Facebook removes David Icke coronavirus-5G conspiracy video

>Burn them down bros

Attached: Icke.jpg (680x383, 53.71K)

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I've never seen a video gets so much attention and getting so quickly deleted on every possible platform

that guy who says that earth is secretly controled by alien lizards?

think you dropped something mate, here

Attached: tin-foil-hat-png-tinfoil-hat-transparent-background-11562880676v1ag1fvff6.png (840x859, 530.89K)

yeah man crazy

Attached: lizard564362781647813.png (1242x695, 1.56M)

>Burn them down bros
Don't know how.

So if the content of the video is so ridiculous, laughable and false then why would it need to be censored?

They said they are actively burning them down in certain cities

yeah bunch of fake CGI pictures are proof for that


2 sticks make fire