Just...lmao. >90% of police should be fired immediately.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>50 minute video

just tell me what happened nigger.

Basically some woman complained about a cop and so the FBI being the gay fags they are tried to ruin another dudes life. Beta simps aren't welcome in America anymore

Idk, I'm watching now. Detained him because he hates freedom.

>most people are bad, very few are Christian
>but all cops are saints

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There are about five different tangents we can entertain. It's right up pol's alley if you listen closely.

>cop gets call on personal phone from supposed FBI agent.
>meets fbi agent in a public place.
>fbi agent asks cop to turn off body cam
>officer thinks guy is suspicious runs plates finds civilian car
>asks for fbi agents ID, he shows FBI creds
>detains him for 30 min
>lots more cops show up
>turns out he was an fbi agent all along
>probably wanted body cam off and in civilian car because under cover
>cops are retarded

so is Yas Forums speak English you fucking retard not everyone is addicted to the internet

This. This board moves to fast. You van hardly post anything linger than 5 minutes and have people watch it before the thread archives.

he can be as retarded as you like but at least he felt shady about being asked to turn off a body cam just because he is told to by a different organization. If you are going to do some joint shit while undercover don't your handlers make the required prep and open communications to coordinate that shit? Do cops even have the ability to confirm an ID in the field by the time the glow nigger in question asks you to turn off your only line of hard evidence or potentially become an accomplice in shady shit or worse become a victim to an imposter.

Probably some jewess that was outraged and called in the jewish bureau of investigation. Or she knew this agent and he thought hed go give this cop a hard time

Cannot coordinate ahead of time with local higher ups if the local higher ups are the suspected, ultimate targets of (corruption) investigation.
This case, actually, is a somewhat simplistic display of some of the aspects involved in counter intelligence work, that is, targeting subversive activities versus plain vanilla criminality

Even feds hate pigs.

>fbi agent asks cop to turn off body cam
Sounds legit. Sort of like when I go into the bank and ask them to turn off the security cameras. They just do it without checking my license plate or calling the cops to see who the fuck I am.

because they are moron, low level power tripping morons

seriously why are cops so poorly educated, and retarded?

At the end he says he gave a lady a ticket for a hit and run then took it back because he determined she didnt mean to do it. Maybe the victim is the one who complained about the cops letting off some jewess

Why would he let him keep his weapon?

This is kinda spoopy

That fbi guy is a huge pussy

thats retarded. if he was undercover another agent would be doing this.

He played these guys.

cop was 100% in the right

im with the local PD on this one. the agent is shady.

i watched the whole vid.

Fuck that was entertaining. I love the idea of law enforcement and police but too many precincts are filled with either masons, shiners or a bunch of diversity niggers that carry liberal mayor and governors water.

Police unions need to be abolished as well.

>He played these guys.
How so? By trying to claim police abuse? He’s a huuuuuge pussy..

It's likely going to be an embarrassing mark on the deputy for the rest of his career but it was the right move considering the circumstances.

the agent

>needs an EMT after sitting in a car for 10 minutes
>acts shady
>gives a terrorist name as his identity
>acts shady and asks our /good officer/ to turn off his body came

the police officer

>follows protocol
>civil and doesnt insult agent
>keen sense of justice

local PD > potbellied agent

Played pussy and got these retarded good 'ol boys to incriminate themselves on camera. lmao

>>officer thinks guy is suspicious runs plates finds civilian car
In his defense, glowniggers are very suspicious and untrustworthy people.

>got these retarded good 'ol boys to incriminate themselves on camera
Where did this happen?

? Watch the video. Also notice when the guy with the camera asked the other police officer to check if the AC was one, hand in front of car: its on. Hand in back car: no response. Lmao. After that the other guy was silent and timid.

that's an interesting watch, OP.
I'm glad everything went ok.

The FBI really needsh to be called on thish.

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whats he been eatin, human children?

>Watch the video
I am... timestamp?

>redditspacing namefaggotey

I heard nothing incriminating

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Well he probably wont be a cop for much longer

>trying to protect me

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Fuck feds, based Florida good ol boy

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Yas Forums siding with glownigs over local cops

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reaching, any lawyer worth his salt could disprove that. glownigger wasted his time and made a fool of himself

>literally gets gay-op by fed
>demands EMT so feds can file complaint
>even if original investigation fucks up gay-op is still completed

You are probably right. Perhaps he responded and it wasn't caught on mic. And personally I don't know enough about that case, the ticket, and these guys to say anything for certain. Still, its interesting to see how the attidude of all present changes over the course of the video.

or so Mr. Potbelly thought.
something STINKS

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If its 98 degrees outside and you tell a FED its 97, your ass just lied to federal agent and youre going to prison.
If you are Sheriff/Municipal City Officer and you interfere with a federal investigation, your ass goes to prison.
FEDs have all kinds of shit they can pop you for just by talking to them.

I thought is was surprisingly consistent in that the cops seem dumbfounded as to how that retarded pussy could be a fbi guy


>not everyone is addicted to the internet
is context that fucking hard for you? is this your first meme insult? way to out yourself as a total newfag

Good thing goodcop left his camera on, huh?

t. democrapt

The cop did everything right unless you believe local police should just turn their body cameras off whenever any random asshole calls their personal number and tells them to. I would've detained him too. And the feds are never friendly with local police. They're either there to fuck you up or fuck you over on something you did or didn't do.

>Local business woman gets ticket pulled before it's filed.
>Glowie is sent down to investigate.
>Calls cop that wrote ticket.
My guess is cop doesn't want to be the "rat" in the department.
>turns on body cam.
>Yas Forums gets entertained for 50 minutes.

where the one between nj state pigs and local pigs where they are all yelling at each other in terrible accents?

sup with all the glowies suddenly posting itt sticking up for saddam hussein?

Lol shut up faggot. Oh no, people think I'm a new fag my day is ruined. I dont need internet points from a Mongolian water painting forum

So you can just tell cops that you're an FBI agent, show them your movie set ID and tell them to fuck off, and the "experienced" ones won't bother you anymore? Seems convenient for drug traffickers, criminals and whatnot. The glownigger in OPs video looks supicious as fuck, and any cop would fuck with a normal citizen that refused to ID in a similar way if a suspicious spy-looking fuck stayed parked the way he was.

>>Local business woman gets ticket pulled before it's filed.
>>Glowie is sent down to investigate.
I don’t get this

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What is the agent's name?
@4:20 Sounds like he says Special Agent Hadden, or Hadley?

anyone willing to explain glowie - local police relations thing to a non burger?

This is what happens when you go looking for trouble.
Worst mistake police ever did were quotas and and taking statements.

glowies usually hate local police more than the average nig

>because under cover
with his FBI ID on the dashboard? Unlikely or at least very stupd

Probably someone filed a corruption complaint with the FBI cause they let some rich cunt slide or some shit.

and why is that?

Well, the mannerisms didn't change much, what also didn't change much was the communication internally between all of them, but how they interacted with the FBI agent after he got out of the car was funny. And then when they all stand in a circle when they can talk more "freely". Don't take me wrong; I am not saying these are corrupt or bad policemen, or that the FBI agent did a good or bad job. The police knew after the forceful 911 call they had to walk on toes. The only thing that stood out to me was the last 10 seconds when the guy with the cam was talking about the ticket. I don't know the laws in place, but that is probs the only thing the FBI can attack them with.

Cause they always get in the fucking way of their operations

Overlapping tasks like investigations and operations. FBI is more suited for undercover ops and tracking criminal elements, local police aren't informed and mistake feds for criminals. Both sides believe it or not have killed each other in these situations. The reason feds don't say anything about their ops to local police is because local police have a closer connection to their criminal elements or put in another way... a personal emotion investment into their criminals. Local police are seen as a negative factor when feds do investigations.

>51:44 "she didn't even get the ticket I wrote"
No shit dumbass the FBI thinks you were bribed

imagine thinking a faggot bureau agent is ever in the right

a glownigger with the crisis acting abilities of an Oblivion NPC

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I'm thinking someone complained or the FBI has been watching them for a while.

>the FBI thinks you were bribed

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>Follow Up To FBI Agent Alexis Hatten Detained By Sheriff
This is what you were referring to, right?

The FBI nigger resigned, supposedly.

Play dumb games, win stupid prices. We need more of these glownigger fucks getting harassed by local PD.

Local law enforcement is so under trained its retarded. It should be impossible to be in law enforcement without military experience.

sounds reasonable. so why are so many people saying shitcalling the feds? i agree the cop had to ID him but people are saying the feds deserve it in general, who's in the wrong usually and why?

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cops deserves bullets between their eyes

all cops are faggots and feds are just a nationalized police force so they are the biggest faggots of all