Why have the Chinese infiltrated this board?

>constant spark of nigger vs white fights
>constant spark of jew vs white fights
>niggers this nigger that
>amerimutts are stupid pigs haha
>australian flag
>did you hear about this other sub-human race btw?
>the virus isnt real
>mindless distractions away from the chinese

How many fucking China bots are on here? Like holy shit. I see the true warriors who constantly shit on these slit eyed fucking insectoids but the bots are growing in numbers. Soon there will be nothing left.

I truly hope we go to war soon with these bug men, then they will get squashed like the fucking insectoids they are. China is weak, they are filled with diseases and starvation, 1 average American cunt can take on 100 insectoids with ease. DO NOT FALL FOR THE DISTRACTIONS, THE CHINESE ARE TRYING TO ENSLAVE US DIGITALLY.

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If you sage this board you truly are a slit eyed faggot.

hadn't they?

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almost all of the pro-chink posters have your flag

welcome to hell, enjoy your stay

Anti-China is codeword for anti-white.

No ZOG war with China. Go away glownigger.

We went to war with Islam.......result was more muslims in our countries than ever before.

War with China = Millions of Chinese refugees in your town.

That's why we need a proper war. To eradicate every single insectoid life.


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That is not how ZOG fights.

If you hate Chinks the last thing you would ever want is war with them. Again, use our war with the Islamic world as a template. Winning = they flood us as refugees. If we go to war with China, the end result will be that your grandkids will be Chinese.

So are you telling me we are fucked? The insectoid will continue to live forever and eat the whites in their bat soups?

they went full damage control after their fuckup. all its doing is making things worse imo

>jew vs white
This is organic you nupol retard.

Since 2016 the commies had being chilling hard on poll. Every other day they larp.

2nd from left is an absolute


its sad, i remember when chinese anons used to be based and against trannies and massive immigration.

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Stop posting this same post on every board Goldstein

100 million chinks have hepatitis B, dirtier than poo in the loo India and are too stupid to cure it themselves. Johnson and Johnson will charge them $5,000 a treatment and they will slurp down the BWC like good little chinks.

I always presume any leaf flag excessively shilling against CCP is either fulan gong that got chased out or Taiwanese/HongCouvan

>We went to war with Islam.......result was more muslims in our countries than ever before.
>War with China = Millions of Chinese refugees in your town.
Jesus fucking Christ, you have the smallest balls in human history.

Stormy? What are you doing outside of Yas Forums lad?

They don't eat White flesh, that's the Jews. Maybe the West should think twice before getting baited into destroying another authoritarian ethnostate. The Jews first. Then the rest will fall into place. The only thing picking a fight with China is going to get the US is immigrants, either from Asia or Mexico, India, South America, and Africa when the Jews will try to exploit our desire to relocate manufacturing here.


I swear, conservatives need to be gassed. A year ago there wasn't a peep out of you people about the yellow peril. Then, suddenly conservative media whips up a frenzy about China because some Jews got kicked out of doing business in China. And you people haven't shut the fuck up about China since. Conservatives are told to hate China and liberals are told to hate Russia and you're all fucking stupid and easily led.

>How many fucking China bots are on here?

Not Chinee, but Juden.

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You have the smallest brains.

Hope you love Chinks. Gonna be seeing a whole lot more of them in your town if we go to war.

they already own international media so i doubt they go here to post.
most likely woke children and wannabe commies.

its because of how fake this fucking virus is and the fact WHO spent millions to counter "trolls" online and the kiddos not at their dumbass schools.

>a fucking leaf
every time

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You should be asking less about the chinese influence on this board, and more about how they've taken over Canada.
Your country is literally a Chinese province at this point.

Yeah people trying to play us to use us in their own internecine conflicts.

Like Iranians in America constantly pushing for war with Iran.

Got no problems with chinks, i got a problem with fucking cowards like you tho.
Go drink some more male breastmilk you refugee loving cuck.

Ive hated the Chinese before you were even alive, muslim shitbag

Don't worry pedro, when the chinks get obliterated you and all the other castros are dead meat.

6 5 8 7 2 5

Your government sold and is selling Canada to the Chinese. And for some reason you feel compelled that somebody else should go fight chinks on the other side of the world for you.

Honestly, you should just kill yourself.

nah they do, look at quora
chineses always shill china

They've infiltrated the whole fucking internet this week. They are seething that they and their proxies are being called out.

Trust no one on the net. This is a time China ramps up information warfare.

yeah, maybe

>talks about being a pussy
>checks flag
im tired of living in the circus

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Look like Japs. Would inseminated/10

wtf, i love big black cock

top tier chinks and japs are literally the same, dumb yellow fever mong

>care about Iran
>care about Iraq
>care about north Korea
Here we go again. The west has tard rage.

>constant spark of jew vs white fights
Right, keep attention away from kikes

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>Perpetuating the MSM wet market distraction.

We all do.
Salutations to our great leader Xi. He managed the crisis with great efficiency, as the official numbers show.

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fuckin' eh.
Criminal how few replies this thread has.

民主 (democracy) 人權 / 人权 (human rights) 獨裁 / 独裁 (dictatorship) 專制 / 专制 (despotism) 反共 (anti-communist) 共匪 (communist bandits) 共惨党 (tragic communist party) 流亡 (exile) 红色的法拉利 (red Ferrari) 中俄邊界 / 中俄边界 (Sino-Russian border) 六四 (June 4), 天安門事件 / 天安门事件 (Tiananmen Square massacre), 民運 / 民運 (Chinese democracy movement) 紅色恐佈 / 红色恐怖 (Red Terror) 勞教 / 劳教 (Reeducation through labor) 汕尾 (Shanwei) 疆獨 / 疆独 (Xinjiang independence) 藏獨 / 藏独 (Tibetan independence) 民主中國 / 民主中国 (China Democracy) 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波

Drop the banishment runes to keep the slants away.

Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

t. hong kong gook student hired by the cia
I don't care about any of the foreign shit you posted.

The chinks can't meme so their infiltration is pretty noticeable

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usually the two obvious signs that insectoids are present are
>australian flag
>broken english

>t. "race realist"

LMAO someone explain the chink pasta to the bugman shill with bong VPN.

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might not be vpn, uk is filled with chink refugees trying to pretend theyre humans and not insectoids

>I see the true warriors who constantly shit on these slit eyed fucking insectoids

You talking about the "NUKE CHINA?!" astroturfers? Fucking lmao.

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they started paying white people to meme for them

>6 5 8 7 2 5

correction: 4 6 5 6 3 4

yeah... not to be an argument ender or anything but you haven't exactly contributed a single thing to this world. thanks again.

>AnCap flag
>has the temerity to mention anyone else's flag

Get back to me after your 16th birthday.

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Fuck em.

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How is going to matter if a white dick's a chink or a jap? Either way they'll never be fully accepted.
Jap men want to chinks because even they can't tell the difference.
Sorry science triggers you weeb mind.
Please explain why I should care about chink on chink violence. I'll wait for an argument.

*wank not want

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