Post countries that shouldn't exist. I'll start

Post countries that shouldn't exist. I'll start.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Fight each other, stupid goyim!

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Oh dear oh dear. What have we here.

kek you're just jelly that our irrelevant shithole managed to surpress corona-chan with relative ease unlike smrdistan where your pussymouth president used the opportunity to declare himself god and imperator of the smrds and is now shitting on you

only 21 dead and they were all 70+ year old cancer patients

get rekt belgrade faggot

Why are Croats such easily triggered snowflakes?

But yeah, fuck Vucic, fuck Belgrade and fuck jannies.

because were fucking bored out of our minds brah

TV is a shit, vidya games are for children, normies piss me off when I'm not in person and I despise speaking to people through skype and social media so that only really leaves shitposting on Yas Forums

i think we should invade slovenia
they are the gayest of slav countries

How the fuck can Slovenia be the gayest when Serbia exists?

You're a Swede, nuff said

Don’t worry with Swedish immigration policy they won’t be a country for much longer

lol serbia is ran by a literal faggot president and a dyke prime minister

we never should have left the federation

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Georgia is a state, not a countrie
should only be american flag

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serbia is gypsy land


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this is a slide thread and it belongs on /bant/
sage and report


huh, nisam ni znao da postoje simboli glagoljice

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I made a thread like this before.

ma svega ima

>t. seething mongoloid

Show your flag leaf

>unlike smrdistan where your pussymouth president used the opportunity to declare himself god and imperator of the smrds and is now shitting on you

ayyy lmao

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Sve može!

Since you are all in one thread for some reason, I have some questions for you Balkan folk:

- Why did Croats and Bosniaks instigate the Yugoslav Wars? Was peace simply not an option for these two groups?
- What causes Croats and Bosniaks to behave in such uncivilized manner? Are they genetically very different from the seemingly more dignified Serbs?
- Why did the Croats and Bosniaks side with NATO-ZOG? Are there lingering tensions over this today?
- How much support remains for an ethnically pure Greater Albania?
- Are Americans welcome in the Balkans today?
- Is Kosovo a real country?

I probably have many more questions, but these are the first that come to mind. Thanks for your time.

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>- Why did Croats and Bosniaks instigate the Yugoslav Wars? Was peace simply not an option for these two groups?
We didn't Serbs did it, the wars were fought on our territory not theirs, they wanted our land because some of their folk lived here due to history when they ran here to save their lives from the Turks
>What causes Croats and Bosniaks to behave in such uncivilized manner? Are they genetically very different from the seemingly more dignified Serbs?
We are better, Serbs spent more time under the Turks that's why they are so dark and aggressive
>Why did the Croats and Bosniaks side with NATO-ZOG? Are there lingering tensions over this today?
Common enemy Serbia
>How much support remains for an ethnically pure Greater Albania?
Idk ask Albanians
>Is Kosovo a real country?
De facto it is... de jure depends who you ask

>Why did Croats and Bosniaks instigate the Yugoslav Wars? Was peace simply not an option for these two groups?
That's not an easy question, but i'll try to summarise. if you look at the map, you can see the ethnic clusterfuck we are. So, croatia peacefully declared independence, but the serbian minorty were brainwashed by serbian media in thinking that they will be slaughtered(since those things happened in ww2 when croatia was under nazi occupation, with far right regime installed and people being sent to concentration camps, serbs included)
so they declared state within croatia and did some attacks and so on, while listening to warmongering propaganda from belgrade. Croatia did some counter-measures and that's basically how the war started, since serbs now had motive to defend those "poor serbs" in croatia. Later war spread in bosnia, too.
At first, bosniaks(bosnian muslims) fought alongside croatians, but later it was a free-for-all. There were some (successful) attempts in dividing croatians and bosniaks. Milošević(serbian president at the time) even bragged how his biggest achievement was dividing us and bosniaks.

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>What causes Croats and Bosniaks to behave in such uncivilized manner? Are they genetically very different from the seemingly more dignified Serbs?
We are all in the gutter. Anyone who claims that one ethnic group is better that the other is a fool. We speak the same language and have more or less the same mentality, while not only being culturally different among our countries, but also within regions of our countries, i presume because of various foreign influences.
Some regions may have gotten a little bit better/civilised than the other, but i wouldn't say that there's some noteworthy difference altogether.

Op should show flag
Making Serbs look like pussies over here

Subhumans Serbia

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That's very interesting, thank you. Is it true that some countries in the region have an overabundance of lawyers? Someone once told me that where he was from—Montenegro or somewhere around there—when you don't know what sort of education to pursue, you go into law

Once camp bondsteel closes it will be Serbian clay again

Croats are bros

Get rid of Albanians and Greeks. They're just fucking Turks

>Why did Croats and Bosniaks instigate the Yugoslav Wars? Was peace simply not an option for these two groups?
Reagan and the CIA instigated the Yugoslav wars.

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Serbs are turks

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opet ova glagoljica. šteta šta sam nepismena seljačina

check their history, nigger.

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Why would the CIA want to do that? Do you have any proof of that claim?


>why would zog glowniggers want to allow a country to exist without inflicting suffering for profit

How did they profit from the Yugoslav Wars?

not familliar with that statement. Where I come from- when you want to go to university and you don't know what to study- you study economics. There is a lot of them, most of the not working their profession or unemployed

Mineral wealth, copper, testing depleted uranium in an urbanized setting; knocking off the most prosperous socialist country there’s a long list of reasons the USA fucked Yugoslavia

>testing depleted uranium in an urbanized setting

jel dosta bilo sa tim? prelijen sam da bi to išo guglat uopće. jel ovo neki proto-hrvat-fundamentalist larp?

are there any pure virgin waifus in the Balkans btw?

Are you mutt-tarded? They bombed Serbia for 78 days with d.u. in the 90s

a gušt mi je

>>hides behind memeflag
bad bait m8

Ok Mujo

>Are you mutt-tarded? They bombed Serbia for 78 days with d.u. in the 90s
I knew about the bombings, of course, but I had no idea they used depleted uranium. That is bizarre.

Not a country, but it shouldn't exist.

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Serbia has the highest cancer rates in Europe

Checked and based

>Relatives of Italian soldiers believe 50 of them have died since the war due to their exposure to depleted uranium weapons.[156] UNEP tests found no evidence of harm by depleted uranium weapons, even among cleanup workers,[157] but those tests and UNEP's report were questioned in an article in Le Monde diplomatique.[158]


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haha pošteno, zbog iskrenosti sam čak išo guglat ovo i skužio da san totalni pleb, nisan mogo revest? di ti to radiš
u konačnici, isplati li se uopće, nadan se da neće prijevod ovoga tvoga bit neko govno žešće

USA used them again in Iraq Operation Freedom and Afghanistan

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>used the opportunity to declare himself god and imperator

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bokte jeba di ti živiš pa neznaš za glagoljicu
you nigger

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Ma imam glagolitic keyboard na mobu, a tekst je tipično domoljubni ka ja

suck a dick , asian turkic scum

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