Are dogs literally the best investment?

Are dogs literally the best investment?

>programmed at the genetic level to love and serve you unconditionally
>gets you out of the house, forces you to get exercise and socialize
>built-in security system, scares off intruders and will protect you with their life in a confrontation
>just having a dog exist in the same space as you is proven to decrease cortisol levels and reduce your heart disease risk
>dogs are the perfect wingmen, helping you get numbers and slay pussy
>or you can just fuck your dog (or take the knotpill and let them fuck you), it's no-strings-attached sex whenever you want it and no risk of pregnancy or STDs
>training a dog teaches both of you the value of discipline, habit and perseverance
>food, vet and supply costs force you to learn financial literacy and develop a budget
>if you still fuck up financially you can always eat its meat to cut your losses
>similar emotional reward to raising children, but at a fraction of the cost and effort, plus no risk of estrangement later in life
>when they die, you can grieve appropriately for a few days and then go out and buy a replacement so the ride never ends

Trying to think of negatives and can't think of any. I would argue at this performance/price ratio that adopting a dog is a better investment than even a 500 oz stack of Silver. Am I wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:

"Dogs are man's best friend, because dogs might be man's best creation"

>forces you to get exercise and socialize
You know exactly what pol will say to this. I agree with.... everything you posted tho.
>similar emotional reward to raising children, but at a fraction of the cost and effort, plus no risk of estrangement later in life
Um... except this. This is... um, disturbing user. Ya know. If true.

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Anything that moves and needs my attention needs to be executed on sight. But I can see why people like them.

Fuck off dogging, cats for life

>you can just fuck your dog
>you can always eat its meat

>programmed at the genetic level to love and serve you unconditionally

Serve you what!? tennis balls?

You feed the dog, you take it to the vent, provide it a home...

You serve the dog.


cats are shit and all act exactly the same, stupid box shitters

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>fuck your dog
>Eat their meat
Neck yourself.

Cats are the superior pet, it is known.

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>Fuck your dog

And you wonder why no one takes people from your country seriously

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I'm quoting OP, mutty.

>if you still fuck up financially you can always eat its meat to cut your losses

Fuck off China.

>you can just fuck your dog
>you can always eat its meat

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My dog instinctively hates niggers.
What you got to say about that Mr Lovecraft?

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Thoughts on my mutt? Mine is the savage one

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what happened to this fellow american man?

I wish he was alive today would, probably have a youtube channel

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pets are smelly little retards that never shut the fuck up

and you've gotta rearrange your entire life around them. you can't leave your stuff where you want in your own house, cuz the retarded faggot will ruin it somehow

Anyone that hates dogs is not human or is a nigger IQ mutt.

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Domestic cats are dumb as fuck compared to dogs. Scientists studied how their brains work and proved that they're retarded and only act on instinct. They're not haughty or sophisticated, just fucking retarded.

Here's an actual intelligent animal.

>or you can just fuck your dog
>you can always eat its meat to cut your losses
a fucking leaf in burgerland

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>similar emotional reward to raising children
I have 2 dogs and a kid, the emotional reward for raising a good dog is nothing compared to raising a child. I dont want to talk up having a child as if it makes you some kind of hero or anything but there simply isnt a comparison to the amount of joy you have when your child walks or talks for the first time.

Niggers almost invariably own dogs instead of cats. Your argument is invalid.

Yeah, I was pretty much on board with this post until that. If I wanted to fuck something and then eat it, I'd pick OP's mom.

>I dont want to talk up having a child as if it makes you some kind of hero or anything
it is if your huwhite.

Pitbulls are nigger tier dogs

I have two GSDs, only downside is if I travel and have to board them I know how miserable they will be while I'm gone and it makes me kinda guilty.

ain't no mothafucka gettin any pussy cuz he got a cat. The opposite holds true fo any true playa wise enough to invest his scratch and his love not into a hoe but into a puppo. God created hoes as a companion for man, god's also got the mind of a true pimp in such that he's got a twisted sense of humor. God also made man in his image, a pimp. True pimps are schemers and as such man opted to play god as a sucka and make their own companions, the canine.

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>or you can fuck your dog
Go back to furfinity zoophile

Probably sudden onset of diarrhea because he hasn't used heroin in long enough for the opioid induced constipation to go away.

>or you can just fuck your dog
You and your dog get the bullet.

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>or you can just fuck your dog (or take the knotpill and let them fuck you), it's no-strings-attached sex whenever you want it and no risk of pregnancy or STDs

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I was with you until you said fuck your dog, then I realized that OP was a woman and I don't respect her opinion.
For NON - dog fuckers, yes, dogs are fluffy smushy babyable huggy wuggy pets that are both adorable and loyal.
But let me also point out that they CANNOT REPLACE A CHILD.

Well done 47

>shooting some shitty stray dog
>actually put your fucking peashooter in the picture like a woman from faceberg


sharing pics of dogs you killed online in no way makes you look like a psychotic serial killer in training.

Lmao that guy is a fag

what a pussy edgelord. He probably got beat up a lot

This guy is talking about getting fucked by and eating dogs, and that's the part you take issue with?

He literally had autism and let his wife sleep around with other men.

>t. Never had a cool cat

thanks gook. how many women do you know that kill aggro dogs on assbook?

>be me
>21yr old M with anxiety issues
>Mom makes me take out the trash
>Find German Shepherd outside by my trash can
>Looks fully grown and aggressive
>False Alarm, dog is pretty cool and licks my hands
>Check for collar or tag.... none
>My dog now
>Fast forward 2 weeks
>Driving around with my dog
>Weed dude sends msg saying he has new bud, wants to meet at Walmart to exchange
>Drive to Walmart and wait
>Dog sees weed dude approaching the car and barks furiously, snarling too
>Weed dude acts tough, says fuck the dog
>Ignore the comment and ask about the weed
>Weed dude grabs small baggie out of pocket
>Dog sees it and LUNGES over my seat to bite his hand
>Weed dude panics and runs to his car
>Dog jump out my window and jumps INTO weed dudes open window
>Proceeds to viciously bite weed dude
>Weed dude struggles to get out of his own car, ends up on the ground fighting for his life
>See weed baggie on the ground
>Pick it up and pocket it
>MFW I found a trained drug sniffing dog who scores me free weed

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No way its a guy.
No guy in existence has ever looked at their dog and thought to do that.
Not even a furry would not fuck their own dog.

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projecting much?
this dog was killing my chickens. Always amusing to watch the dog fuckers come out in force.

It is retarded to treat dogs like humans. Pathetic life that must be.

user you are a disgrace to your family and a disgusting fag cuck, I'd rest would beat you up you deserve to get stomped ffs, dogfuckers aren't halal

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>or you can just fuck your dog
is there a dog that can handle my 7 inches?

There the Amerimutt showed his latin sino arab genes

that that to this freak.

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cats are better but doggos are based except nigger breeeds

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Have you seen my dog>?
His name is Ralph.

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You need to prepare for what's coming.

Still though I just really doubt OP is male there are far too many girls that fuck their dogs.

A temporal pleasure akin to masturbation would be a better comparison, the exception is masturbation you can do everyday.

Children aren't worth the effort, period.

he couldn't get to walmart in time so he used the sidewalk.

>smoke the weed
>dog thinks i'm a criminal
>"can't believe i licked this degenerate's hand before"
>wat do

>gets you out of the house, forces you to get exercise and socialize
I thought so.. But then I installed a dog door. Now I just throw the ball out the window and my dog is just happy to do anything.
Granted, I really feels for my dog. But since she is big/black/unsocialized, she becomes an additional excuse for me to stay away from people.

>My dog instinctively hates niggers.

My cat instinctively hates jews

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My dog can Talk and whisper (and sit and shake and lie down and roll over). fuck your kids, leaf.

They are a good investment for a person. Encourages healthy behaviors in them, whether they want to or not. When you consider the feelings of a dog though, not all people are best for them.

I don't want to emotionally torment an animal that wants nothing to do than be with me by not being around for 10+ hours a day due to work. If I got one, I'd be inclined to get 2 just so they wouldn't be alone.

Let me guess, you're a female nurse?
or rather, a female thot nurse?

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Dogs sleep all day.

Seriously, they sleep like 16 hours a day. You can look it up. Day time is nap time for dogs.

Since working from home, I see how my dog absolutely cannot stay awake all day... it’s actually kinda funny.

A puppy would have issues being alone, but not an older dog.

>MFW I found a trained drug sniffing dog who scores me free weed
Dog answer to Augie? You may have found that LivePD dog that just fucked off midshow and you just hear "Augie! HERE!" for hours and hours... until the next commercial.

O_0 .... ???

Nope. Not even close.

But one I bandaged my dogs foot, so, sure... I’m a nurse. Why not.

>programmed at the genetic level to love and serve you unconditionally
wrong, the condition is food
>gets you out of the house, forces you to get exercise and socialize
just have some will power faggot
>built-in security system, scares off intruders and will protect you with their life in a confrontation
marginal utility
>just having a dog exist in the same space as you is proven to decrease cortisol levels and reduce your heart disease risk
just go on a walk
>dogs are the perfect wingmen, helping you get numbers and slay pussy
gross dog loving pussy
>or you can just fuck your dog...
point proven, and you need to be gassed
>training a dog teaches both of you the value of discipline, habit and perseverance
there are better options for self improvement
>food, vet and supply costs force you to learn financial literacy and develop a budget
financial literacy through an elective subscription that you can't cancel easily, just go watch some youtube vids
>if you still fuck up financially you can always eat its meat to cut your losses
gross, the cost of dog meat won't recoup what you've spent on it
>similar emotional reward to raising children, but at a fraction of the cost and effort, plus no risk of estrangement later in life
dog people are pathetic and needy
>when they die, you can grieve appropriately for a few days and then go out and buy a replacement so the ride never ends
you can do this with any pet

They're expensive, heavy, clumsy, their shit needs to be picked up, i could go on

Kills and eats everything from mosquitoes and spiders to rodents, you'll never see bugs in your house.
With a robot litter box you have 1 extra trash bag to replace every week.
Fucks off when you don't want to interact with it, warms lap when you want it to.
White noise machine
Agile, non-clumsy and doesn't eat/drink a lot.

wrong you give them food shelter and entertainment. I hate when people use the term unconditional love, its an oxymoron, to love something requires recognizing conditions like atleast knowing a person can feel and act.

Excuse me, OP.





>imagine the smell
>Ralph: bro I don’t have to imagine

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>>or you can just fuck your dog (or take the knotpill and let them fuck you), it's no-strings-attached sex whenever you want it and no risk of pregnancy or STDs
Based an Canadian pilled i see.

One single command and I clocked over 2 hours of my dog lying down in front of it's food without making a whisper. One. How many people you know, who will shut the fuck up with one command for two whole hours?

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