Dog killing for meat legality worldwide. Any questions?
Dog killing for meat legality. Any questions?
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Yup, legal in Canada, legal in France, legal in most parts of the US.
India & Germany show their spiritual superiority by banning it.
I've put my own dog down you pussy. Why pay a vet 200$ to do what a .05cent .22 caliber bullet will do.
It's legal to kill the dags here you cant eat the fakers.
Are you clinically retarded?
Butthurt because it's legal in your country to kill dogs for meat?
Switzerland DOES have a tradition of eating dog/cat meat!
It's not about eating barkers or not it's about HOW you kill them you love iq balkanian! It's illegal to tortur your dog to death here!
>Worldwide laws on killing dogs for consumption
I'm not located in the Balkans.
And avg. IQ of Swiss and Slovenia is the same.
Will in asia it's absolutly standard to kill your animals with as much pain as possible
KYS dog eater
>Will in asia it's absolutly standard to kill your animals with as much pain as possible
Gross generalisation, Asia is a whole continent... In India you cannot touch a cow!
Yet we slaughter cows here like nothing, and some torture them in sloughtehauses!
Where’s the legend?
Germany has the highest rate of women being fucked by dogs outside of the US
Your map is shit.
No label
No legend
Nigger I cant read that trash
Literally second post, burger.
Here it is TARDS.
>Yet we slaughter cows here like nothing, and some torture them in sloughtehauses
Yes I know that this happens here but it's not often and it's punishable by law if it's inhuman! Will asia...
A guy killed and ate his dog here and the police tried to arrest him but couldn't.
In France, it is forbidden to kill pets, we do not have dog farm, You are a fag OP, sry...
A Polish guy killed and ate his dog here and the police tried to arrest him but couldn't.
>Yes I know that this happens here but it's not often and it's punishable by law if it's inhuman! Will asia..
But you can't just say "Asia", it's a whole continent! You need to be specific and say SOME PARTS OF CHINA and even there it's the minority that eats it!
You see! My map is right!! Thanks for proving it.
what do the colors mean?
WRONG, check Wikipedia, it's legal to kill and eat dogs in your country!
Not only in some parts of china also vietnam taiwan etc.
Blesser ou tuer un animal involontairement est puni de 450 € d'amende. Cela vaut que la blessure ou la mort soit causée par maladresse, imprudence, inattention, négligence ou non respect d'une obligation de sécurité ou de prudence imposée par la loi.
La personne qui tue volontairement un animal domestique ou apprivoisé ou tenu en captivité, sans nécessité, publiquement ou non, encourt une amende de 1 500 €. En cas de récidive, la personne encourt une amende de 3 000 €.
Translate this fag...
I thought it was banned here.
Liar, see pic related.
Torturing for no purpose is illegal, yes, but NOT FOR EATING.
it's not accepted AT ALL in France for your info, so your graph is seriously outdated.
you can take prison for harming a dog/cat here.
>French laws do not currently ban the slaughter of dogs for consumption.[209][210] Consumption of dog meat is uncommon in France, and is now considered taboo. Dog meat has been consumed in the past by the Gauls. The earliest evidence of dog consumption in France was found at Gaulish archaeological sites, where butchered dog bones were discovered.[211] French news sources from the late 19th century carried stories reporting lines of people buying dog meat, which was described as being "beautiful and light".[212] During the Siege of Paris (1870–1871), food shortages caused by the German blockade of the city caused the citizens of Paris to turn to alternative sources for food, including dog meat. There were lines at butchers' shops of people waiting to purchase dog meat. Dog meat was also reported as being sold by some butchers in Paris in 1910.[213][214]
it's in the French law, ILLEGAL, try to do this and you'll end up in prison, same with a cat...
stop trying to tell us how it's like living in our country, you'll look like a retard.
That colour scheme is fucking retarded, especially how similar that light pink looks to the grey. But yeah expected India as they worship animals over there. Based Germany and Austria. Hitler is there in spirit.
nah it's not legal at all, see this : even harming (not killing) a dog/cat is punished by law.
OP is a gay cocksucker.
Stop posting in all caps, retard. The frenchies are right, you're n idiot
so, let's break this down, this first link :
basically says it's illegal to harm an animal in France, exceptions with corridas (they don't happen anymore) or rooster battles (morally not accepted and outright illegal nowadays) EXCEPT when you can prove it's an ininterupted tradition.
that's all the first document says, beyond saying you'll end up in huge troubles for breaking the law.
now to the second :
it says animals are being and not objects, they have feelings and such things.
at NO POINT eating dogs is considered legal or even mentionned, because it is, in fact, ILLEGAL in my country.
now go suck more cocks OP.
Check mate cocksucker!
also just to add more proofs :
so no, you cannot eat dogs (or any of your compagny animals), ever, it's considered an act of cruelty, so you'll end up in prison with a huge fine.
If it's illegal to harm an animal, how to you have cow and chicken meat industries? What laws govern those?
If you look at your law, you will likely see that it is legal. Same as here, we have laws protecting cats and dogs, but actually if you did kill and eat one, the law can do nothing.
La personne qui tue volontairement un animal domestique ou apprivoisé ou tenu en captivité, sans nécessité,
In fact, it proof right here that it's legal. If necessary you can kill a domestic animal.
It ain't right to kill your dog for meat. I don't give a fuck what the law says.
Get rid of the dog eating rice niggers, and the jews, before it's to late
illegal to harm an animal used for compagny, not illegal to eat animals specifically chosen for eating (cows, pigs, etc...), no you cannot eat anything and everything like in China.
and you CANNOT eat dogs or cats.
yeah right...
> Donc, manger un animal de compagnie, qui aurait été tué pour le consommer, est considéré par la loi comme « un acte de cruauté.
your French is rusty because you didn't understand what you wrote.
Explain why eating dogs should be considered such an abomination, while eating pigs, cows, chicken and thousands of other animal species shouldn't.
Pro tip: you can't.
>Germany has the highest rate of women being fucked by dogs outside of the US
I am not really surprised
That likely has to do will buying and eating domestic animal meat being an act of cruelty. The law clearly states that if necessary, you can kill a domestic animal. If it is then eaten, that is not illegal.
For example, if you had to kill a dog for rabies or whatever, then ate it, that is not illegal. It's clear. But killing a dog just to eat it is illegal.
>Pro tip: you can't.
We know you are a chink in Italy, but for using that line you are even worse. You are a redditor and need to go back or else I will come to your house, rape your mum and piss and shit in your throat.
>Any questions?
Just the one, why did you make this shitty thread?
>muh chink
>muh reddit
As planned, you can't explain shit, retard.
Here in some literal shitholes hobo junkes eat stray dogs as often as stray dogs eat hobo junkies, would you call this natural cycle?
OP can respond to superior intelligence, after all, he is an untermensch
What do the colours mean? A map without a key is meaningless.
Why isn't it right to eat a barker but it's okay to eat oinkers?
there it is. This should be on the actual map.
But yes, seems to say that killing dogs for consumption is illegal so OP is wrong.
But eating dog is legal in france
Dog killers must be remembered and tracked, on the Day of Rope, Dog killers are first in line.
eating a diseased dog is retarded but it's probably illegal as well since the scandal of the mad cow (vache folle, idk how it is pronounced in English).
Yeah what do the colors represent
This. When a barker is killed in a human way I don't see a problem here, we do the same with pigs who are more intelligent than dogs
Its easy to explain, some animals have more value than others and thats how it is and will be in the future too, it doesn't need to be rational, humanbeings are not rational creatures for the most part
it's illegal in any case.
i know that even killing a dog for no respectable reason (for example if he wasn't being violent or a threat) is illegal as well.
Your shit link doesn't work and is useless anyway since the law was posting itt fuck off frog faggot
It's not illegal unless there is a law banning it, there is not afaik
So you admit that it's retarded to slaughter pigs but not dogs ?
Now post cat
It is a practical case, fucker!
animal cruelty is a law, so it IS illegal even if not directly stated, you risk 2 years of prison and 30 000 euros of fine.
how hard is it to understand ?
it's like our laws on minimum age to fuck, it was 11 years old like 3 or 4 years ago but it was still illegal even if not stated in the law, because you had smaller laws that banned certain things, making it illegal in practice.
it doesn't have to be illegal because we don't do it
It's illegal in Brazil.
If a dog enters my property i'm allow to shoot it. Do not mean i will eat it
>Its easy to explain
>it doesn't need to be rational
When someone asks explanation for a given phenomena, or clarification on a moral principle, he implicitly requests that the subject's attitude towards said object or principle is ignored: the necessity of a determinate human behaviour in relation to an object must be deduced from its inherent characteristics. Thus, any explanation must be based on rationality alone. Simply stating that you think something is wrong because you feel it is wrong is SJW-tier.
The act of eating the dog is not cruelty.
The act of eating a dog that was killed to be eaten is cruelty.
> Bolivia
> Ecuador
imaging my surprise.
would you eat a nigger ?
i wouldn't, i don't eat animals of this kind.
would you eat a chink ?
i wouldn't either.
nor an abo from australia or a sandnigger from Syria.
pretty easy to understand, you don't eat what has a base intelligence or at least looks or acts more humanly.
a dog can serve his master well, a cow cannot.
a nigger also can.