Why would Mark Zuckerberg, one of the richest men in the world, marry a disgusting repulsive chink?

Why would Mark Zuckerberg, one of the richest men in the world, marry a disgusting repulsive chink?
He could have literally any single woman in the world. The hottest 10/10 blonde babes, and yet he settles for a manly looking gookoid.
I think it's because he's secretly a homosexual. He prefers the fact that his wife looks like a man.
What are your explanations and theories? I am interested in hearing your take on why this kike has such poor taste in females.

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shes more stable, and has a greater chance staying loyal

maybe he loves her


Maybe he's smart and wants a trad woman rather than some bimbo who just wants his money. Lotta retards wanna be Joe Montana, but forget he was divorced 5 times and lost all his $ to bimbos.

So he can expand his power and influence in Asia through her possible connections, dummy

He a pedo

They’re a cute couple and you’re a lonely virgin OP. It’s very likely she can also cook and will stay loyal.

They make better wives

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its is just for show he is a reptillian

because chinks are next society to be overrun by the jews, this is the way kikes are messaging who will be their next host

he's a repulsive sped. only asian women put up with that shit. A white women would have divorced him by now.

She probably has a sex drive + IQ

Because he's an alien and she reminds him of the bitches back home

This. They started breeding Chinese Jews to take over China as their next host. They did that with us since Roman Empire and we're nearing expiry

They met at Havard and were already together before facebook was a thing. So true love i guess

>5th wealthiest person on earth
>net worth of $56 billion
>still settles for the discount section of the mail order bride catalog and dresses like a 1990s slacker/pothead stereotype
I bet it's a PR move to look humble and relatable.

If you didn't know he was famous they'd look like a perfect match, so I'd say he's smart to go for someone like her rather than some hot bitch who's only with him for his money

I'll say though
Any woman who'd put up with that psycho would have to be a little off herself.

Simple - Reptilians find Insectoids attractive.

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>They’re a cute couple
that bat eater hit every limb of the ugly tree

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Jew psy op to promote Whites with Asians. They have no children

The Jews haven't realized that the Chinese don't accept immigrants.

>He could have literally any single woman in the world
you answered your own question, why would he settle for a degenerate white roastie if he could have a trad chinese waifu that can give him high IQ children?

chinese handler

They met ar university, probably was his first love
Also she's smart and a doctor so you know she ain't no golddigger. Stop being so superficial

This x 6,000,000. If you don't know how businesses are passed along family lines in China then you're a smoothbrain. This is Zuckerborg's way of knowing where his businesses will go in future.
Still retarded and zogg'd though.

programmers have an obsession with chinks

not everything is about looks or money you retard
but I'm sure you don't know anything about that

well he's a kike faggot either way

She's smart (a medical doctor), but probably has a nice personality, and he enjoys being with her. Looks will fade anyway.

He's autistic, if he wasn't rich then he'd still be in his mothers basement jerking off to anime and shitposting on Yas Forums.

Asheknazim + chink = psychopathic soulless ubermensch who will make a minimum of 10 mil/yr

You know that's not true Mark.

>if he could have a trad chinese waifu that can give him high IQ children?
autistic does mean high iq you fucking faggot

are you guys fucking dumb? do you not realize that mark is literally non-human? he married an insectoid subhuman because much like her, he doesnt have a soul and doesnt know what it takes to be human. mark is either a reptilian faggot or a robot, he doesnt know the concept of human, he just sees walking insectoid creatures and approaches with bat soup to initiate breeding mode.

Because the most intelligent men always choose the best person I guess

Look at the way they look at the viewer, they were made for each other

To suck up to CCP

>but probably has a nice personality

Nice girls wouldn't date Mark lol

He's jewish. Why wouldn't he?

He's a beta pussy with women so he settled for the first poong he got

He's a jew commie.

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Not everything is about the looks, negro.

your point is?

China's PLA paid him to marry a chonk.

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Is this hoody new?
It looks a little darker than the other one.

Neither did we.

She has what no other woman on earth can offer: she got with him before he was a billionare. No way would he want to lose that.

kys mass-responding faggot. Chinese women want nothing to do with micropenis chinks like (You). They want white guys. You faggots thought you could colonize the West and turn it into China, but now you're the ones being colonized as your women ignore you and you seethe on here like some Yas Forums incel.

Loyal chunky. Pragmatic. Smart. Repulsed by BBC. Will not care if he screws thots on the side as long he doesn't embarrass her. Mother of kike-chink dynasty. Good choice Mark. U r based.

He is an android.

i keked so hard to the jpg file name

possibly. he probably doesn't fuck anyone. Had his kid through artificial insemination and some type of genetic engineering to turn him into a similar autistic asshole.

check his height, manlet

They married their equals. It's better to be married with 5/10 Chink than a supermodel who will laeve you for a BBC in 6 months.

>10/10 blonde babes
as if they would be good marriage material.

They dated before he was rich. Basically she's the only women he could trust that actually cared about him and not his money.

Only she could match his schtyle

(congratulations 1 yuan has been deposited into your account)

look at this mindless american-chink drone. done spouting out stupid shit that papa commie told you?

mark is subhuman
chinks are subhuman

match made in heaven

They're the only race demonic enough to understand us.
Not joking.
Also we'll need another round of shapeshifting soon, so.

It’s because insectoid w*men are psychopaths and they think the best bet for them in society is to “marry up” and date huwhite men. Spics on the other hand have pride in their culture so you notice spicish women tend to only date make spics. Asians are just hopelessly pozzed by globohomo. Sad! Wouldn’t happen if chinks stayed in chinkland!

Here's my 50 cents:

You're a dumb racist and Mark Zuckerberg is a man of wealth and taste.

How does that sound to you?

t. VPN Chink

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He is a joo and she is a mail order bride

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He knows that the yellow race is the future of the planet.

>your point is?
chinks are ugly, stupid and autistic and you're a literal faggot

I'm guessing you're both long term personally acquainted?

>Spics on the other hand have pride in their culture so you notice spicish women tend to only date make spics.
no Pablo they don't. They race mix a hell of a lot more than any race in america.