Five-Jee Towers Burn Themselves!

>"Because the rollout of 5G technology across the UK is taking a long time many of the towers attacked did not contain 5G equipment."

They contradict themselves later by saying:

>"You can't get coronavirus from 5G towers but you can be arrested for burning down those towers and threatening the people who maintain them. Assault and arson will land you with a criminal record and could result in a jail sentence.Disrupting communications at a time of national emergency can only hinder efforts to tackle the pandemic while there is nothing good about physically threatening engineers who are carrying out necessary maintenance work."

It also says:

>"Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article"

I don't believe anyone set them on fire.

If you believe this, how do vandals do it?

There are no ladders:

Which accelerant is used?

Video of tower burning itself:

I think that these towers burn on their own.

Why would the MSM blame the public, and cover for a failed product?


Attached: 1586507401591.jpg (732x560, 209.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How do we know these towers didn't light themselves on fire?

That's what I said.

They are burning by themselves.

Here is proof:

Where were you when the 5G towers fell? Never forget.

Jet fuel melts steel beams?

Attached: 1586511587125s.jpg (125x123, 2.7K)

Never forget the 5G(orillion)


They tried to install one of these and it caught fire when they turned it on here.

Homicidal negligence

Why are you 5G people so fucking dumb?

Fucking Mint.

So now they're blaming "vandals" because they know their product is shit and can probably burn down neighborhoods.

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>I think that these towers burn on their own.
Where were they manufactured?

New experimental technology spontaneously combusts all the time. Remember those Samsung phones a while back? There's no reason to suspect this is arson, is all I'm saying.

I agree, it's fully possible that these towers just lack sufficient cooling and melt their own components

we are all dead.. they started to put some in my city too and everytime I walk pass them I have headache and brainfog...

It's not difficult to imagine. HERF is hot.

>Where were they manufactured?

Attached: download (7).jpg (759x422, 35.12K)

Neither of those quotes are in the article you linked. Why?


High Energy Radio Frequencies?

They are probably covering their asses and blaming the public motherfuckers.

Attached: op.webm (360x360, 1.46M)

>Neither of those quotes are in the article you linked. Why?

I copied the wrong link:

Correctamundo. Instead of bouncing around in an oven they used phased array antennas to focus them like a laser. That's a lot of voltage and heat.

Since there are surveillance cameras on every step i UK, we should have videos of whoever put them on fire.

Attached: download (2).png (563x542, 260K)

cheap chinese junk can't even kill people properly

You don't even know if this is real, why would you believe any of their videos?

Holy digits. 5G tower will burn worldwide. Kek wills it

Attached: kek.jpg (900x900, 152.99K)

What if they have a kill switch by the Chinese to kill infrastructure on demand? What if the Gov is doing it because the whole 5G shizo stuff is real and instead of removing it and risk getting sued for allowing killer micro wave towers, they just burn them down.

Gods work
A nons
Gods work

Never forget what (((they))) did to Notre-Dame, cohencidently 777 years after Saint-Louis burned Talmuds in front of it.

Attached: pourquoi-incendie-notre-dame-paris-choc-autant-monde.jpg (720x480, 40.62K)

I would think that all it would take is some improperly spaced metal pieces for the signal to cause then to heat up. Or for stray voltage to generate an arc.


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More insurance shekels if it's 'vandalism' rather than faulty equipment. Jewish Lightning.

God wont forget and wont forgive.

Praise KEK for this magnificent happening. Honor the Amphibian of Chaos and he might just grant you his beneficence and protection.

That's not actually a contradiction because of the word "many"...jesus christ tighten your shit up a bit, employ just a modicum of critical thought when spinning your narrative.

And why are they rolling this out as "essential work" whilst everyone is locked down and supposedly in danger?
It obviously isn't essential as 4g works just fine and 5g is nothing we couldn't wait for until after the supposed pandemic situation has been dealt with.
Previously low death count Asian countries Japan and Hong Kong are rolling them out now -
- Lets see if they have a massive spike afterwards, keep an eye on them.

Insane digits

OK there's something to this

Cope, it's already been memory-holed.




Do any anons remember the strange fires in California 2 years ago?


Attached: Common Sense 2.png (500x298, 277.53K)

Yeah, were those smart meters? In Canada we had a bunch of smart meters that caught on fire.

I'm not sure user.

Attached: download.jpg (620x340, 98.87K)

You mean the fires that caught the trees on fire from inside out?

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Thanks for this comment, it took me 10+ minutes to get past the OP as I could not identify the contradiction. I also believe there is no contradiction, due to the writers specifying ‘many’ of the towers burned down were not yet 5G capable.

no those from Huawei don't burn themselves and ours do, that's what makes Trump furious

Same way they used to burn speed cameras.

i love the google image search on this
says best match: family car

Right here, Oðinn as my witness.

Attached: trumpwwe.jpg (642x361, 26.22K)

I'd laugh my fat unemployed moobs off in pure unadulterated sweat if these towers burn up because they're trying to use them for mmWave and the chinks built them to blow up when you try.

5G kills itself because it's so dangerous

Attached: 5g-cancer-weapon_tree.png (1000x581, 847.87K)

Like a fucking microwave.

Engineers lied to make that ipo launch huh?

Failed product tho.

Burn them all.

Is it even possible to climb an operating transmission tower and set fire to that area without getting fucked up?


i work on these for a living. all you have to do is set the coax on fire at the bottom where it comes out of the tower. it is highly flammable and will travel up the middle of the tower. kill yourselves.

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>There are no ladders:

goddamn its funny watching neets talk about something they have no clue about. i climb these for a living and am currently upgrading towers to 5g now. you people are stone cold retarded.

Attached: flyin boom.jpg (1512x2016, 416.23K)

> all you have to do is set the coax on fire at the bottom where it comes out of the tower. it is highly flammable and will travel up the middle of the tower.

Attached: download (8).jpg (499x499, 25.89K)

"youths" are invisible to UK surveillance

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Cut them down with a torch. It is life or death of millions.

You're pathetic. You know the true nature of 5G and yet you continue to facilitate it's usage just to get your money.

Thanks for the advice.

it's all non ionizing radiation. and i make 6 figures and fuck your moms. kill yourselves.

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I tell you, 5G has unfixed (afaik) problems with overheating, but they don't know how to fix it and rolled them out anyway.

digits and 5G is evil and the start of something much worse

Non ionizing radiation is carcinogenic. You're probably fucking yourself up at the same time.



looks like the boxes are not strong enough to hold the smoke in...… when the smoke leaks out, electronic don't work anymore.

Let him be user. A year from now when he's bald, puking up blood and shitting out his intestines he can find comfort in his 500 marvel bobbleheads his amazing 6 figures got him.

Not really a counter-argument, there's ways to climb towers without ladders. More specifically, I'm asking if it's possible to get that close to an operating antenna without getting fucked up. Don't workers have to de-energize these things before getting right beside them like that?

Fuck you nigger kill yourself.

Do you like being part of the anti-human agenda just so you can earn your worthless fiat? destroy them and still collect your pay check.

Direct energy weapons.
How much power would it take to overload and fry 5G equipment?

Lel I'm a free climber (no a good or even a
courageous one), don't even try to climb on antenna towers when they are on.
I never tried by myself but is common knowledge that climbing on antennas is painful when you get on the top, the boxes don't know the name, the fucking antenna i think) shit is super hot, or so i have been told.

dude. i've been doing this for ten years. 5g and 4g are not different in terms of power output or radiation output. educate yourselves. you are literally more retarded than flat earthers.

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you are a legit schizo. you'll never see me coming.

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I don't know man that horizon looks pretty flat to me lol!

Ok faggot whatever you say. Why is it so slow? What's the point in upgrading to this useless network that needs to be so close together to even work? I hope you get cancer.

nah, it's hilly. see? 5g tards should all hang though

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Cool job and nice views, it's just a pity that you're killing us all to do it.

There is no special PPE needed for these as far as I know.

yea whatever. show your flag you dumb beak-nosed kike. get a job. learn what the fuck you're talking about before running that filthy cock sucker you call a mouth.

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Because you have a gay mask on I won't see you coming? Makes a lot of sense. You'll be glowing.

Now go look up what fiat means sheep.