Consider yourself blessed if you're born as a White European, every single girl from all continents are dying to have you in their beds while their dudes especially Americans are trying to laugh about you or denigrate you as a cope despite you're biologically much better.European men are smart, good looking, the tallest, we have the best dicks, we are the manliest and toughest especially the East Europeans meanwhile the rest of the men from other continents lacks of one or more from all of those, even if you as European lack from one of those for ex height just to know you're taller than their short dudes which still good, after all we're like a big team and your contribution matters, it's not a competition of only of the best but for everyone.Think about when an American says "european men are weak cucks blah blah" their women are saying "damn european men are so cute, have nice accents and so tall", you always will hear American women desiring European mem but never heard European women desiring American men if they're not some famous shit, I'm saying all of those from my experience ;)
European Superiority
aqua fresh preached the truth
Muh dick, toothpaste edition.
that guy looks a bit too brown to be white. Is this what white people aspire to? To be some kind of handsome Puertorican man?
Biggest cope I’ve ever seen
Shut your mouth amerimutt
I just want to be good looking, no matter what race
What's with the Nafri haircut and beard?
but you'll always be an ugly turk
OP was never an American exchange student in Germany.
>Americans are trying to laugh about you or denigrate you as a cope despite you're biologically much better
Come the fuck on man. I went to italy and switzerland and 90% of european males I saw were 5'8 and effeminate. I towered over them as a 6'3 200 lbs american male.
>European men are smart, good looking, the tallest, we have the best dicks
You mean NORTH european men, rest are swarthy dumb manlets
At least we have with what to flex unlike you
Nah, dude white
>196cm tall
>green eyes
>white skin
>light brown hair
Literally whiter than you will ever be
He probably spent too much time picking the cucumbers barechested under the sun, now that the guest workers from Poland are in quarantine and suggesting to the migrants from the Orient that would offend their honour.
>mfw this thread
>At least we have with what to flex unlike you
Alright. Okay.
Kek. Alright. Okay.
euromutt cope
>Okay posting
>be white
>be 5’4
Lmao girls don’t even look my way lad, being white is my only saving grace.
His eyes are brown. He's a mutt.
Nah, Balkanics are pretty tall also the dude is Romanian or Bulgarian he is also good friend with Dolph
Fuck kikes
Fuck niggers
Fuck chinks
Fuck spics
A (You) for everyone. Yay!
Nothing is deniggergating you at this point, toothpaste. The BBC is too deep.
the constant trying to figure out any bullshit way you are better than Americans must get old. You all don't feel beta pathetic posting all the grasping for straws shit trash?
Many European girls will open their legs for the Americans for a visa then divorce them and get half their money.. not worth it. Americans need to open their eyes and realize the grass isn't greener here. Our women are whores too.
Also just go to the gym and you'll realize that Europeans don't have huge dicks....
wow, cope is heavy in this thread
I thought we were friends.
Euros are garbage tier people fren. They've spent so many centuries bickering at each other over whose foreskin is longer, that they just hate everyone that doesn't agree with them. Also, they are way too free with other dudes dicks. Most European men have held another mans dick and probably put it in their mouth.
All the gay shit and not only begun from USA, while our grandparents were having big families yours were having interracial orgies at Woodstock, you're still keeping that American tradition while only the nost brain dead are practicing here in Europe
Based and europilled.
Also fuck kikes and fuck niggers and fuck muslims.
>every single girl from all continents are dying to have you in their beds
kek literally typed this while his white, blond next door neighbor was taking somali dick
Its exhausting listening to white hybrids...
I would never lose a fist fight to any type of med, any nordic, any germanic fag pussy. Eastern euros, some Brits Irish Scottish could probably take me. But I'd go down swinging.
Only an American could use his weird fetishes as an insult on others or to show it as reality
You can't even wipe your ass properly and you want to fight lmao
Grew up fighting blacks and Mexicans, what's a pussy boy like you gonna do? We don't play games in America this is a gangster country.
You wrote fisting wrong you little faggot
Mutts Law
Every Ukrainian I've met has been like 168cm lmao I'd pick you up and slam you
You can't even stay on your legs yet you want to pick me up when I'm 191cm and 97kgs
That's why we have white incel containment websites like this one
thats a true romania BVLL, he eats nordic pussy for breakfast
serbia you poor ass loser country lmao
Serbia's Annual Household Income per Capita reached 2,813.399 USD in Dec 2019, compared with the previous value of 2,836.553 USD in Dec 2018.
Black incels are too dumb to create their own so they just stay in the shadows now fuck off back to your safe space Amerimutt with memeflag and weird fetishes
Does it count if one's not born on european soil, but has european dna for the most part and has nationality from some european country?
Good thread
Not according to some (((Europeans)))
Hollywood makes people think all whites are plastic surgery perfect looking giga chads and the reality is not like this
The word incel is associated in peoples minds with white virgin losers
Why do europoors always think about us?
Based moor. How can I get like that moor?
To poor to watch tv soo they fantasize about us
Because they want this, but are too scared to demand it.
Normal people don't know what incel even means.
If you are a christian, you are not white and Europe is not your land, you may have been born as a black man and that does not make you european. You are just a parasitic mutt.
>Call someone moor.
This. White women only want chads or the bbc
We don't think about you, we counter attack you after all this bullshit begun from you Americans having something against Europeans since your independence, you always been obsessed with us.
You sound like Elliot Rodger's more retarded cousin Tenda Spencer
Why are leafs so gay? You make the USA look manly.
No one anywhere cares about the dutch. Idk what youre going on about.
You should stop fantasizing. This is pathetic, although it is difficult for a monkey to understand that.