>Burn them down bros
Facebook removes David Icke coronavirus-5G conspiracy video
I've never seen a video gets so much attention and getting so quickly deleted on every possible platform
that guy who says that earth is secretly controled by alien lizards?
think you dropped something mate, here
yeah man crazy
>Burn them down bros
Don't know how.
So if the content of the video is so ridiculous, laughable and false then why would it need to be censored?
They said they are actively burning them down in certain cities
yeah bunch of fake CGI pictures are proof for that
2 sticks make fire
Do they really catch fire that easily from a molotov?
Wow, that must totally mean that 5g causes Coronavirus. Why? Who the fuck knows, 5g just sounds ominous, you know?
Only one way to find out ameribro, if not the hacksaws come out...
These are literally props from the x files
Fucking NOBODY says 5g causes coronavirus except media shills.
It's the "Ashtar command", dumb ass
that's not project blue beam lol
I bet when they start project images of ayys in the sky you will be one of the first to think it's real
Hancock does NOT believe in the ancient alien theory, dumb ass
Anybody got a link? I figure I already know everything he says, but I guess I should watch it anyway.
>Muh lizard overlords guy
Take your pills m8
It literally, unironically is. Fuck off spacenigger demonlizardkike
Stop taking your meds, faggots.
its been took down by youtube look for the podcast most recent london real podcast
dear lord I tried, I really tried to watch this after it was taken down... what a god damn loon, I couldn't handle it. He is like a quadtruple alex jones but with more mental illness and less alcohol abuse
obviously to try to give it credit
and it's totally not the juden, but the space lizards
Overload the transformer by bypassing the resistors.
If there's a switch in them for that purpose, it's literally a 2-second job and all you have to do and be is press the button as a network operator.
>all these different platforms are working together behind the scenes to make more people watch a video by deleting it
Get a load of this conspiracy theorist
Take your meds
>and it's totally not the juden, but the space lizards
exactly. sounds like Jews try to create another fake narrative how it's not them but someone else in charge
and people who control Facebook are not fucking dumb. They realize that if they delete that Nutjob's video it will only give him more popularity
So they WANTED to give him more popularity. Why? - See my first sentence
The PR logic is that if the video is ridiculous and wrong, it can still attract the wrong attention and mislead people.
Good. Icke is well-poisoning disinfo agent. A more subtle version of Alex Jones. He tells you 80% truth with 20% absolute tinfoil mixed in. That's his grift. Fuck that piece of shit.
I do think this is just a test to see how the public react to this sort of lockdown, I also believe it will happen again in a ''second wave of the virus''...
Icke is vehemently anti-Zionist and calls out that the kikes are not really jewish
>he thinks photographic evidence is valid in current year
Agreed, there's no way they would let him live this long without the neck slit or the bullet to the back of the head.
>He tells you 80% truth with 20% absolute tinfoil mixed in.
Like what is correct? The part when he talks about Jews .. ? Oh wait he doesn't do that lmao
he keeps talking about some magical space lizards while being blind to the obvious facts that Jewish parasites control the media and force illegal mass migration to europe
he's a complete retard and 100% bullshitter. fuck him
>that the kikes are not really jewish
They are though. Ancient Hebrews are jp2 semites
+ we literally have artifacts and items from the history that tells us this lmao
muh not real kikes is another psy-op bullshit from retarded Judeo-Christians who got BTFO in every way so they started LARPing as the chosen nation
bro Judaism (not even talking about Christian NT) is just a shitty copy of Sumerian religion with some Vedic elements. and not even a good one, because they literally copied everything
Adam? Stolen from Sumerian Adamu (Adamu means First Man)
Abraham? Stolen from Vedic Brahman
666 Number of the Beast? Stolen from Vedic Mantra Satanama
Christianity tho is the most funny because it's a plagiarism of a plagiarism of a plagiarism (triple plagiarism) + it's a weird mixture of Native Pagan religions, Mithra Sun Cults and Hebrew faith
can i burn Icke instead?
so tired of boomer conspirashits
Wait just a second...ENHANCE.
Because people are idiots.
>Like what is correct? The part when he talks about Jews .. ? Oh wait he doesn't do that lmao
He actually does. Apparently he has moved away from the space lizard metaphor, he names the Rothschilds, the zionists, etc. But my point still stands. He is poisoning the well with the tinfoil shit he throws on top.
Because its fucking retarded...
>subscribe to watch
anyone have a not faged up link?
Takes 2 mins to sign up, no ID required, just a temp email and password
Its useing that stupid ass bounce protection shit, so every email i put in didn't work so now im at "tried too many times"
Pretty gay desu. gota find another source
Or find your own link you lazy faggot fuck
So you dickheads focus on the controlled opposition. 5g is dangerous, but it’s not because of 60ghz.
Find your own sauce
>find your own sauce
is that literally not what i just said i was doing retard?
If 5G was harmless, the jews wouldn't censor criticism of it this actively. This alone has convinced me that 5G is dangerous.
Always side with the opposite of what the jews say!
Or just change your ip address you fag, and sign-up to London Real! Brian only spams your inbox 5 times daily, which is pretty cool desu
Ffs paddy, that's utter shit.
>Always side with the opposite of what the jews say!
Baste as a Jews Foreskin
Is that a link to the david icke video, or a live cam of you masturbating?
I have no cams, you diseased shit stain.
Ill still hax you