Is it okay to be black?

Is it okay to be black?

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Only for blacks.
They're hypocrites.


yeah man s'all good.

Shut up, brit.

>t. Black user

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can you fuck off with your black obsession ?

that's not "mad thad" is it? i forgot what he looks like other than him being black.
probably not since he has the blang blang and i don't think he'd have money right out of prison, i guess.

He's cool.

we've given them everything and they still act like animals. at the very least they should all be shipped back to africa. so fucking tired of these niggers

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Yeah it's ok for blacks to be black.

It's not okay to use a keyboard like that one

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Yeah, nobody chooses what they were born as, as long as they don’t force their culture on me

Blacks and Aryans have more in common than you think. We are both savages at heart even tho the jewish satanic christ cult cucked us. But nigger should be in Africa no where else.

>the edge in that kid
this one

Well can I stop you real quick
YOU DID give us a better quality of life than africa
but you ALSO let the jews poison our communities with their subversive routines so can you solely blame us for why we turn to gangster prison culture?


I personally don't like hearing about Muslim stabbings of peace myself.

it's ok to be any color as long as you aren't a savage retard

Scandinavians like all white people have been historically more oppressive than any african

Yes, in Africa

In sub-saharan Africa, sure.

If they have the right politics and are willing to behave themselves in a cultured, well mannered society then sure. Based black people exist


>Blacks and Aryans have more in common than you think.
Yes Sven, you would know after guzzling that Somali cum.

Only in designated zones.

I don’t like hearing about white war crimes either
الحمد لله

They should take the chance and create their ethnostate in Haiti and Liberia.
That way they can be developed, I've watched it in Black Panther guys

Then why did you take black people to America?

It's perfectly okay to be a black person. What it's not okay to be a monkey nigger with no manners or restraint. I'm sure there's a lot of black folks who share our ideas but are too scared to show their power level. Thank lefties for that.

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Would it be okay to be black in space?? or would that be considered xeno territory

I'm one.

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How do we know that there weren't even higher elite niggers telling the elite whites what to do and oppressing everyone beneath them?

Sure. If you are confined to Africa.

Has yourself chaim

If they get there on their own.

Good for you, my friend.

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Its okay to be black
Its not okay to be a nigger

white supremacy made you all into retarded people.

i love how all the "nigger hate" posters are actually just jews trying to divert attention away from themselves and strawman us as nazi scum.

Its not optimal but you have to play the hand you are dealt.

niggers detected

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No. I believe blackness is a cursed placed by God for sins committed in a previous life.

Based on there track record and how they behave my answer would be no.
At least not in our country's.
But im not a kike, they have a right to exist like we all do, except kikes for what they do.

I'm sorry, WE let the jews? Jews controlled themselves. Nobody here is blaming blacks for getting fucked, we understand the jews shipped you here for profits.

It's also your choice if you turn to garbage gangster shit, you should have the wits about you to constantly form cohesive and intelligent groups to counter them.

where's his prefrontal cortex?

>we understand the jews shipped you here for profits.
Retard, their own black elites in Africa sold them to whites for profits.

It's frowned upon.

it feels like persident as a true american

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yes, elsewhere

By the way, just like own elites have been selling us out for decades.

White supremacy creates retards like the ones in this thread

As long as they breed with each other and behave like civilized people they can stay in their country, it's completely okay.

Really I am just asking for these things, but that's impossible of course.

where's the rest of his frontal lobe?

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No they didn't. They sold them to Jewish merchants in Africa who then boated them here to sell to their jewish people for profits.


Are you stupid or dumb?
pick one

Yes. Just be black in Africa.

95% of you niggers take pride in your so called "culture". if not, then congrats on being the 5% that gets called an uncle tom for showing a modicum of civility and intelligence. you had jazz, you had your own communities of well-spoken blacks, you had civility, but you just couldn't help yourself. nobody told niggers not to be good fathers or to listen to degenerate rap shit--in fact, all of that is encouraged by your community.

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are you dumb or stupid
pick one?


that poor nigger
look at his sad red eyes
being forced to use corona keyboard
probably has a white bull
they make him keep his coat buttoned while he sits
a bunch of plants to cover his smell
should be running free with the apes

poor you that you are so pathetic to type nonsense

>t. not actually a black user

I'm going to be perfectly honest, I respect that guy's good taste.

Yeah, if you're in Africa.

you're next nigger indian
dark as the night street shitter
who the fuck gave you internet


Taste in what?