, and HIV all combined into one
OP confirmed retarded /cvg/ doomer shill

RNA viruses have DNA. What they aren't able to do is create their own proteins because of the limited DNA they have, to expand or mutate their DNA structure.

It actually bonds to a cells RNA function and changes its protein synthesis which then alters the DNA of that cell.

intubation and ventilation are mechanical forced pumping of the lungs, which in turn causes lung damage. Its a known risk factor for ventilation. SARS fucks the lungs up.

SARS is an aberrant Coronaviridae. Similar, but oddly not exact to other common forms.

That thread was full of nothing but retardation and clear lack of understanding to any level of celllular mechanics. If thats the best citation you have for information, you may want to delete it. Or learn cellular mechanics.


Those ARE NOT blood labs---try harder

Multiple studies with hydrochloroquine and SARS, IIRC correctly there's at least 23, show significant improvement when taking the medication. Fuck off Chinese shill.

>Hydorxychloroquine works most effectively in early stages of the disease
>warrants more research
>experimented on more severe cases

So your idea is to use a drug that works well at early stages of the disease on people who have late stages of the disease in order to test its effectiveness as a treatment

Makes perfect sense, I can see why you are just almost a doctor

Covid causes inflammation. The swelling makes your lungs fill with fluid and debris. A lot of the fluid that's is trapped I your lungs is a byproduct of your body fighting the infection.

Are you checking PaO2 Levels? Want to ask.

>>Hydorxychloroquine works most effectively in early stages of the disease
actually the opposite is proven. It works most effectively on severe cases, with greater reduction of load count, increased o2 saturation, and wcb count, then those with mild or moderate presentation.

it honestly freaks me out how shilled this place is

like this board is going to make me a fucking nutcase

seriously what fucking organization is shilling AGAINST chloroquie wtf???

I guess liberals who think that it's "anti science"???

why would it be china???

It's the best I have right now. What information in that post is inconsistent with cellular mechanics? I'm genuinely curious.