Only rural and suburban retards will vote for Trump
City people will all vote for Biden
>germ is too smart to win
What dumb nigger doesn't know their proper 'to' usage?
>Here is how Covid-19 can still win Pandemic 2020
What happens if all of the city people die by november?
To what end? The guy is literally a mess.
Trump has the Aunt Mommy and Uncle Daddy vote!
>Trump says something in a hyperbolic what that is fundamentally true
>quote trying to slam him has a spelling error
>people still act take his words literally when trump clearly uses hyperbole
Same people who constantly call trump a fucking moron too, which I find ironic because they can't detect simple hyperbole.
Death doesn't stop Democrats from voting.
I know this is bait but he’s right. Antibiotic-resistant “super bugs” are a very real threat. Mostly caused by the over prescribing of antibiotics for every single minor ailment and by people not finishing their entire round of antibiotics as prescribed.
He’s right tho
And you retards think Biden is more demented than this guy LMAAAOLOLLLOLOLOL!! Enjoy 8 years of Biden faggots.
Fun fact about said City people user...
Antibiotic resistance is a thing
Trump has zero filter and speaks like he's thinking out loud. This is topic has already been beaten to death in 2015.
Neither does shelter-in-home policies stop them from voting often
And Trump isn't?
His choice of words aside, his argument isn't wrong. Super gonorrhea and super syphilis are real things. I think the media is going for the cheap "lel bad grammar" shot because they don't have much else to cling to. Op tried to present something funny for us, he'll get a participation award, because what he showed instead was the dying death rattle of the champagne aristocracy.
Doctors have been talking for years now about how the overprescription and misuse of antibiotics will result in diseases that will become immune to antibiotics and have no treatments for them.
Not against viruses lel
They’re just disingenuous kikes doing pilpul.
They flip-flopped on the virtue of pulling troops out of Syria just to make Orange Man look bad.
Antibiotics are for bacteria. Corona is a virus.
99% of the antibiotics you consume aren't from pills you take, they're from meat and milk. We mass medicate our farm animals because it's cheaper than keeping them in clean conditions. Trace amounts stay in the flesh. Antibiotic resistance is coming from that, not people not finishing their medications.
The only reason you vote in the USA is to BTFO the other side. It benefits you about as much as your local sportsball team winning the league championship.
That's not the context of what he was saying.
don't be so sure...
Why dont STEM people run for president bros?
He’s not wrong
Americans have a problem with not understanding what the fuck antibiotics and bacteria are. I did residency for a family practice and every fucking day without fail a Karen or Shaniqua would come in and demand antibiotics for her little shitter if he/she felt under the weather, and each and every time the doctor had to explain how viral diseases aren't affected by antibiotics and why antibiotic resistant bacteria are forming. Then they begrudgingly accept the advice and doc tells them to get some OTC treatment and rest while her kid touches every surface and licks their hands on the way out. Fucking retards shouldn't reproduce.
we’ll need them dead and the people who allow them to vote while dead to be dead too
That's actually true though
Who says he's talking about corona?
All they things they accuse him as being evidence of stupidity is a reflection of their own failures.
In the quote, he doesn't say "anti-antibiotics". He said "anti...anti-biotics". Like a pause in a speech. Or the fact he said "too brilliant", not "to brilliant".
Or when he said "big league" but the retards thought he was saying "bigly."
It's literally them who are too retarded to grasp basic English and think it's Trump.
what is the context? OP was a fag and didn't give lam sawse
Antibiotics have never worked on viruses bc they aren’t technically alive
Viruses mutate you fucking retard
That would be fine for a store manager. This is why we need people with stem backgrounds to run for govt leadership.
Both of our options are senile retards. Democracy sucks.
Some viruses are bacteria, retard.
>He was talking about something else
That's some fucking large cope there
He was talking about the way the virus can mutate. It is smart in that way. And he brought up antibiotic resistance which is a real problem as an example of how diseases can be tricky to keep up with and they are smart in that way.
You didn't watch the press conference obviously
get back on your meds
No child left behind
Antibiotics affect bacteria, not viruses. Fuck me the state of yank education.
>Some viruses are bacteria, retard.
Kek cause it usually kills libtards in major city
No they are not, bacteria is a living organism.
Democracy always sucked. It merely allows the powerful to obscure their influence and evade responsibility.
City people are going to stay home. They don't want illegal aliens after a pandemic.
its literally a press conference about covid. try harder
The absolute state of American education exhibit A
4 more years chang
stupid mofo